Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 163: , Dapla!

After looking at Monkey King and seeing him nodded, Monkey King thanked Zhang Xiang, opened the lid of the test tube, and got bored. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

"Okay, let's follow. Although I don't know what he is going to do. However, we should handle the things that happen on Earth." Zhang Xiang said to Monkey King and the others.

"Good." Monkey King nodded.

"I don't have a problem, as long as you make sure that Monkey King and you fight with me next, I have no objection." Vegeta wrapped her hands around her chest and said with a cold look.

"Okay, I promise you." Monkey King nodded and said.

"I have no problem. However, I will fight you only after you have played Wukong first." Zhang Xiang also nodded.

After all, not to mention Vegeta playing against him, after a while before he can transform into a super two, and now he can even transform into a super three Monkey King.

In other words, it will not take him much time to fight with Vegeta.

And listening to the words of Zhang Xiang and Monkey King, Vegeta nodded.

"No problem! You two wait for me, I will definitely get back the title of the strongest Saiyan!" Vegeta said with a confident and cold expression on his face.

At this time, Monkey King also felt the power in his body quickly recovered.

"Okay, I'm going to rest too. Let's follow along!" Monkey King stood up and said.

Because, Piccolo next to him was already showing an expression that he couldn't wait.

"Then let's keep up a bit," Piccolo said impatiently.

However, when Zhang Xiang looked at Piccolo's anxious look, he couldn't help but frowned slightly. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Because Bick's state is not quite right.

"Bick, you don't need to be like this. Although his identity sounds terrific. However, you are no longer a god. Are you still so respectful, or should you say that you are afraid of him?" Zhang Xiang shook his head slightly To say.

"But, he is the realm king god. He is the realm king **** above the realm king." An anxious expression appeared on Piccolo's face.

And listening to Piccolo's words, Sun Gohan and Vegeta, who didn't know the realm king gods before, couldn't help feeling a little surprised.

However, there was a sneer on Vegeta's face.

"The Realm King God, what a big name! I just don't know how the fighting power is!" Vegeta said without any respect.

"Shhh, don't talk nonsense. He is the realm king **** who is still ruling the entire galaxy over the realm king! If your words are heard by him, it would be bad." The expression on Piccolo's face More and more anxious.

In the end, Zhang Xiang came out to make peace.

"Well, let's not talk about it, we should catch up. They are almost reaching the destination, let's catch up. Otherwise, it will be bad if you lose it." Zhang Xiang said directly.

However, while he was speaking these words to persuade everyone, Zhang Xiang glanced over Piccolo.

‘It seems that the clone of the **** he merged is affecting him. I just don't know if it was his original **** clone's awe of higher-level gods, or his **** clone was implanted with automatic awe of higher-level gods when he became a god. This thought flashed in Zhang Xiang's heart.

You know, if it was the original Piccolo, he never feared any gods.

Even in the face of people who have more combat power than him, or even say that they can pinch him to death with one hand, they are just afraid of it. It will not be like this. There is not only awe, but also a feeling of fear in it.

After Zhang Xiang spoke, everyone finally reached a temporary harmony.

Immediately afterwards, everyone followed up, leaving the host and audience shouting.

As for the people present, the fighting power is extraordinary.

In less than a few minutes, everyone finally arrived at the outer space of the spaceship where Na Babidi was.

At this time, the realm king **** was hiding behind a rock wall, observing that Sibubic and Yamu, who had collected the energy of the Monkey King, were handing the energy harvesting pot to the king of the devil, Dapla.

However, Dapura directly killed Sbubic and Yamu who had no effect in his eyes.

"What's the matter? I found the enemy's lair, don't you plan to go in?" Zhang Xiang led Monkey King and the others, landed directly beside the Realm King God, and said to him.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, although Piccolo was very anxious, he did not dare to speak.

Because, in his opinion, one is the Realm King God, and the other is an existence that can easily kill such a terrifying Sharu, and it won't end well if he provokes that one.

After listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the expression on the face of the Realm King God was of course very bad.

"What do you know?! That's the King of the Demon Realm-Dapla! We have no chance of winning against him at all. Who can think that Babidi can accept him as a subordinate." With an anxious and frustrated expression on his face, he said to Zhang Xiang.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't give the opposite side at all.

"Can't beat it? It seems that the Realm King God is not without a big deal. Goku, Vegeta, shouldn't you two think like him?" Zhang Xiang turned his head and turned towards Monkey King and Beiji. Ta said.

"I think I should be able to beat him."

"Huh, who can't beat this kind of guy?!"

And listening to Sun Wukong's slightly euphemistically, and Vegeta's words that did not give him the slightest face, the Realm King God couldn't help but feel a burst of anger on his face.

"You really underestimate Dapla. He is the King of the Demon Realm. He is equivalent to the existence of the Great Realm King God. Even I can't beat him! Can you fight it?!" Realm King God With anger on his face, he said in a low voice.

However, Zhang Xiang shook his head.

"Then, let you see it." Zhang Xiang flew up and flew out towards the outside.

And watching Zhang Xiang's move, the face of the Realm King God couldn't help showing a look of panic.

"You...! Are you going to kill us?!"

However, Zhang Xiang didn't pay any attention to the other party at all, but flew directly in the direction of Dapla.

And Vegeta also followed, and Monkey King and Monkey King followed after they said hello to the Realm King God.

When he flew out, Dapla also raised his head and looked to this side.

"I'm still thinking about when you little mice will come out, do I need to go and take a look! However, it seems that I don't need it now." With tall bodies, two The ears have the characteristics of the devil, they appear to be a bit pointed and long, the skin of the body is pink, and the king of the devil Dapla, who is holding a triangle sword in his hand, turned his head and looked in the direction of Zhang Xiang.

And listening to Dapla's words, the Realm King God, who was still angry at Zhang Xiang's act of rushing out without saying a word, felt a chill in his heart.

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