Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 165: , Where did so many perverts come from? !

And just after Zhang Xiang proposed, the door of the spaceship opened automatically. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

"It seems that they welcome us very much..." Zhang Xiang showed a slightly mocking smile on his face.

Then, he flew directly into it.

Because he knew what the other party was doing when they invited them in.

He wanted to attract Zhang Xiang and others to fight against his men in this spacecraft, so as to absorb the energy released by Zhang Xiang and others, and supply Demon Buu to resurrect.

However, Zhang Xiang also needs Majin Buu to resurrect.

Because, according to his understanding, Majin Buu has existed since 50 million years ago.

And if he wants to connect all the things that happened in this Dragon Ball, he undoubtedly needs this piece of prehistoric history.

After all, no matter what kind of history it is, fifty million years has already given others enough time to cover up and modify.

Only the initial history, a living history like Majin Buu, can truly let people know what happened in the past.

What caused the hidden star field to be suddenly hidden at least 10 million years ago, why did the race that dominated most of the universe suddenly disappear without a trace, and why was it sealed in the hidden star field? ? Such a guy.

Even the priest who was fighting against Zhang Xiang before was protecting what on that planet.

This requires sufficient information to be judged.

Now the information he collected from the entire universe can only be combined to judge a few possible conclusions.

These conclusions can be said to be quite different.

It can even be said to be the opposite.

And the use of Dragon Ball to judge the past history, and because the torrent of history has been cut off by people, it cannot be traced back. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Therefore, he moved the idea of ​​reviving Majin Buu and extracting his original memory.

After all, there may still be places with more than tens of millions of years of history, but there are only four people and one place.

The first one is naturally the guy who has been sealed in the hidden star field who has experienced his own experience, the second is the Demon Buu whom Babidy wants to awaken now, and the third and fourth are legends. God of destruction and his attendants in

And a place, it is naturally worthy that Jiexinxing, a place that has a ‘tree of the world’, produces the gods and kings of the world.

Of course, the old world king gods fifteen generations ago who had not come out of the seal and were sealed in the sword by the **** of destruction may also know some.

As mentioned earlier, the first one cannot communicate, the third and fourth cannot find their traces, and the last place is similar to the existence of flowers in the mirror, only the world king. God can enter a place through special methods.

Even if the Old World King God knew it, it might not be much.

Therefore, the only guy he can get accurate information is Majin Buu.

And just after they entered, the door of the spacecraft was closed immediately.

And the revolving door to the next floor opened suddenly, welcoming everyone down.

Immediately afterwards, what appeared in front of everyone was Pu Yi who was guarding the first level, a cosmic demon from a high-gravity planet.

"Well, everyone, who wants to go up and warm up?" Zhang Xiang looked left and right.

Because almost everyone present can easily defeat each other.

And it was at this moment that Vegeta came out of the crowd.

"I'm going to get rid of them quickly, and let's start our battle!" Vegeta walked directly forward.

"Haha, I really don't want money. Let me, the universe demon Pu Yi, teach you a lesson, and let you know how powerful the universe demon from a high-gravity planet is!" The battle terrain was shifted, and the entire layer was transferred to the planet Pu Yi lived on, and the tenfold gravity that suddenly struck together came to the field.

Pu Yi, who used to live on it, took advantage of the situation to launch an attack.

However, what he certainly didn't know was that the planet Vegeta, on which Vegeta lived before, had ten times the gravity of the earth, which was exactly the same as the planet on which he lived.

Moreover, Vegeta's recent gravity training level has been adjusted to 800 times the gravity.

Therefore, the result is doomed.

As soon as the battle happened, it was over.

Vegeta punched directly without fancy, directly blasting the opponent's head, and directly sending the opponent to the west.

"It's so weak that you can't even warm up your body. It's really a waste of waste!" Vegeta said disdainfully, then turned and walked back.

As for the Realm King God present, he was already dumbfounded.

Because it is not easy for him to be as easy as Vegeta.

‘Does he even have to catch up with his combat power, even surpass me? ! Jie Wang Shen thought in a daze.

As for Babidi, who was at a higher level, he looked dull.

However, afterwards, he laughed instead.

"Haha...God helps me too. There is someone with such a high level to come in! It seems that the resurrection of Majin Buu will not take much time!" Babidi began to laugh.

However, he also has the capital to laugh.

Because, he inherited all the skills of Bibidi, the famous evil great magician in the universe.

Although the combat power is not good, but there are also a lot of strange abilities.

If you want to escape specifically, as long as you give him time to chant the spell, it will be very difficult for others to kill him.

Of course, this is based on the fact that he has time to chant the spell.

Without the protection of Dapla, the king of the demon world, I believe most Dragon Ball fighters can kill him in seconds.

And even with the protection of the King of the Demon Realm, not to mention Zhang Xiang, that is to say that Monkey King and the others are better, it is just a matter of seconds.

It's just that now Zhang Xiang wants to revive the Demon Buu, so he plays with the opponent like this.

The other Dragon Ball warriors didn't even know his existence.

Next, everyone came to the next level.

And it was Monkey King who played.

And the opponent is in the original book, the monster from the dark planet that can devour light and energy is also fighting.

As for the specific process, it can be summed up in a few words: Babidi launches magic and transfers them to the dark planet-Monkey King bursts out of Super Saiyan-Energy is swallowed by Warcraft Ye Ge-Monkey King then bursts Super Saiyan Human—energy continues to be swallowed by Warcraft—Monkey Goku continued to explode in the super Saiyan state regardless of recklessness, and continued non-stop—Warcraft was also struggling and exploded...

Then it's GAMEOVER!

It sounds like a game, it looks more like a game.

Because the battle started and ended in the light and dark when there was no physical contact between the two sides.

As for looking at this like a game, it didn't seem to be saving the world at all, and the act of destroying evil forces like playing, the Realm King God was already completely stunned.

He said that it's not that I don't understand, but that the world is changing too fast.

Where is this world so abnormal? ! !

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