Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 166: , He will not sacrifice for the people of the earth!

As usual, the entrance of the next floor appeared in front of Zhang Xiang and others. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

In the process of entering the next level, the Realm King God finally made up his mind and told Sun Wukong and others the facts.

And, asking them to help him must prevent Majin Buu from resurrecting.

But how could Zhang Xiang make him do what he wanted.

"Majin Buu? I want to see how powerful he is!" Zhang Xiang deliberately sang the opposite tune with the Realm King God.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, of course the Realm King God was extremely angry.

And, at the beginning, there was a question about what Majin Buu had done before. Moving out of Majin Buu almost destroyed this universe.

And how powerful and powerful their world king gods are, what their duties are, what, but they were still beaten up by the demon Buu, five world king gods (including the great world king gods) were killed and four swallowed Things come.

Oh, of course, some of the above were not translated by Zhang Xiang.

The real words are how difficult it is to praise their realm kings and gods. They are the defenders of the entire universe, and the demon Buu is the destroyer of the universe, and he is definitely not allowed to be released.

In this regard, Zhang Xiang can only say that the universe is really fragile, and it is just that hundreds of planets have been destroyed, which is already a crisis of the entire universe.

And in this process, Zhang Xiang and others have already come to the next level.

And as expected, Zhang Xiang's guardian was the king of the demon world-Dapu La.

It's just that his right hand has grown again.

"It seems that although the so-called King of the Demon Realm is not very effective in combat, his recovery ability is quite good."

Before Zhang Xiang spoke, Vegeta was already the first to mock.

Because, he felt that the guy who was warming up in front of him was too weak in combat power and couldn't warm him up at all.

Like the king of the demon world in front of him, Dapla, is an object that can barely warm up.

And Zhang Xiang also saw Vegeta's plan.

"Vegeta, this one is my opponent. Don't grab it randomly." Zhang Xiang stood up and said with a smile at Vegeta.

As for Dapla, the king of the demon world opposite, the blue veins on his already angry forehead have already appeared.

"You guys, don't underestimate me! Before, it was just my carelessness. My fighting power is not something you can defeat." With the words of Dapla, the king of the demon world, fell, a burst of power erupted from him. The breath comes.

Moreover, it seems that it has been suppressed for a long time by using a special method, but the combat power that burst out suddenly is already a level higher than the previous combat power.

"Oh, have you become stronger through Babidi's magic?" Zhang Xiang felt his eyes brighten and said.

Because, the combat power of Dapla in front of him is barely able to interest him.

"Yes, now I am 1.5 times as powerful as before. Although I was suppressed very hard, the effect was beyond my expectation! Now, let you feel the king of the demon world. Horror!" Just as Dapla's words fell, the aura on his body skyrocketed again, but his figure suddenly rushed over.

And almost at the same time, Babidi's voice also rang from this layer.

"Dapla, I'll change you to a more suitable environment!" Before Babidi's voice fell, their figures were already teleported to the densely populated city.

"In this city with many human beings. Dapla, you can give your full strength to your heart's content. Humans, if you are willing to let your battle affect ordinary people, just explode as much as you want. Otherwise, just obediently Restrain your own strength and just use hand-to-hand combat! Jie Jie Jie..." Babidi's proud voice began to ring in the air.

Because, the entire floor has been passed to the tall buildings, and cars flowed into the urban streets of Zhizhi.

"Knowing that he can't beat me, so you want to make Dapla win by changing the environment? No, you should have wanted to create a battle between the two of us as far as possible. Then , Provide you with an environment where you can absorb enough energy?" Zhang Xiang did not fall because his feet suddenly turned into the mid-air of the city, but floated in the mid-air, and said to himself.

After seeing the sudden change in the environment and the voice of Babidi, everyone has already recovered.


"Using such a despicable method!"

Sun Wufan and the others couldn't help condemning them, and looked in Zhang Xiang's direction with some worry.

However, Vegeta snorted coldly.

"Don't worry about him. Have you ever seen him suffer? And, what kind of person do you think he will sacrifice himself for the earth? He is not like you, Monkey King!" Vegeta's He put his hands on his chest and looked at Zhang Xiang in the distance.

To be honest, he was a little expecting Zhang Xiang to be restrained.

Because, in this case, he can see Zhang Xiang's true strength more clearly.

As mentioned earlier, his challenge target is Monkey King first, and then Zhang Xiang.

In other words, Zhang Xiang is the one he wants to challenge most.

‘Come on, let me take a look. I haven’t seen you in the past few years, how strong is your strength? Vegeta's eyes were fixed in Zhang Xiang's direction.

In the distance, Zhang Xiang dodged Dapla's attack directly.

"It's really interesting. Then, I will play with you." Zhang Xiang turned around again to avoid Dapla's attack.

However, his action this time completely angered Dapla.

"Don't underestimate me, boy, I am the king of the demon world!" The extremely angry Dapla directly ignored the many humans below, and turned out to be like crazy to stimulate Zhang Xiang in this direction. Hundreds of qigong guns are coming.

Every qigong cannon contains a powerful aura that can destroy things within a hundred meters.

"Let me take a look. Are you hiding or not hiding now!" Dapla showed an arrogant smile on his face, as if he had seen Zhang Xiang in a dilemma.

In his opinion, it doesn't matter whether Zhang Xiang gives way or not.

The important thing is that he likes to see Zhang Xiang's tangled look.

He wanted to make Zhang Xiang's calm and calm face appear with regret!

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