Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 820: , The singing chicks

"It doesn't matter, Zhishi, you don't have to cheer for me..." Meiyu shook her head and said to the hesitant Zhishi.

"Me too, knowing the world, you don't have to cheer for me." Sakura also said hastily.

Both of them were afraid of hurting each other's feelings because of this incident.

However, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but smile as they watched the two of them humbly.

"Actually, knowing the world as long as both are cheering. Because, no matter who wins, everyone will be very happy." Zhang Xiang persuaded them.

"Yeah, just do this, Sakura, Miwa, I will cheer you up together, but I must take both the first and second places. Of course, I will also cheer for the fireworks competition." Zhi Shi's face showed an intellectual smile, and said to Sakura and others.

"OK" 2

Both Kozakura and Miwa glanced at each other, revealing their strong fighting spirit.

"By the way, Zhishi, you are talking about the three of Sakura, Huahuo and Miyu, what project are you participating in?" Zhang Xiang turned his head and asked Zhishi curiously.

However, Zhishi smiled mysteriously.

"I, none of them participated, but" Zhi Shi shook his head with a smile, and said in a stretched voice.

She reached into the bag she had brought with her, digging out something.

"What I want to do is this one" Zhi Shi took out a DV from his bag and opened it expertly.

"DV machine?" Everyone asked curiously. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

"Yes, I want to record all the experience of Sakura and the others participating in the sports meeting, and then burn it into a CD and send it to everyone. Of course, when Xiao Hina participates in projects that the family can participate in, I will also give it to all "Recorded" Zhi Shiwei stroked his cheek, with an intoxicated smile on his face.

"Really? It's true, but we must carve a few more for us" Zhang Xiang agreed with a smile.

"Okay!" Zhi Shi nodded and agreed.

On the other side, Xiao Chi raised her head curiously and looked at the DV machine in Zhishi's hand.

"Sister Zhishi will also take pictures of Xiaochun?" Xiaochun's face showed hope and pointed to the DV machine in Zhishi's hand.

"Yeah, Xiaochun, my sister will definitely take your cutest look," Zhishi showed a gentle expression and said softly to Xiaochun.

"But, this thing is so small, can I fit Xiao Chi in?" Xiao Chi showed a cute and puzzled expression on his face, tilted his head, and looked at the DV machine in Zhi Shi's hand with curious eyes.

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they heard Xiao Chi's innocent words.

"Xiao Chi, this DV machine is not to install Xiao Chi. We just want to take pictures of Xiao Chi. Well, let’s put it this way, it’s like Mr. Rabbit on the TV. It was not photographed, but its image was photographed through a special technique. So, does Xiao Chi understand?" Xiao Kong blushed and explained to Xiao Chi.

She feels that Xiao Chi will say such naive words because she usually does not teach Xiao Chi some relevant life knowledge.

However, such remarks are still somewhat incomprehensible to a young chick who is only three years old.

"I don't understand" Xiao Chi shook his head honestly.

On her little face, there was a puzzled expression.

Looking at Xiao Chi's puzzled expression, everyone not only felt Xiao Chi's cuteness even more.

"Well, then, Sister Zhishi will show it to you." Zhishi turned on his DV machine and played a video tape that had been taken in it.

In an instant, on the sitting screen of the camera, the cute figure of Xiao Chi was displayed.

Of course, there are still Xiaokong and the others.

"Here?" Xiao Kong was a little surprised.

"It's on the moving train!" Mei Yu exclaimed.

"Ah, Chicks are inside." Chi Chi pointed at Chi Chi on the screen, her mouth widened and exclaimed.

"Yes, it's a video that I secretly filmed on the train," Zhi Shi smiled and explained to everyone.

"Ah... we don't even know when we were photographed," Xiao Kong said slightly in surprise, covering his mouth.

"I took you photos without your consent. I'm really sorry!" Zhi Shi showed an apologetic expression on his face, and said to Xiao Kong and others.

And listening to Zhishi's words, Xiaokong waved his hands quickly.

"Nothing, this video can be left. We are also very surprised." Xiaokong showed a happy expression on his face.

At the same time, on the screen, Xiao Chi also began to sing songs.

It was also obviously a song composed and sung by Xiao Chi.

However, such a song was sung when the train drove continuously for three hours and the people in the carriage became impetuous.

However, in the screen.

After Xiao Chi sang such a song full of childishness, the expressions of the people around who were obviously showing impetuous emotions couldn't help but relax.

Then, they were all stuck behind the tender songs of the young chicks.

And after Xiao Chi finished singing a song, all the impetuous expressions on the faces of everyone around him disappeared.

An old lady squeezed in front of the young chicks and praised the singing of the young chicks.

This compliment caused a shy blush on Xiao Chi's face.

Then, at the request of the people around the carriage, Xiao Chi couldn't help sing another song in high spirits.

It's just that Zhang Xiang is familiar with this song.

That’s the bunny song that little chicks usually sing at home

And listening to the immature singing from the DV machine, everyone present could not help being quiet, and quietly listening to the tender singing of the young chicks.

Although, because the sound of the DV machine is not very good, it has not undergone post-processing to remove the sound of moving cars and the surrounding noise.

The sound from the DV machine's stereo is not perfect.

However, everyone can still feel the vitality of the young chicks from the DV machine...

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