Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 821: , Stay for dinner

Time flies quickly, but when everyone has recovered, the time has already come close to five o'clock. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

"Well, it's a bit late, so we won't bother you anymore." Sakura showed an embarrassed expression on her face and said to Zhang Xiang.

"Are you leaving so soon?" Meiyu's face still had a hint of unfinished feeling.

"Why don't you all stay for dinner. It's already so late. If you rush back, I'm afraid it's night, and your family will worry too? Why don't you stay for dinner and wait after dinner. Shall I send you back?" Zhang Xiang tried to make suggestions to them.

After listening to Zhang Xiang's suggestion, both Sakura and Zhishi showed hesitation on their faces.

Because Zhang Xiang was really right, they were indeed a little unsafe for elementary school students to go back so late.

It's already five o'clock, and when they get to the station, it will be close to about seven and fifteen.

It takes about an hour and a half to get back to Tomoecho in Tokyo by subway.

By that time, the sky was completely dark.

If you go back at that time, it will really be a little unsafe.

Especially in the past six months, the crime rate within Tokyo has been continuously rising, reaching a strange point. (→_→Where there are Wannian elementary school students, it is necessary for a murder case to happen...)

This made Sakura and Chishi hesitate even more.

Of course, Zhishi can also ask their full-time driver to pick them up.

However, the time it takes will undoubtedly take at least one hour. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

At that time, Zhang Xiang's family was almost ready to cook, and it would be impolite to leave by then.

However, it’s impolite to eat in someone’s home for the first time without a hand letter.

They are hesitating.

Thinking of this, Sakura and Zhishi were hesitant again.

However, in the end, Xiao Chi helped them make up their minds.

"Sister Sakura, Sister Zhishi... stay and accompany Xiao Chi to eat together, okay?" Xiao Xiao turned around, and put her hands on Zhi Shi's knees, sitting cross-legged, with bright eyes that longed. Looking at Zhi Shi and Sakura.

Under the cute gaze of Xiao Hina, I am afraid that even the hard-hearted people will soften up, let alone the two soft-hearted girls, Sakura and Zhishi.

"Zhi Shi, just stay?" Sakura looked in the direction of Zhi Shi with a touch of hope on her face in a discussing tone.

"Well, then I will bother you." Zhi Shi nodded, holding the baby and ready.

Then, together with Sakura, thanked Zhang Xiang and others.

"No, Xiaokong and Xiaokong will also be very happy if you come together. How can they be considered an interruption? Then, in order not to worry your family, I will call your home now." Zhang Xiang stood up and said to Sakura and Zhishi with a smile.

"Then, my sister and I will go to the kitchen together and take care of the food we need later." Miyu took Xiaokong's hand and volunteered to stand up.

"Ah, Xiaochun wants Xiaochun to wash the cabbage too" Xiaochun also raised his hand, with a look of joy on his face.

"Then, Xiao Ai and I should also go and help?" Huahuo Lori also participated in a lively and exciting way.

"If you don't dislike it, Zhishi and I can help..." Sakura took Zhishi's little hand shyly, and then stood up.

"Ah, you are the guests, how can you let you do it?" Xiaokong slightly covered his mouth, and embarrassedly followed Sakura and Zhishi.

"It's okay, Sakura is at home, but she often cooks, it smells good and I also want to try it. It feels like everyone is cooking together." Zhi Shi hugged the little chick in his arms and said with a smile .

"Then, let's set off together!" Mei Yu raised her right hand lively and said to everyone.


Looking at Xiaokong and the others, he walked towards the kitchen in a soft voice.

A smile appeared on Zhang Xiang's face. After a little tidying up on the tabletop, he walked downstairs.

Then, based on the phone number given to him by Sakura and Zhishibao, he began to dial the phone number.

However, it is strange.

Perhaps it was because it was the first time that he was a parent of someone else, calling someone else’s parent, but he was unusually nervous, and a feeling of ‘I’m really a dad’ suddenly appeared in his heart.

But immediately, Zhang Xiang smiled and shook his head, throwing the trace of tension out of his mind.

First of all, the phone Zhang Xiang dialed was from Sakura's house.

Not surprisingly to Zhang Xiang, after the call was connected, a gentle voice filled with magnetism came from the other side of the phone.

That was one of the two clones that Kurorido had differentiated after his death, Kinomoto Fujitaka who possessed Kurorido's body.

He was a very gentle person, and his identity was a professor of Archaeology at Tahe University.

Although his partner has been bereavement for a long time, he still loves his wife Nadeshi very deeply, and changes the pictures of Nadeshi at the table every day, and at the same time plays the role of a benevolent father in all ten categories.

After hearing that Sakura was about to stay overnight at their home, the other party thanked Zhang Xiang very gently for staying Sakura for dinner, and said that she would definitely let Sakura take some souvenirs when she had time.

In addition, he expressed the hope that Sakura would stay with Zhang Xiang for dinner without disturbing them.

Of course, in the end he also said that he was a little worried about Sakura's safety, and hoped that Zhang Xiang could take care of Sakura's safety.

However, Zhang Xiang agreed, and said that he would personally send Sakura home in the evening.

On the second call, Zhang Xiang was not so smooth.

After learning that his baby daughter was eating at Zhang Xiang's house, a nervous female voice came to the convenience.

It's just that when I learned that my daughter was going to the female classmate's home.

After Zhang Xiang called on behalf of the parent character, the other party was relieved and apologized uncomfortably.

However, when Zhang Xiang explained that he would send Zhishi home.

The female voice on the other side of the phone tactfully rejected this, saying that Zhang Xiang only needs to be sent outside the station, and she will send a car to pick up Zhishi.

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