Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 840: ,Tomoe Town

And as Zhang Xiang promised, he drove smoothly along the way, without even a bit of turbulence, and even brakes only a few times. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Such driving skills have far surpassed those old drivers with driving skills for more than ten years.

During this process, after reaching the wilderness with less traffic, Zhang Xiang also asked Xiao Kong to unfasten the safety belt of Xiao Chi, and let her lie freely by the window to see the scenery outside.

Looking at the telegraph poles that flashed past the window quickly, and the scenery that was slightly inversely proportional to the fast speed, slowly changing in the distance.

——The road that stretches for at least a thousand meters, the lush greens on both sides of the road, which grow tenaciously in winter, are dotted with the little green grass on the withered and yellow fields, and they are still far away, like ice cream Generally, the upper part is covered with snow and ice, and the lower part is like an ice seat.

These beautiful scenery made the little chick who was not only lying by the window open his eyes, opened his mouth slightly, and exclaimed with joy.

Even Xiaokong and the others were attracted by the scenery outside the window, with an expression of attraction on their faces, and gradually enjoyed the beautiful scenery.

But, even while enjoying the beautiful scenery.

Xiao Kong did not relax his care for the young chicks. In order to prevent any accidents, Xiao Kong's hands always hugged the young chicks' body.

Of course, sometimes, Xiao Kong would come to the window with Xiao Chi and comment on the small animals that occasionally flashed past the window.

And what surprised Xiao Chi and even Zhang Xiang.

In this cold winter, in the wilderness beyond the driveway, Zhang Xiang and others actually saw a hare hiding in the green grass, enjoying the delicious green grass.

Although it was a hare with almost gray body, it was not as cute as a white rabbit.

However, this is enough to surprise people.

It's just that Zhang Xiang and others regret it.

Perhaps because the car driven by Zhang Xiang and others passed nearby, the hare that was watching vigilantly suddenly jumped into the grass mixed with green and yellow and disappeared.

This made the little chick her mouth squeezed, and some reluctantly watched the hare disappear into her vision.

In the midst of such laughter, Zhang Xiang and others finally came to the Tomoecho area of ​​Tokyo.

This is a somewhat peaceful town compared to the bustling Tokyo.

However, it is precisely because of this kind of calm that this town has such a warm breath, and the defense between people is not so strong, and even strangers occasionally smile at each other.

During this process, the car was parked in the parking lot of the small town, and Zhang Xiang and others got the most smiles after they came out.

Of course, the reason why Zhang Xiang and others get the most smiles is not based on the illusion skills Zhang Xiang used, or even not only because of the beauty of Xiaokong and others, but because of the performance of Xiaoxiao A kind of energetic cuteness.

Every time Xiao Chi meets an older person, she will put a cute smile on her face, and happily raise her little hand and greet each other.

And looking at such a cute little chick, most of the old people will stop and chat with the cute little chick.

Then, under the cuteness and vitality of the young chicks, she was gradually healed, and her mood improved.

Even those old people who didn't stay there because of something, would smile kindly at the young chicks and nod their heads before leaving.

During this process, Zhang Xiang and others stopped and went to the outside of Youzhi Primary School.

But in this process, Zhang Xiang and others knew a small number of people in this small town without knowing it.

And in Xiao Chi's pocket, it was also full of sweets given to her by kind grandpa and grandma.

At this moment, the young girl standing not far from the gate of Youzhi Elementary School happily stood on tiptoe and waved to the group of Zhang Xiang.

"Big Brother's side" Xiao Sakura's face showed a happy expression, waving to Zhang Xiang's side.

Then, she trot over to this side.

In the smiles of Zhang Xiang and others, they hugged with Meiyu and others, and they pressed the cheeks with Xiao Chi, and played with Xiao Chi for a while.

"By the way, big brother, didn't you say that it was already half an hour ago? Why did it arrive now? Did you get lost?" Xiao Sakura showed a puzzled expression on her face, toward Zhang Xiang. Asked.

And listening to Sakura's words, Zhang Xiang carried a hint of happiness, with a smile on his face.

"No way, it's all because the young chicks are more popular. There are a lot of grandpas and grandmothers who like young chicks. That's why we came a little bit slower." Zhang Xiang touched the black young chicks. , Said with some pride and some helplessness.

"Really? Is Hina really that popular? Ah, Hina is so amazing." Kozakura happily approached Hina's direction, her big eyes with admiration.

And under Sakura's gaze, Xiao Hina's face also showed a shy face.

"No... Xiao Chi just talked to grandpa and grandma for a while." Xiao Chi said shyly, her face flushed with shyness, and she looked very cute.

And at this time, in the direction of the school gate, a shadow appeared again.

"Sakura, Miwa... hurry up, the opening ceremony of the sports meet is about to begin" At the school gate, Zhi Shi, who looked very beautiful in a black dress, was holding a DV machine and waving his little hand to this side.

"Ah, is it? Thank you, Zhishi, I will pass right away." Kozakura's face showed a hint of surprise, waving her little hand and thanking Zhishi.

Then, she turned around.

"Big Brother, Miwa, Huahuo... Let's go together and we must first occupy the position, otherwise there will be no position later," Sakura said cheerfully.

While she was talking, she raised Miyu's little hand, and took the little chicks, Miyu, and Huahuo, and then trot towards the playing field first.

Meiyu, who was being pulled, could only return to his body and said to Zhang Xiang: "Brother, then we will go to occupy the position first" and then ran towards the school.

Only Zhang Xiang and Xiaokong looked at each other, and after some helpless smiles, they took a bento or something from the back of the car and walked towards the school.

From a distance, they are like a newly married, somewhat shy young couple...

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