Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 841: , Sakura and Miwa's preliminary match

After Zhang Xiang and Xiaokong came in with a lunch box and waited for their things, they quickly found a few women who were occupying a good position outside the sports venue and were playing with each other. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

And time passed quickly, after Zhang Xiang and Xiao Kong put everything on the cloth spread on the ground.

With the help of Xiao Kong, Xiao Ai and others, the thing was quickly arranged.

Zhang Xiang also took out a camera, ready to capture the moment Miyu won the championship.

As for the important task of video, it was taken over by Zhi Shi alone.

And Zhang Xiang and others did not object, because apart from having a steady hand, Zhang Xiang didn't think that his shooting technique could surpass the knowledge of the world.

While waiting slowly, the crowd on the sports field also began to become dense.

And Sakura was also called away by the people in their class, and started to get a little busy for this time.

After all, this time, Sakura is one of the monitors of this sports meeting.

And after Sakura left, Miwa, who was also responsible for the sports meeting supervisor, also trot out and ran into the phalanx of their school.

At 9:30 noon, after the students from the two schools had assembled for the sports meeting, the sports meeting officially began.

Of course, before starting.

As usual, there were two school principals, and they went up to read a long opening statement.

When I was busy at ten o'clock, with the sound of the bright sports gun, it also officially announced the beginning of this primary school sports meeting.

At the beginning of the sports meeting, it was already at a climax. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Because the first wave of events turned out to be just a 100-meter race.

But at this moment, the young chick suddenly jumped up with excitement on his face, and his little hand pointed in the direction of the 100-meter race square.

"Ah, it's Sister Xiaoying" Xiao Chin's face showed a look of surprise, and he said to Zhang Xiang while pulling Zhang Xiang's sleeve.

"Really?" Zhang Xiang listened to Xiao Chi's words and turned to look in the direction of the 100-meter runner who had assembled.

Sure enough, in his field of vision, Sakura's figure appeared.

However, this time her figure is a little different from usual.

In normal times, Sakura wears either the elementary school uniform or all kinds of dresses.

However, Kozakura at this time is really eye-catching.

Her upper body is a white long-sleeved dress, and her lower body is wearing the kind of red shorts that athletes often wear, and her end is like Xiaokong’s medium-length brown hair, which is also worn by her. It was **** with two rubber bands with beads.

The whole thing seems to be more energetic.

And at this moment, Xiao Sakura finally noticed Xiao Hina's call, and she couldn't help waving her hand in response to Xiao Hina's call.

And soon, after all the students in the competition were in place.

As the starting gun in the referee's hand glowed, Sakura, with a serious face, ran out with all his might.

At first, because Sakura's position was closer to the outside of the race track, she was a little behind.

However, in the tender voice of Xiao Hina: "Sister Sakura, come on", Sakura started to accelerate, and succeeded in surpassing a young girl in front of her on the straight line. The ground ran to the first position.

And, successfully won the first place in the preliminaries.

This made Xiao Chi jump up happily, his face full of excitement.

However, at this time.

Xiao Chi's face suddenly jumped up again.

"Ah, it's Sister Miyu" Xiao Chi pointed at her little hand, and made a happy voice again.

And under Zhang Xiang's turning of his head, Mei Yu was indeed found.

However, he felt that something was wrong.

"No, according to what Miyu said just now, her long jump competition should only start half an hour later." Zhang Xiang's expression was a little puzzled as he watched that walk into the second 100-meter race qualifier. Miwa.

But this doubtful thought just passed away in a flash in Zhang Xiang's mind.

Because these are not important here.

As long as Miyu participated in the competition, it would be nice to be able to fully enjoy this time.

Of course, it would be better if it was to win

At this time, Miyu also noticed the cry of the young chicks on this side.

"Sister, come on." Xiao Chi's hands were placed in front of her mouth, forming a trumpet-like appearance, and she was cheering for her sister with the crisp voice of a young girl.

"Ah, thank you, Xiaochun, sister will come on!" Meiyu also waved her hand, smiling on her face.

On Miyu's body, she was also wearing the costumes of this sports meeting.

The upper body is still the white long sleeves, but the shorts on the lower body, perhaps because they are from school, are light yellow.

It's just that Miyu, who wore this sportswear, showed a different style.

If Kozakura wears this outfit, she will become more energetic.

So, when Miyu puts on this sportswear, she has a little more star style.

The energetic smile on that delicate little face, as well as her every move, showed a kind of elegance and beauty, just like those fashionable stars.

And her golden hair, like usual, is tied with two pink ribbons with cotton balls, and the remaining golden hair is like a waterfall flowing on her. Behind her, she was entrusted to become even more beautiful.

In the game, the blonde hair flowing behind her did not affect her performance at all. After the start, she took the lead from a distance, and finally won the first place in the second qualifier.

"Ah sister, you are so great, you run so fast." After Miyu won the first place, the chicks ran out and hugged Miyu who was not far from the track.

There was a cheerful expression on her little face.

"Hehe...Don't look at it. Whose sister is this. For our little chicks, I will also run to the first place." Meiyu picked up the chicks and touched them with the tip of her nose. Xiao Chi's nose was full of smiles on her delicate face.

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