Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 845: , Li Xiaolang!

And at this moment, Sakura, who was slightly delayed because of the sea of ​​flowers, came not far from here. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

However, because this and that is already a sea of ​​flowers that is almost half of her body, Sakura feels that it is difficult to move an inch.

Look at the cherry blossom ocean that covers the entire forest, and the scene that has slightly interfered with the game.

Kozakura made a decision immediately.

She took down the woodpecker-like key on her neck and held it in her palms.

In the next moment, she uttered the spell to release the key to the magic wand.

"Hiding the key of dark power, show your true power in front of me! Now order you in the name of your master, Sakura-the seal is lifted!" Sakura said, the key in her palm floated Get up, suspended in the air.

At the same time, under her feet, a bright magic circle appeared.

It was a magic circle with the sun in the center and a moon pattern on one side.

At the moment when Sakura chanted the spell, a burst of magical power emerged from her body and the magic circle under her feet, fully permeating the surrounding environment.

In the next moment, the sealed key was completely released.

That one is like a woodpecker, with two pure white feathers on both sides. The key is only five or six centimeters in size. It suddenly swells up, forming a magnified number of more than one, and finally reaches nearly one meter. The tall magic wand comes.

And Sakura's movements haven't stopped yet. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

The moment she lifted the seal of the key, she took out a Kuro card from her pocket.

"Jumping library street card!" She threw out the ‘jumping Kuro card’ in her hand, and the magic wand in her hand just clicked on the surface of the Kuro card.

A burst of bright light emerged from the surface of the Kuro card.

And at the moment when that burst of light lit up, the mysterious power that was originally sealed in the Kuro card was also released. An illusory creature that resembled a rabbit suddenly turned into a circle. A stream of light hit Sakura's feet.

In an instant, on the two halves of Sakura's shoes, a pair of small pure white wings appeared.

The two pairs of small pure white wings are not for decoration.

At the moment when the two pairs of pure white wings appeared, Kozakura's feet suddenly exploded with strong jumping power.

Kozakura herself was wearing sportswear with a jacket outside, and her lower body was a body with light yellow shorts. It suddenly flashed and jumped into the air.

And, like a moon step, jumping quickly among the trees, it also came outside the row of cherry blossom trees.

However, what surprised her was.

When she arrived, a man's figure had already appeared on the'Hua Kuro Card', not far from the cherry blossom tree.

Moreover, the other side's figure seemed very familiar to her.

And listening to the sound behind him, Zhang Xiang didn't turn back, but he knew who had come.

At the moment when Sakura stopped cautiously, Zhang Xiang also turned his head right.

"Are you here? Sakura..." Zhang Xiang turned his head, smiled slightly in Sakura's direction, and nodded towards her.

And looking at the man who turned around, then listened to the familiar voice with magnetism.

Kozakura couldn't help opening her mouth slightly, with a shocked expression on her face.

"Big...Big brother?" Sakura's face was full of shocked expressions.

But then, her face suddenly changed and she became a little embarrassed.

She hid the magic circle in her hand behind her, as if she would not be discovered by Zhang Xiang, her identity as a magical girl.

Because, in her heart at this time.

Zhang Xiang is still an ordinary person, not a magician.

Therefore, she did not want Zhang Xiang to be involved in this battle, nor did she want Zhang Xiang to know her identity.

However, she has forgotten.

If Zhang Xiang didn't know the words of her identity, how could he appear here, and how could he say the words "You are here" without turning around.

However, it was when Sakura wanted to lie and explain why she was here.

Zhang Xiang spoke in the other direction.

"Since you are here, don't hide, kid..." Zhang Xiang also looked up in another direction with a smile on his face.

To be precise, it is the place near the row of cherry trees on the other side of the forest.

At the moment when his words fell, wearing a green gossip Taoist uniform, holding a sharp sword in one hand and a compass in the other, the young man turned out from behind a big tree.

That person is not who, it is in "Magic Girl Sakura", who came to himself as the mother of Kurorido, the young man of the Hong Kong heritage Taoist Li family-Li Xiaolang.

"It's good to choose a place to hide, but the technique of hiding is a bit immature. Especially your uncovered magical fluctuations are even more eye-catching..." Zhang Xiang seemed to want to mention the other party. All the other party's mistakes were mentioned.

Because the other party's concealment skills, in Zhang Xiang's eyes, are really clumsy to the extreme.

There will be people there, but after getting close to the target, they suddenly remembered to hide themselves.

Moreover, he didn't pay attention to the intensity of his breathing when he was hiding, as well as the tiny footsteps under his feet.

Even, did not even conceal that magical fluctuation? !

But then, he suddenly remembered another thing.

That is, the world in general is still in a peaceful era of calm waves.

And Sakura and Coyote are just twelve or three-year-old children.

He subconsciously in his heart, such harsh requirements for them, but a bit too much.

Because of this, he will mention the other party.

But after hearing Zhang Xiang's point, after the little wolf was obviously taken aback, he began to look at Zhang Xiang warily.

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