Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 846: , The cherry blossoms flooding the campus

"Who are you? Are you also the one who wants to compete for the Kuro card?" Little Wolf looked at Zhang Xiang with a wary look. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Because, from Zhang Xiang's words just now, he already understood that the other party was also a powerful man with magical powers.

And the opponent will appear in the place where the Kuro card appears, and the meaning of it is needless to say.

That is, the opponent definitely wants to compete for the Kuro card this time.

And listening to Xiaolang's words, before Zhang Xiang spoke, Xiao Sakura was already covering her mouth in surprise.

"How come, big brother, are you also a magician?" Xiao Sakura's face was full of surprise, and she looked in Zhang Xiang's direction.

Looking at Xiao Sakura's surprised look, Zhang Xiang also scratched his head in embarrassment.

"How should I say it, I am not wrong to say that I am a magician. However, the magic I know is only a few. Therefore, I am not a real magician." Zhang Xiang said. Kozakura explained.

"Why..." Kozakura's face showed a more surprised expression.

"Sorry, I didn't hide it from you specifically. It's just that I thought it would be impossible for us to meet in this kind of scene, so I didn't tell you." Zhang Xiang explained in embarrassment. Tao.

After all, he didn't want Sakura to misunderstand it.

And Sakura's ability to accept is obviously much stronger than Zhang Xiang had imagined.

After listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the astonishment on Sakura's face gradually faded, revealing the expression that was originally like this.

"So, is Big Brother a very powerful magician?" Xiao Sakura didn't know what she thought of, with an expression of hope on her face, and she looked in Zhang Xiang's direction.

And being stared at by Xiao Sakura's big eyes, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but answer the other party's question.

"If you say yes, it can be regarded as yes. However, as I said before, I only use a few magic." Zhang Xiang touched his nose and answered with a bit of embarrassment on his face. Sakura's question.

Except at this time.

There was another noise from the forest. Amidst the trembling of branches, a little yellow doll-like thing, waving its little wings, flew in from outside the forest.

"Sakura, how about... have you found the body of the Hanakuro card?" It waved a pair of white wings behind him, penetrated the branches in front of him, and appeared in the field.

However, compared to the little wolf, he discovered Zhang Xiang's existence a few meters away and hid in time.

This little yellow doll flew directly into the field somewhat recklessly.

And just when it was halfway flying, it finally discovered the existence of Zhang Xiang.

"Ah...?!" The little yellow doll, as if suddenly spotted Zhang Xiang, with a surprised expression on the doll's face, and the figure hurriedly fluttered to Xiao Sakura's figure.

It didn't finally stop until it danced behind Kozakura.

"Sakura, who is he?" With a solemn expression on the face of the little yellow puppet, he looked in Zhang Xiang's direction.

Although it had just acted a bit recklessly, it was based on the fact that the environment in which it was accidental was very safe (the Huakuluo card was not very aggressive), and Sakura and Xiaolang knew themselves.

However, it does not lose sight of the existence that followed Kurorido decades ago.

After it suddenly discovered Zhang Xiang, especially with its own sense of smell and perception, it didn't even discover Zhang Xiang's existence until it saw the other person's figure.

It instinctively felt that Zhang Xiang was not easy anymore.

And until this time, it concentrated on looking in the direction of Zhang Xiang.

It suddenly discovered that it could not perceive magic power from Zhang Xiang's body, and even other powers did not exist.

However, its sixth sense is alert to it, Zhang Xiang is very dangerous! ! !

"Ah...Xiao Ke, are you talking about the big brother? He is what I often tell you that he protected my big brother when I was at the station that day..." Sakura quietly said to the little yellow puppet.

When it came to the last time, a blush appeared on her face.

After all, for twelve or three-year-old girls.

It is normal for a man who has saved her to have a good impression.

Not to mention, in her eyes, Zhang Xiang is still very good, and empathetic!

"That's the big brother you mentioned?" Xiao Ke danced behind Sakura, and a slightly surprised face was clearly shown on her little face.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiang spoke up.

"Sakura, let's wait for the old things, let's do it later. We need to deal with her first, otherwise, these cherry blossoms should drown the entire campus." Zhang Xiang said with a wry smile on his face. It means that the cherry blossoms have accumulated to a height of more than half a meter.

Because, in the process of chatting with Zhang Xiang and others.

After Huakuluo realized that he seemed to be ‘snooked’, he couldn’t help but puffed his small cheeks, increasing the speed of the cherry blossoms.

Therefore, in a few sentences, cherry blossoms will accumulate so much.

After listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Sakura and the little wolf who had been guarding Zhang Xiang finally discovered this matter.

"Ah...If you go down again, I'm afraid this sports meeting will be cancelled!" Kozakura couldn't help but show a serious look on her face when she said this, and looked in the direction of the Huakuluo card.

At the same time, Sakura also took out the Wind Kuro card she had conquered, and wanted to use the wind to blow away the cherry blossoms in front of her.

Seeing this scene, Li Xiaolang couldn't help frowning and looked in Zhang Xiang's direction.

It's just that all he saw was Zhang Xiang shook his head slightly.

"Don't worry, we all rely on our own abilities, whoever takes the Kuro card is the one." Zhang Xiang said to Li Xiaolang who looked at him with a wary look.

After thinking for a while, the other party also nodded.

Later, he also started to move.

"Raiden found it!" He drew out a talisman and patted it with his magic weapon and long sword.

Suddenly, a burst of thunder and lightning leaped out of the talisman, blasting towards the direction of the Hua Kuro card.

On the other side, Sakura also showed her Kuro cards.

"Feng Kuro card, as the seal lifter, I order you to blow these cherry blossoms away!" Sakura's magic wand in both hands was printed on the Kuro card.

As the naked eye could see the translucent strips flying out, a gust of wind swept across the field, and the cherry blossoms were about to be blown away.

However, at this moment, an accident happened.

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