Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 854: , Demon power!

"Demon power?" Zhang Xiang looked at the'Shadow Demon Blade' in his hand and couldn't help muttering to himself. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

At this moment, Kozakura also heard that the surroundings became quiet, not only opened her eyes slightly, and glanced at the surroundings secretly.

Then, she almost did not exclaim.

Because, around her, there are at least 30 corpses of wild wolves.

Especially the two sturdy bodies, who knew the corpses of guarding wolves at a glance, shocked her.

However, the reason she didn't exclaim it was.

She didn't see any **** things on the scene. All the dead wolves had a scar that would not be visible if they were not observed carefully.

Because when the blood from those wild wolf wounds was about to splash out, it was already absorbed by the "Shadow Demon Blade".

And looking at the faint red light shining, the dozens of cracks that have been cracked, there is already a half-repaired "Shadow Demon Blade", Zhang Xiang's eyes gradually heated up, and he looked around. The remnants of the wolves still surround Zhang Xiang.

However, it is said to be surviving.

In fact, in the field of vision alone, there are already no fewer than fifty wild wolves looming in the grass.

As for the outside, Zhang Xiang's mental perception also scanned a pack of no less than a hundred wild wolves.

The wild wolves with so many trees made Zhang Xiang feel a little surprised.

Because, according to his understanding, although wild wolves would appear in groups.

However, due to food and other reasons, the number of wild wolves rarely exceeds double digits. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

And the number of these wild wolves in front of him, including the thirty or so wild wolves that died, turned out to be close to two hundred, which really surprised Zhang Xiang.

But then, Zhang Xiang's mouth showed a bloodthirsty smile.

"That's okay, it also saves me looking for the'materials' to repair the'Shadow Demon Blade'!" Zhang Xiang's eyes scanned the surroundings. Those eyes that showed killing intent and fear coexist, still surrounding Zhang Xiang's wolf Qun, could not help but said with a trace of bloodthirsty.

Because he was already worrying about how to repair the'Shadow Demon Blade' for a long time.

Just when he intends to give up himself to repair this'Shadow Demon Blade', intending to wait until he travels into the world of "Inuyasha", or in a world with someone who can repair this'Shadow Demon Blade', and then find someone to repair it. At that time, an opportunity appeared.

That is, he discovered that he was killing the hands of these beasts with a demon spirit, and the ‘Shadow Demon Blade’ that had hurt its roots was actually repaired a little bit.

This undoubtedly made him see the hope of the ‘Shadow Demon Blade’ if he could not repair it.

Except at this time.

Sakura's timid voice rang in Zhang Xiang's ears.

"Big Brother..." Sakura's timid voice with a trace of fear sounded in his ears.

Zhang Xiang looked down. At this time, Xiao Sakura was looking at Zhang Xiang with a trace of fear on her face.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Xiang knew it.

Kozakura seemed so worried because of his sudden transformation, with a bloodthirsty expression on his face, and became a little bit afraid of herself.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but dissipate most of the killing intent in Zhang Xiang's heart.

He didn't want to do such a **** thing in front of the lovely Loli-slaughtering all the wild wolves.

"Sorry, Sakura, did the big brother's expression just scare you a bit..." Zhang Xiang's face was apologetic, and she apologized to Sakura who was holding her right hand.

Sakura couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief as Zhang Xiang recovered.

"Big brother is fine..." Sakura's eyes were a little red, and the mood she had originally mentioned was finally let go.

Seeing Sakura worrying about herself so much, Zhang Xiang showed a gentle smile on his face, and he reached out and touched her soft medium and short dark brown hair.

It wasn't until Kozakura pursed her mouth slightly, screaming: ‘Big brother, don’t mess up my hair’, did she let go of her messing right hand.

Only after such a disturbance.

The distance between him and Sakura also disappeared

However, when Zhang Xiang and Sakura felt happy, others were not willing to give them such an opportunity.


The wolf roared again, and its roar this time was filled with infinite anger and killing intent. In those faint green eyes, I don’t know when, it also became blood red. , Leaving only the instinct to kill.

I don't know when the silvery-white soft hair was dyed red to a bright red color.

And like the tide, the wolf pack that was originally guarding the surrounding area also escaped a gap, allowing the wolf to transform into a blood-red head and walk step by step in front of Zhang Xiang.

Moreover, the circle of wolves surrounding Zhang Xiang and Sakura has also expanded a lot.

"One-on-one?" Zhang Xiang showed a smile at the corner of his mouth and took a step forward.

"Big Brother..." Sakura grabbed Zhang Xiang's right hand, with a worried look on her small face.

However, Zhang Xiang shook his head with her, indicating that it was okay.

"It's okay..." Zhang Xiang smiled gently, and stretched out his right hand again, messing with her soft dark brown medium and short hair.

Then, he walked two steps forward, his eyes getting a little serious.

Zhang Xiang could feel that after this wolf transformed itself, the demon power on the opponent's body suddenly soared, becoming more aggressive.

And the attack of that wolf, after Zhang Xiang's eyes changed, also launched an attack.

Its limbs were slightly bent, and its body bent slightly.

Then, a blood-red afterimage flashed toward Zhang Xiang's direction.

'quickly! "This is Zhang Xiang's first feeling.

The opponent's extremely fast speed, for Zhang Xiang, who had not opened the writing wheel, was only able to see the afterimage.

But at the next moment, the blood-red afterimage that had come straight towards Zhang Xiang began to change directions quickly.

Finally, he flew towards Zhang Xiang from the side!

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