Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 855: , Demon wolf!

However, the running speed of the wolf was very fast, reaching a level that the eyes could barely catch. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

But that is also relative to Zhang Xiang, who is in a normal state.

"Writing round eyes...!" Zhang Xiangqing yelled.

The scarlet existence suddenly occupied Zhang Xiang's eyes, and the three black gouyu jade also emerged from the depths of the eyes, forming the outline of the three gouyu writing round eyes.

Immediately, the world seemed to pause for a while, and the wolf, who could not see the movements clearly, also appeared in front of Zhang Xiang.

Following the instinct, Zhang Xiang saw the wolf's movements clearly, and the'Shadow Demon Blade' in his hand pierced towards the heart of the wolf.

But at this moment, the blood-red hair that was originally permeating the wolf's body, as if it were just decorated with blood-red hair, spewed out a burst of blood-red mist, making the wolf's movements a little at that moment. I can't see clearly.

However, it can be clearly felt.

At the moment when this blood-red mist appeared, the wolf's body was full of aggressive monsters, and it was boiling to the extreme.

In an instant, a burst of blood-red light flashed.

The speed of the wolf was actually in a hurry, accelerating again.

Moreover, this time the opponent's acceleration was not accelerating gradually, but it broke out twice its current speed in one step.

A row of extremely sharp blood-red claws, without knowing when, condensed on the claws that were already shining with cold light, and grabbed Zhang Xiang's heart.

‘Good guy! Zhang Xiang only felt his eyes shine. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

He didn't expect that the wolf, which he thought would be easy to solve, would be so forbearing. He even rushed in front of him before launching this assault.

‘But you are still too weak! A smile appeared at the corner of Zhang Xiang's mouth.

His figure suddenly took a step towards the back, and just such a step made the attacking wolf feel extremely uncomfortable.

Because its blood-red sharp blade that extends above the claws is only more than twenty centimeters long.

After Zhang Xiang took a step, it was unable to attack Zhang Xiang with such a blow.

If it wants to attack Zhang Xiang with all its power, it can only accelerate another time.

But under such circumstances, it is already impossible for it to accelerate again.

As a result, the wolf, who was already close to frenzied, made a very instinctive, but irrational action.

No, it can't be said to be irrational. It is irrational. That is according to Zhang Xiang's standard.

For the head wolf, who has never experienced the sharpness of the blade of the'Shadow Demon Blade', the actions it has made are reasonable.

That is, it faced the ‘Shadow Demon Blade’ that stabbed towards itself, and grabbed it directly with the blood-red claws in its hands.

Because here is the wolf that has been transformed into a monster, in that monster's life for hundreds of years.

It has already used its own claws to break through countless human cloth armors, even swords and other things.

Not to mention, it also condensed most of its demon power on its own claws, condensing a pair of demon claws.

From its point of view, the next step was the scene of this human who dared to play with it. The short blade in his hand was broken and his body was torn to pieces by his own claws.

But unfortunately, it did not see the ridiculous smile on Zhang Xiang's mouth.

Perhaps, even if it saw it, it wouldn't care about it.

Because it had already exerted all its demon powers, it was already controlled by most of the monster's instincts, only bloodthirsty and human flesh and blood in its eyes.

But at the next moment, it paid the price for it and wailed.

In the crazily blood-red eyes of the wolf, it looked at its blood-red claws extending from its claws, as if it had not encountered any obstacles, it penetrated directly from the demon blade. past.

However, it soon discovered that it was wrong.

Because, the short-edged sword body is still advancing toward its claws.

But the claws of the blood-red demon power that had been unfavorable in the past had several cracks, and a neat cut appeared in the place where they touched each other.

Then, it felt a scarlet light flashing past, and its right hand was cold.

Then, it was kicked in the abdomen, and the whole body was thrown out like a torn sack.

And in the midair in front of it, a familiar broken claw was rotating and falling downward.

The blood rushing out of its fracture was sucked toward the scarlet light by a mysterious force.

Moreover, there is another blood stream of blood red, shooting towards that scarlet light.

It lowered its head and looked along the direction of the source of the blood-red blood flow, but suddenly found that its claws were already cut off, revealing white broken bones and **** fractures.

Feeling this, the crazy wolf, the heart that was already beating fiercely, shrank suddenly.

Then, it was a pure demon power that it had never felt before, emerging from its heart and instilling it towards its limbs.

Even its broken mouth with blood constantly flowing was stopped bleeding.

In the fuzzy place, the broken flesh quickly drew out the granulation and covered it forward.

However, so many benefits have emerged.

What replaced it was its reason, which was completely destroyed by the demon power, and completely released the desire for destruction in its heart.

On the other side, just as Zhang Xiang wanted to take a step forward, while the wolf was seriously injured and still floating in the air, he killed it.

He suddenly felt a threat.

Bang, bang...

A loud heartbeat spread across the small grassland.

All the wolves who heard this heartbeat leaned down, with a panic expression in their eyes.

But at the next moment, the change appeared...

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