Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 873: , Beheaded

However, the gap in strength is not so easy to fill. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Facing the wild boar rushing over again violently, Zhang Xiang just turned sideways slightly, and the strong wild boar continued to rush past Zhang Xiang.

It just brought a breeze, and the wild boar slammed into another big tree.

It's just that this time it failed to break the tree that was fully embraced by a person.

But this time, it caused Zhang Xiang a lot of trouble.

It's not physical damage, but mental damage is more.

Under the collision of the heavyweight wild boar, although the tree that was hugged by one person was not broken, it was shaken.

In this kind of virgin forest, a large number of creatures, such as squirrels and insects, usually live on a tree.

In the violent shaking of that tree, these things undoubtedly fell from the tree.

The acorn swayed from the tree like raindrops and hit Zhang Xiang's head.

At the same time, there were many insects, along with countless half-yellow leaves, dust and other things, falling from the tree.

In an instant, Zhang Xiang was a little bit ashamed.

Especially a colorful poisonous snake fell in front of Zhang Xiang, which made Zhang Xiang's face a lot darker.

"Cough... careless..." Zhang Xiangqing coughed twice, and the chakra on his body erupted. The dust and some small insects that fell on Zhang Xiang's body were all shaken by him.

And that venomous snake, when the venomous snake rushed towards Zhang Xiang's direction, the Kuwu that was thrown by Zhang Xiang was nailed to the ground. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

"Hey, forget it, just treat it as an extra meal." Zhang Xiang sighed helplessly, grabbed the venomous snake that had been crucified by Kuwu and threw it into a sack at will.

It was a sack he didn't know when he stuffed it into the space bag. It was big enough to fit most of the wild boar in front of him.

Moreover, after loading that poisonous snake in.

Zhang Xiang also found a dozen or so acorns from the ground by the way. They were also mature acorns and put them in the sack.

After all, they cannot just eat meat.

"Okay, find some more mushrooms, and it's done." Zhang Xiang clapped his hands.

Stewed pork with mushrooms, but his favorite dish.

Moreover, before he came out, he was still in Kikyo’s house and saw a lot of wild vegetables.

When the time comes, it is good to fry some wild vegetables with lard and peel some acorns to serve as a condiment.

And at this time, the wild boar with a muscle began to attack again.

After failing to hit Zhang Xiang twice in a row, the wild boar was already extremely angry.

Its eyes became red, and its body suddenly swelled in a small circle. The strong muscles unreservedly appeared in front of Zhang Xiang's eyes, and two steams came out from between its nose.

But at the next moment, it ran up violently.

Its thick pig's feet slammed on the ground, splashing a lot of fallen leaves and dust, and even on the soft forest floor, it trampled on the trail of pig's foot prints.

This time, it is faster and more powerful.

I'm afraid that even if it hits the tree that is hugged by one person again, it can be broken directly.

Except at this time.

However, Zhang Xiang raised his head slightly and glanced at the setting sun that was about to fall completely on the edge of the distant mountain range.

"Okay, I won't play anymore. I should solve it, then pick some mushrooms and go back." Zhang Xiang carried the sack in his hand on his back and said softly.

At the same time, his right hand reached into the void.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang suddenly remembered one thing.

"It seems that I have heard that if the blood of the wild boar is shed before it dies, the meat will not be delicious... Well, just use it. If you use the'Shadow Demon Blade', I am afraid that the meat will wait It’s not very good. However, it’s time to use it. I haven’t used it after putting it in the space bag for so long..." Zhang Xiang calmed down, and the extended right hand seemed to let go of something, and grabbed it again. What things live in general.

Then, a decapitating broadsword that was more than two meters long was taken out of the void by Zhang Xiang.


Zhang Xiang waved casually, relying on its own weight of close to more than 30 kilograms, the decapitating knife made a slight crackling sound as it cut through the air.

At the same time, the wild boar, which was full of strong muscles, rushed past Zhang Xiang like an elephant charging.

However, its original line of charging straight forward is now a bit crooked.

As a result, the difference was a thousand miles away, just passing by Zhang Xiang's side.

Moreover, as it rushed past, a blood-red color filled with the smell of iron erupted from its body.

In the last afterglow of the setting sun, there was a strange but not dazzling color.

"Well, finish the work." Zhang Xiang moved his right hand, and the decapitation knife in his hand rotated.

The blood that was originally attached to the decapitating knife was absorbed by it and became a part of itself.

And at this moment, the wild boar that rushed past Zhang Xiang's side also hit the ground with a ‘bang’ at this time, splashing a lot of fallen leaves.

On the ground covered with withered yellow leaves, a scarlet trace was drawn.

Its two legs were still twitching slightly, but its swelling body gradually faded.

And its red eyes were gradually dimming at this time.

"Great harvest, go home." Zhang Xiang turned around, took two steps forward, and walked to the place where the wild boar lay down.

Then, he casually used the decapitating knife in his hand to pick the abdomen of the wild boar who had lost his life and left only a little conditioned instinct, but he picked a whole wild boar on the decapitating knife. .

Then, Zhang Xiang carried the decapitation knife on his shoulders and walked towards the village.

But this is the time.

A monster that has been hidden in the dense canopy of trees, but a sharp light flashes in his eyes. The whole body is silent, and he flies towards Zhang Xiang's back.

During the whole process, even the sound of breaking through the air did not come out at all...

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