Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 874: , Eight-legged spider

It was a monster with eight long legs, about 1.5 meters high, and about three meters between four pairs of feet. The upper body was an ugly man and the lower body was a giant spider. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Because it has eight long plush legs, even if it makes a big movement on the tree, its eight legs will evenly distribute the power to the trunk without making much noise.

Moreover, following its spider-web patience, it began to stay there for nearly ten minutes after discovering Zhang Xiang.

Coupled with its rich hunting experience, the special jumping skills it came to.

Although it was quickly approaching towards Zhang Xiang's back, it did not make any sound.

Above its four pairs of long legs, it was precisely the sharp points. At this time, it was already filled with some fishy black venom. At first glance, it was known that it was the violent poison.

If you stabbed Zhang Xiang's body, I am afraid that his body will be corroded by the venom mixed with the demon power in just a few minutes, leaving only the surface of the skin.

This is how powerful the poisonous monster spider is, relying on patiently waiting, silent attacks, and the poisonous venom.

It relied on this trick to kill many more powerful guys.

However, its surprise attack this time was doomed to be unsuccessful.

Because, it didn't see it. At the moment it launched a surprise attack, Zhang Xiang's mouth showed a sneer.

‘It’s ridiculous, have been with me for so long. Do you really think I can't feel it? Zhang Xiang sneered in his heart, but he didn't show the slightest expression on his face.

It wasn't until the very venomous monster spider jumped and charged towards him that Zhang Xiang's face showed his true thoughts.

Zhang Xiang's right hand used a light force to pick up the wild boar he was holding and leapt into the air.

However, Zhang Xiang's body turned back at a speed that seemed to be slow and fast.

Suddenly, all eyes looked at each other, and the distance between the two of them was only less than two meters.

As long as the eight long legs of the monster ejected, then this little distance would no longer be a problem.

However, the poisonous monster didn't expect Zhang Xiang to turn around.

Therefore, it lost the only opportunity to attack.

Just when it came back to its senses and wanted to launch an attack, it discovered that, without knowing when, the decapitation knife in Zhang Xiang's hand was already above its own head.

In shock, it desperately wanted to deflect its body a bit, or let its eight long legs attack to block the slashing sword.

However, all this has been forgotten.

"Die to me!" Zhang Xiang's eyes showed a trace of killing intent. For those who wanted to kill him, he never had any idea to forgive each other.

So, just a flash of cold light passed by.

The bodies of Zhang Xiang and the venomous monster spider that flew by flashed past.

However, the two people ended up differently, Zhang Xiang stood firmly on the ground.

And that poisonous monster spider, along the trajectory just now, under the action of universal gravitation, continued to hit the ground, making a ‘bang’.

Then, just after a full five meters away.

The whole body followed the line in the middle, separated to the two sides, and fell heavily on the ground.

Red, white, green, and even other strange things, all came out of the other party's broken body, which looked extremely disgusting.

On the other side, Zhang Xiang stood on the other side intact.

Then, he slowly walked towards the place where he stood just now, and handed out the decapitating knife in his hand.

At this moment, the wild boar reached the highest point and fell downward.

From this, we can see how quickly Zhang Xiang can solve the opponent.

Only when the wild boar was about to fall on the beheading sword.

Zhang Xiang seemed to be thinking of something, and his whole body was clever, he took the decapitating knife in his hand back, and shook it with disgust, shaking off the internal organs of the monster that was contaminated on it. The intact blade underneath was exposed.

"Damn, I was so handsome, and the food tonight was contaminated with the internal organs of the monster." Zhang Xiang scolded himself secretly.

Although there were wild boar skins separated from each other, he still didn't want to eat anything contaminated with the internal organs of the monster.

After cursing himself, Zhang Xiang took away the beheading knife in his hand.

Because it seemed a bit arrogant to enter the village with this beheading knife.

After doing this, Zhang Xiang was squatting, holding a wild boar back with disgust, and started walking in the direction he came from.

He still didn't want his clothes to be stained with the disgusting mud and other strange things on the surface of the wild boar.

Only when he was halfway there.

He frowned again.

"Also? It's really troublesome..." Zhang Xiang stopped and said softly.

And the other party seemed to feel that Zhang Xiang had noticed it, and it began to burst out of the grass.

It's just that it didn't rush toward Zhang Xiang's direction, but rushed away in the opposite direction.

However, no matter how fast it is, there is no such thing as swift kunai.

After noticing that the other party wanted to escape, Zhang Xiang threw a bitterness without hesitation.

Quietly, the root of kunai swiftly shuttled among the lush woods that shade the sun.

By the time that Kuwu Wu showed its fangs, the Kuwu Wu had already flew in front of the little demon and sank into its eye sockets.

In an instant, its whole body began to limp and fell to the ground.

On the other side, Zhang Xiang is still walking towards the village.

However, when he walked in front of the little monster, he found that there was a monster he didn't know, a creature that looked very much like a natto monk.

However, after just one glance, he walked towards the village.

"It seems that there are more monsters gathered around here... I see, I'm going to be uneasy tonight." Zhang Xiang felt helpless and said this with a trace of expectation.

After that, he ignored the existence around him, a monster that could change color by relying on the surrounding colors, and continued his blond hair toward the village...

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