Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 878: , Yaoyunputian

In Zhang Xiang's field of vision, there were at least tens of thousands of these weak monsters, rushing towards the village. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

When most of the villagers saw the monster coming over the sky, their feet were already soft, and some even showed extreme horror expressions on their faces, screaming, planning to escape.

Even more extreme, he planned to kneel and wait for death.

It's also a loss because of the anger and encouragement of the ‘old village chief’, this team of only 37 men did not collapse.

Otherwise, at the moment of seeing the number of monsters, the entire team might have already collapsed, and it might even evolve into a big rout, or even abandon itself and attack its companions.

Looking at the situation between the courts, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but sigh lightly.

"It seems that I still have to take the shot first!" Zhang Xiang laughed at himself somewhat ridiculously.

Because even he can't guarantee that this group of monsters will be wiped out, let alone protect the people in the village from any harm.

If he has time to make arrangements, then he is sure.

Now, he didn't have it anymore.

At this moment, he took a step forward.

"Shut up and step back two meters for me." Zhang Xiang snorted coldly, and a powerful breath erupted from him.

Although it was not loud, it was the cold voice that the villagers behind him could hear, and instantly suppressed the noise behind him.

Let the villagers quiet down in that moment. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Moreover, he subconsciously listened to Zhang Xiang's words and stepped back two meters away.

When some of them reacted, they had already retreated to the entrance of the village.

And just as they looked at each other, some people wanted to come out and do something.

Zhang Xiang had already closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened it again, a pair of magical scarlet five-pointed star kaleidoscope writing round eyes appeared in his eyes.

"Xuneng left!" Zhang Xiang said in a cold voice.

Immediately, a huge beast-shaped skeleton appeared behind Zhang Xiang out of thin air.

One by one, bubbles containing dark red energy emerged from Zhang Xiang's body, filling them towards the huge beast-shaped skeleton.

After waiting for two seconds, a fire unicorn burning with red flames had already appeared in front of them alive.

Perhaps it is not accurate to describe it as being alive, because no matter how realistic the fire unicorn is, it is constructed of energy, and has no consciousness of its own, and no real body.

However, in the eyes of those ignorant village names, this is a big monster alive.

Yes, in their eyes, the'Suzuonenghu' summoned by Zhang Xiang is a big monster.

That huge size, unparalleled aura, and fiercely burning blazing flames all showed that this was a big monster.

When Zhang Xiang's "Xuneng Zuohu" first appeared, the villagers thought that a big monster had already begun to attack.

However, some smarter villagers, such as the village chief, remembered Zhang Xiang's words to retreat.

And under his propaganda, everyone'understood', and they all looked at Zhang Xiang with admiration and awe.

Because, in their opinion, Zhang Xiang, who can summon such a powerful monster for his own use, must be an extremely powerful and precious onmyoji.

According to legend, only in the center of Kyoto, where nobles and emperors are located, can there be such a powerful Onmyoji.

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but want to fall down and see Zhang Xiang with their most sincere attitude.

Because, for their foolish people.

An onmyoji is already an extremely noble person, even more noble than the witch Kikyo.

If Zhang Xiang knew their thoughts at this time, then he would definitely feel unwilling for Kikyo.

She thought so sincerely for the sake of these villagers and sheltered the village for so long, but at this time, she was still inferior to Zhang Xiang's vanity, and she was not a true identity at all.

However, these Zhang Xiang didn't know it.

Moreover, even if he knew it, he was not free at this time.

Because, he has already begun to control the fire Qilin'Xuneng Zuohu' to attack.

The powerful crimson energy quickly condensed in the huge open mouth of the fire unicorn, and gradually formed a crimson energy ball with a diameter of two meters.

Above that energy ball, crimson flames were constantly tumbling.

However, it was not as it was last time, and it was concentrated to a deep crimson red.

Because this time he didn't want to shoot through the atmosphere and attack the satellites in low earth orbit in outer space, but only needed to deal with the huge number of little monsters, but his own strength was extremely weak.

"Flame...Roar!" Zhang Xiangqing yelled, and his pair of scarlet kaleidoscope writing wheels quickly turned.

In an instant, the fire unicorn swallowed the scarlet energy ball that was two meters in diameter with one bite.

But at the next moment.

The infinite crimson fire light formed a dazzling pillar of flames, spitting out from the mouth of the fire unicorn "Susanenhu", and washed away towards the monster cloud approaching within a kilometer.

That's right, it's the monster cloud.

While those monsters formed a scale, the monster auras of those little monsters united with each other, forming a large-scale monster aura cloud like a big monster.

These monster clouds can achieve the function of shielding moonlight and even sunlight, allowing these monsters to exert their most powerful strength in such an environment filled with monsters.

It's just that in the next instant, these things were completely shattered.

Because that dazzling crimson pillar of flames suddenly traversed thousands of meters of space, and suddenly shot into the monster cloud formed by more than ten thousand monsters, giving this huge “cloud” to Shot through...

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