Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 879: , An instant three thousand!

Moreover, Zhang Xiang...No, it is the fire Qilin's attack on "Xuneng Zuohu" that has not stopped!

After penetrating the overwhelming demon gas layer, Huo Qilin's head started to turn, and the huge pillar of flames ejected from its mouth also changed with its movements.

Suddenly, countless monsters began to fall from the monster cloud, like falling flares.

Even if countless little monsters touched slightly from that kilometer away, the crimson pillar of fire would be covered with a crimson sun, and then fell from the clouds and hit hard. On the ground, it fell into mud.

And they are not the worst. The worst ones are those monsters who directly touched the crimson flames. They couldn't even make a scream, so they were directly directed by the crimson flames. Burned into coke.

Some of the weaker monsters even turned into flying ash and disappeared in this world.

And such a miserable scene lasted a full ten seconds.

When the crimson flames in the fire unicorn's mouth became slightly scarce, and finally stopped outputting, the monsters that had been overwhelming had already been penetrated by gaps.

The whole demon cloud that was originally intact was completely divided into dozens of pieces by his "flaming roar".

Moreover, the originally incomparably cold demon energy, even under the impact of Zhang Xiang's masculine force, all collapsed.

The thick demon clouds began to dissipate, revealing the bright moonlight that followed them.


"The monster... the monster was broken up..."


Behind Zhang Xiang, the villagers shouted cheers and hugged each other. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

However, unlike the happy villagers behind him, Zhang Xiang didn't have any sense of joy on his face.

Because, the effect he just got was not as good as he thought.

Except for the fact that "Flame Roar" did kill hundreds of monsters at the beginning, and the initial blasting reached Zhang Xiang's tone goal, in the remaining time, he failed to kill enough as he expected monster.

Because, in the later stage, those monsters seemed to have been ordered, and they spread out one after another, reducing the density between them.

Because of this, Zhang Xiang only killed about one-third of the monsters in this round of shooting.

Although if counted, the number of monsters killed by Zhang Xiang was very large, and there were more than 3,000 monsters within a dozen seconds, and he lost them in seconds.

However, there are still two-thirds of the monsters left, that is, nearly seven thousand monsters, still rushing towards the village.

And among these monsters, there must be another existence that resembles a big monster, which can command so many monsters.

If it were just those little monsters, after finding out the approximate strength of those little monsters at this time, he was not too worried that he would not be able to guard this village.

After all, this village is just that big.

Even if the monsters rushed up in a wave, the monsters with only a thousand heads at most rushed up.

With the shadow clone and his ability to still send out two "flaming roars", even if he doesn't count Kikyo, he can easily defend it.

However, once a big monster is involved, things will become complicated.

Not to mention the fighting power of the big monster, that is to say, he can control these monsters like soldiers, it is also a huge trouble.

But at this moment, a brilliant blue-white light suddenly shot out from behind Zhang Xiang, and after flying over a range of thousands of meters, it pierced through one of the monster squares.

In an instant, the monsters blocking the blue-white light were all purified into fly ash.

Even if he was next to the side, he lost half of his body in an instant, and fell from the air.

It was just a second, and hundreds of monsters fell.

From this, we can see the powerfulness of Kikyo's Demon Breaking Arrow, and the restraint of the power attribute to the demon power.

However, no matter what the force is, they restrain each other.

This is also because the spiritual power of Platycodon grandiflorum is pure and strong enough to cause such an effect.

If ordinary witches shoot such an arrow, not to mention that the demon-breaking arrow can shoot thousands of meters away, even if it can be cured, the spiritual power on it will be released by those monsters. When the remaining monster cloud, it was wiped out.

And looking at Kikyo's move, the villagers couldn't help but look in the direction of Kikyo with awe in their eyes, with a grateful expression on their faces.

However, Kikyo's face was calm.

Although Zhang Xiang could see it, there was actually a trace of anxiety and worry in her eyes.

Because, she also saw that she might have no problem protecting herself, but it is close to impossible to protect the village.

Looking at such a bellflower, Zhang Xiang couldn't help sighing.

"The direction of the entrance to the village is left to you. I am responsible for protecting the village and looking for the big monster hidden in the monster. If you can't hold it, or if you encounter danger, I will inject spiritual stimulation. Next one. Then, take the villagers and retreat in the direction of the shrine. I'll be prepared there." Zhang Xiang took out a handful of kunai with scrolls from his arms and threw her at Platycodon.

Then, before Kikyo hadn’t come to understand, how Zhang Xiang stayed in the village alone, and rushed to kill the big monsters from the monster pile, and when Zhang Xiang was ready, Zhang Xiang was already rushing Went out.

However, in the next moment, she understood what Zhang Xiang meant.

"Ninfa Multi-Shadow Clone Technique!" Zhang Xiangqing yelled, and quickly made a mark with both hands.

In an instant, as a cloud of smoke emerged, four'Zhang Xiang' suddenly rushed out of the smoke.

Among them, two Zhang Xiang ran toward the village, while the other two split into two sides and rushed toward the monster pile that rushed hundreds of meters away.

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