Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 880: , Sword and flame!

A distance of hundreds of meters is not a long distance to Zhang Xiang.

Just in the blink of an eye, Zhang Xiang came in front of the group of monsters overwhelming the sky.

When Zhang Xiang's real body and his shadow clone arrived at this place, they chose to rush in two directions.

Zhang Xiang's real body is holding the'Shadow Demon Blade', while his clone is holding the decapitating knife and rushes directly towards the monster pile.

Of course, Zhang Xiang is not that stupid, just using the "Shadow Demon Blade" in his hand, he wants to kill the wave of at least two thousand monsters in front of him.

Even if the two thousand pigs are finished, it will take a long time for Zhang Xiang to kill one by one.

Not to mention, in front of Zhang Xiang, there are still enough monsters that can be described as overwhelming, whose combat power is comparable to that of an adult man.

Moreover, among these monsters, there are also some relatively powerful monsters mixed, and there is even the existence of a big monster.

Therefore, after Zhang Xiang rushed to the monster pile.

He decided to take the lead.

In a flash, Zhang Xiang came to a monster that looked like a long snake but was all orange.

He didn't see what Zhang Xiang did, he just passed by.

A small scarlet light flashed past the opponent's body silently.

When Zhang Xiang rushed over a dozen meters, the monster that looked like a long snake was directly divided from the beginning to the end.

Moreover, from its corpse, no trace of blood was revealed.

Even after its corpse fell to the ground, it turned into a pile of fly ash in an instant, and completely disappeared from the world.

Because, at the moment it was killed.

In its body, not only the blood essence is absorbed cleanly, but even the demon power it possesses is also absorbed completely.

Otherwise, it wouldn't appear this kind of scene that seemed to be purified and the whole body dissipated.

Without exception, all the monsters that stood in front of Zhang Xiang were all beheaded by Zhang Xiang with a single blow. The blood essence of the whole body was absorbed clean, and under the caress of the prestige, it turned into dust in the sky.

However, such a horrible scene cannot scare those who were born out of horror.

In addition, he was attracted by the "Jade of the Four Souls", and the monsters' determination to kill was driven by the big monsters who did not know where they were hiding.

The more Zhang Xiang rushed into it, the more monsters he killed, the greater his pressure.

Because, since he rushed into the encirclement of the monsters, the enemies he faced were not only from the enemies in front of him, but also from all directions, from the left and right, from the sky, and even from directly under the ground. .

Had it not been for his mental perception had been maintained within five meters of his own body, he had even been investigating the ground.

Then, he really has to be conspired once.

Although that wouldn't cause him much harm, but there is still no problem in making him ashamed.

However, Zhang Xiang's face is still calm.

Because, he knows that this is not a really difficult time yet.

Those more advanced monsters, and the big monsters hiding behind, haven't appeared yet.

Not to mention, these little monsters, at best, consumes a little physical strength.

Now the dangers he looks like are more of what he created specially.

"Okay, the number is almost the same. If it is more, the fuel consumption space may not be enough..." Zhang Xiang said softly.

Immediately, he speeded up a little unusually.

"Dance of Chun!" Zhang Xiang's body suddenly accelerated, his whole body was like catkins, and like a whirlwind, his body was moving quickly within a radius of five meters.

During this process, his body was not touched by any monsters.

However, the ‘Shadow Demon Blade’ with the scarlet light flowing in his hand was like the brightest light, flowing over those monsters, taking their lives away, and causing their bodies to disappear in an instant.

However, Zhang Xiang, after killing these monsters, instead put away the "Shadow Demon Blade" in his hand.

After all, he was not the genius of Junmaro's swordsmanship, and he did not possess the kind of blood inheritance bound, and the way of fighting was even different from him.

Because, he was never a purely physical attacker!

The monsters within five meters of the radius were completely wiped out. In the rare gap in the dust collapse, the scarlet in Zhang Xiang's eyes flashed away, but his hands began to form quickly.

In the end, the moment the monsters broke through the five-meter distance and came to him, they successfully completed the A-level ninjutsu.

"The fire is extinguished!" Zhang Xiang put his right hand on his mouth.

In an instant, a huge red-yellow fire spewed out from Zhang Xiang's mouth.

And, in an instant, it filled a full area within 20 meters.

Moreover, because Zhang Xiang went deep into the pile of monsters and attracted monsters to attack.

The number of monsters around Zhang Xiang's body has reached an exaggerated number, with more than 500 monsters distributed within a radius of 20 meters.

And it was at the next moment that the red-yellow flames that spewed out from Zhang Xiang's mouth all over the audience quickly began to burn the monsters.

Those trees that were a little wet at night, first began to burn quickly, and instantly turned into coke.

And those monsters burned a little slower because of their demon-powered protection, but they couldn't hold back the red-yellow flames that spewed out continuously, and they had a slight knockback effect.

As a result, those monsters that had hit Zhang Xiang before.

Although he didn't die in an instant, he was hit by the flame and flew backwards.

This is even more true for the monsters on the outer layer, smashing into the monsters that had not been affected by the outer layer.

As a result, under Zhang Xiang's A-level ninjutsu ‘Fire Extinguish’, it was originally just a ninjutsu with a range of more than 20 meters.

But under this effect, it actually ignited a monster with a radius of fifty meters.

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