Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 881: , "Shadow Demon Blade" repair is complete!

After waiting two seconds, Zhang Xiang spit out the last trace of flame. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Within fifty meters of that area, a corpse of the monster was already lying down, and the more you moved into it, the more miserable the corpse of the monster became.

The people on the outside can barely see the monster's appearance, but the more inside, the monster's body is only a pile of coke.

When he arrived within five meters of Zhang Xiang's radius, there were no monsters.

Because, the first wave of monsters that were hit by Zhang Xiang's arrogant fire has already turned into fly ash.

And the effects of this wave of attacks were far beyond Zhang Xiang's expectations.

Originally, he thought that this wave of attacks would kill at most about 400 monsters.

However, he didn't expect those monsters to cooperate so well, and they all squeezed over.

Moreover, I didn't expect that after the monsters were hit by the flames extinguished by the fierce fire, they would be pushed away and slammed toward the monsters behind them.

Even in the end, the monsters on the periphery that were stained with red-yellow flames rushed into the pile of monsters on the periphery and collided.

As a result, this wave of A-level ninjutsu’s ‘fire extinguishing’ attacks created a rare ‘big harvest’.

About five hundred monsters were killed directly under this wave of offensive, and many more monsters were affected.

Although most of them are not seriously injured to life-threatening injuries, they are undoubtedly unable to participate in the attack again.

At the same time, in another direction. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

After seeing this effect, Zhang Xiang's other shadow clone also used the same method.

It's just because there is a reference to the miserable ending here.

After seeing Zhang Xiang's shadow clone performing such a trick, the monsters began to rush away in all directions.

Therefore, the number of real kills in this wave of his attacks was much less than that of his side, and only about four hundred monsters were killed.

However, this was also expected by Zhang Xiang.

In this world, although most monsters are the higher the strength, the higher the intelligence.

However, monsters also have animal-like instincts. After knowing how powerful they are, they naturally know that they will avoid them.

And under Zhang Xiang's two consecutive fire escape ninjutsu attacks, the monster team that was originally split into more than a dozen parts, covering each other's attack, was actually resisted by Zhang Xiang.

Even within fifty meters of Zhang Xiang's body, there were no monsters, all scorched corpses.

However, the reason and fear of low-level monsters usually only exist for a short time.

Immediately, those monsters, driven by the'Jade of the Four Souls' and the big monsters behind them, continued to attack Zhang Xiang.

The dense, strange-looking monsters once again flooded Zhang Xiang.

Under the impact of those monsters, Zhang Xiang didn't retreat at all, instead, there was a tendency to become more and more courageous.

Because, after he killed hundreds of monsters one after another.

After damaging its origin, it has never fed back any power to Zhang Xiang’s'Shadow Demon Blade', but it has begun to gradually supply some energy, so that Zhang Xiang’s rapid consumption of power has also begun to gain A lot of supplements.

In his hand, the ‘Shadow Demon Blade’ gleamed with scarlet light again.

Moreover, the scarlet streamer that circulated in the sword body of the'Shadow Demon Blade' was also growing as the number of beheaded monsters increased.

Of course, the eleven cracks on the sword's body that were smashed out by the angels were also beginning to be repaired one by one.

And a ray of but a steady stream of power was quietly added to Zhang Xiang's body while the scarlet light circulated.

Although, these supplements are only temporary, and they cannot be preserved forever.

However, this is enough.

Because, after having the power of the'Shadow Demon Blade', he can let go of most of his hands and feet and no longer worry too much about the loss of his strength.

"Blood Moon Flying Blade!" The scarlet light in Zhang Xiang's eyes flashed away.

Immediately, from the ‘Shadow Demon Blade’ in his hand, the crimson streamer violently stirred.

And it was the next moment, with Zhang Xiang's diagonal slash.

There were hundreds of blood-red thin blades, shot out from the blade of the ‘Shadow Demon Blade’, and shot in all directions.

It was like a blood-red light dancing in the sky, the blood-red thin blades that shot out penetrated the body of the hundreds of monsters that surrounded Zhang Xiang, and then continued to blaze toward the surroundings at an unabated speed.

Often it is a fleeting moment, and part of the body of those monsters will be separated from the body.

It's just that, although such an attack is powerful, its consumption is also very powerful.

The blood-red thin blades, after flying out of more than 30 meters, all dissipated in the air.

After all, this trick relies on burning blood essence to transform into energy attack to achieve the purpose of attacking the enemy.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiang didn't look at the monsters who died and wounded everywhere, but at the "Shadow Demon Blade" in his hand.

"Is it finally repaired?" Zhang Xiang said softly.

In his words, there was a trace of excitement that was undetectable.

After all, ‘Shadow Demon Blade’ is his main attack weapon.

Without the ‘Shadow Demon Blade’, his melee combat ability would undoubtedly suffer a considerable reduction.

And at this time, in his hand, the scarlet light that was originally only appearing to the extreme, even only at night, was also distributed with dozens of cracks that seemed to disintegrate at any time.' Shadow Demon Blade' has completely disappeared.

Instead, the whole body shone with a scarlet light like fluorescent light, and the whole body was crystal clear, giving a sword body that looked like a crystal, and exuding a powerful and powerful ‘Shadow Demon Blade’.

Except at this time.

Zhang Xiang frowned suddenly and looked in the direction of his shadow clone...

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