Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 890: , The magic purple jade group!

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang cast his gaze on Kikyo's chest, and saw a little pink light blooming on her chest.

"The jade of the four souls...!" Zhang Xiang lightly read the source of this pink light.

That's right, Platycodon grandiflorum used the jade of the four souls to shoot a demon-breaking arrow that can penetrate hundreds of meters and has such a powerful force.

Otherwise, given that Kikyo is only fourteen years old now, and her spiritual power has not been exercised to the extent she will be in the future, it is very difficult to display such a wide range of barriers.

However, looking at Kikyo using the jade of the four souls, Zhang Xiang didn't know why there was an inexplicable irritability in his heart.

Perhaps it was because I couldn't stop Kikyo from using the jade of the four souls, so I was so upset.

After all, the tragedies encountered by Kikyo began after she accepted the jade of the four souls.

Before that, her reputation hadn't been so great, and there hadn't been so many monster attacks, and she hadn't been so hard.

However, after accepting the jade of the four souls, she became even more famous because of the monster's attack and the prestige of the jade of the four souls.

And the famous consequence is that the kind-hearted woman often climbs mountains and wades to help some villages get rid of monsters, and resists the attacks of more and more monsters.

In the end, because of Naraku's calculations, Luo died.

Originally, Zhang Xiang still wanted to use certain opportunities to continue to persuade Kikyo to deliver the jade of the four souls to other people, or to receive it in the space package in the name of destroying it.

However, at this moment Zhang Xiang knew that it would not work. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Because, after truly feeling the power of the jade of the four souls.

Kikyo will undoubtedly understand that it is difficult for other people to purify the evil power in the jade of the four souls, and it is even more difficult to destroy it.

If the jade of the four souls containing such a powerful force is to be destroyed, it will undoubtedly need a more powerful force than it.

And at this moment, the last wave of monsters who knew nothing about life and death also came to Zhang Xiang.

"Damn it! You annoying monsters!" A sharp light flashed in Zhang Xiang's eyes.

But in the next moment, his right hand reached out in front of him.

Powerful magic power suddenly burst out from his body and gathered in front of him.

In an instant, a huge magic circle shining with purple light appeared in front of Zhang Xiang's right hand from scratch.

It was a huge, about a hundred meters in diameter, dotted with at least a thousand indeterminate purple rays, and in the middle was a magic circle with moon patterns.

You know, he researched the Kuro cards these days, but it was not without any gain.

With the actual Kuro card as the object, he added the "Book of Death" in the city of Zhang Xiang's Self-School Garden and part of it from the "Power of God Gabriel" to display the "Rocket Rain". Some magic circles copied from a large magic circle composed of thousands of small magic circles.

He created such a magic circle that uses the magic circle to collect external forces, plus a magic circle inspired by his own power.

However, this magic circle is only an unfinished version.

Not only because it is not stable enough, but also because the most important part of the magic circle, which absorbs magical energy from the outside world, has not been completely finished. Now it can only extract a lot of magic power from the body of the caster to stimulate it. .

If the caster does not have enough magic power, then he has a high chance of being sucked up by this magic circle.

You know, the magic power of the human body itself comes from his own vitality.

Therefore, without testing how much magic power is needed to move this magic circle.

Even Zhang Xiang, who possessed the magic power equivalent to the level of the Great Mage, would not dare to experiment with this trick.

And this time, Zhang Xiang just showed it unconsciously while he was upset.

And just after activating this magic circle, Zhang Xiang immediately woke up.

His first thought was to stop this dangerous magic immediately.

However, in the next moment, he changed his mind.

Because, according to his own feelings, the magic power in his body was shed like a torrent.

But according to his own calculations, at this speed, to cast this unfinished version of a powerful magic attack, it only needs to absorb one-third of the magic power in his body.

He can still pay for this little magic.

Not to mention, forcibly interrupting this level of magic, he is likely to be seriously injured.

And after making up his mind, he no longer controlled the flow of magic in his body.

Under Zhang Xiang's supply regardless of the consumption, the magic circle with a diameter of 100 meters and shimmering purple light has expanded a little bit, and the purple light that is the size of a fist on it is exuberant to the extreme, glowing to the extreme. Light.

"Magic Purple Jade Group!" Zhang Xiang whispered the name of this magic.

In the next instant, countless purple light **** lased out.

Thousands of purple magic bullets drew countless bright lines in the mid-air, pierced the sky, and shot towards their respective targets.

From a distance, it was a purple magic bullet blasting out like a barrage, and blasting into the group of monsters in an instant.

Then, it was like a cannonball exploded.

Thousands of purple magic bullets each hit the monsters with weak mobility in a very short time, and then it was like an explosion, and the purple magic light enveloped them all.

Under the night sky slightly obscured by dark clouds and evil spirits that have not yet completely dissipated, bright purple flowers bloomed...

The powerful magical power fluctuates, instantly surging everywhere.

By the time the purple light disappeared, the group of monsters that had rushed aggressively was already less than five fingers left.

And the few monsters that survived escaped the disaster because they were close to the ground and blocked by a big tree.

At the same time, beside a small river a hundred miles away, she was pouting her mouth and kicking the river with her little feet boredly. She was wearing a fluffy dress with a pair of bat wings behind her, suddenly lifted up in surprise. After all...

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