Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 891: , The dragon's dome!

The purple light in the night sky flashed and disappeared, and almost all the monsters that washed up were also dead. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

And above the other lines, under Zhang Xiangying's avatar's best efforts to kill, as well as the trapping of Bellflower's Demon Slayer Arrow, the remaining monsters are almost cleared.

Those villagers who stood at the entrance of the village, holding wooden sticks and other weapons with trembling hands, were of no use at all.

In fact, neither Zhang Xiang nor Kikyo did not count on them.

"Did you succeed?" Zhang Xiang let out a sigh of relief and lowered his right hand, which was still smoking.

Although the magic drawn was just as he expected, only one-third.

However, when those magical shells were fired, a small part of the power generated surpassed the plan and impacted on Zhang Xiang's right hand who maintained the magic array.

However, fortunately, the magical energy coming from the recoil is not strong.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang's right hand was only slightly burned.

And the irritability in his heart also vented a lot with a powerful blow.

However, at this moment, a thought suddenly flashed in Zhang Xiang's mind.

"By the way, something like that!" Zhang Xiang seemed to have suddenly thought of something, a light flashed in his eyes.

Immediately, he stretched his right hand into the void around him, as if looking for something, constantly groping for something.

But at the next moment, the corners of Zhang Xiang's mouth rose slightly.

"Found it!" Zhang Xiang said.

At the same time, he also pulled his right hand out of the space bag as if holding something. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Immediately, an oval-shaped egg with a length of about one meter and a width of about fifty centimeters was taken out of the void by Zhang Xiang.

However, it is not right to say that it is an egg, because this ‘big egg’ does not have an eggshell.

On top of the egg shell it should have, at this time it was covered with vigorous veins like blood vessels, and its entire egg body was purple-red.

Moreover, the entire egg body is gradually undulating with the blood vessels that are like breathing, just like a real living thing.

The source of this egg is actually very simple.

That is, what was produced by the golden treasure box that Zhang Xiang dropped after defeating the biochemical dragon in the many research institutes in Kihara.

After Zhang Xiang returned home, he drove out this giant egg.

However, due to the harsh incubation conditions, Zhang Xiang did not choose to hatch this dome immediately.

Instead, it was placed in the space bag, and because of the extreme vitality.

Even if Zhang Xiang had placed it in the space bag for so long, the tyrannical vitality contained in it had not been diminished in the slightest.

Dragon's Dome: After Zhang Xiang defeated the research institute's evil dragon, the second-generation evil dragon dome was formed by fusion of the most essential part of the dragon's body.

Incubation conditions: Supply a large amount of flesh and blood. The higher the level of flesh and blood, the more flesh and blood is swallowed, and the shorter the time required for incubation. (It is estimated that it will take a thousand human flesh and blood essence to be able to hatch.)

Item evaluation: A

Combat power level: 10 (not hatched)

This is the detailed information that Zhang Xiang knew after he got the dome.

As for more information, I'm afraid Zhang Xiang will know it after the dragon hatches.

It was because of the word that required a lot of flesh and blood that Zhang Xiang temporarily gave up his plan to hatch this evil dragon.

After all, Zhang Xiang is not a murderer.

Moreover, even if it is a murderer, it will take a lot of time to kill a thousand humans, right? !

And whether he has the technological strength to create something that can replace human flesh and blood, so he temporarily gave up his intention to incubate it.

And now, it is a good opportunity.

Now in front of him, the most lacking is flesh and blood.

Although, what was in front of him was not human flesh and blood, but monster flesh and blood.

However, this does not matter.

You must know that to incubate this dragon's dome, all you need is flesh and blood, but it doesn't specify that you need human flesh and blood.

Not to mention, the flesh and blood of monsters may not necessarily be inferior to human flesh and blood.

You know, in the flesh and blood of monsters, there is a monster aura!

If this giant egg could use the engulfed flesh and blood for its own use, it would undoubtedly be better.

And it seems to feel that there is a large amount of flesh and blood in front of me that can supply myself to swallow, the frequency of the breath of the purple-red giant egg is happier, and there is a faint desire to swallow it, from that giant egg Which passed to Zhang Xiang.

"Do you want to devour flesh and blood? But before that, we need to do one thing first!" Zhang Xiang said with a smile on his face.

Immediately, he reached into the ninja bag with his right hand, and took out a scroll from it.

Then, he spread it flat on the ground and spread out the scroll, forming a long scroll with a length of about two meters and densely packed runes written on it.

Then, Zhang Xiang put the purple-red giant egg in his hand on one of the round rune piles of the rune scroll.

"The technique of forbearance contract!" Zhang Xiang bit his right hand and quickly formed a seal.

As soon as his voice fell, he pressed his hands to the place where there were handprint vacancies on both sides of the giant egg.

Suddenly, a strong suction came, absorbing nearly half of the Chakra inside Zhang Xiang's body.

Then, a faint blue light emerged.

The runes written on the scroll surface also floated from the scroll surface as if they had life, floating in the air like dense tadpoles.

Then, he suddenly engraved on the purple-red dome and sank deeply into the dome.

And the big egg seemed to feel danger instinctively, and it started struggling violently. The restless blue blood vessels began to float, and even the whole egg body showed signs of instability.

However, after all those runes got in, all these reactions stopped.

The only thing left was a light sentiment of nostalgia from the dome.

The contract is established!

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