Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 892: , Devour the demons!

"The contract is established!" Zhang Xiang retracted his right hand.

At this time, the purple-red dome above the ground had already returned to normal.

And on the scroll on the ground, a strange blood-colored text appeared, which was a contract rune that was smelted from the soul and flesh of the purple-red giant egg.

Through this rune, Zhang Xiang was able to reach a special contract with this giant egg, which was equivalent to the Ninja Beast but was much harsher than the Ninja Beast contract.

Because this contract has a strong binding power, not only can it make it impossible to betray Zhang Xiang after the dome is hatched.

To a certain extent, he can control the life and death of the dome.

If it were really discussed, it would be a bit like some kind of slave contract in it.

And through the connection of the contract, Zhang Xiang can now more clearly feel the vague consciousness in the dome, the inexplicable feeling of nostalgia for himself, and the group of monsters in front of him. Desire for flesh and blood.

Because of this, the breathing rate of the dome has started to rise again.

"Okay, don't worry, I will send you to your'food' right away..." Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand and patted the giant egg in front of him gently.

And with this shot of him, the dome, which was originally floating, began to gradually quiet down.

Next, Zhang Xiang picked up the dome as he said, and received the contract scroll into the space bag.

You know, if this contract scroll is destroyed, then the contract connection between the two of them will almost be broken.

Then, he walked to the monster pile formed by Zhang Xiang's body after the death of the one-eyed orange peel giant. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

But as Zhang Xiang approached, he frowned slightly.

Because as he gradually approached, the special smell formed by the corpses of the monsters made him a little unbearable.

After all, those monsters were originally born with different reasons, and most of the monsters possessed a smell.

Not to mention, the pile of monsters in front of you is still a large number of monsters mixed together, and some of the monsters have been dead for a long time, and they have a rancid smell.

The combination of these flavors, let alone how weird it is, it is a bit inaccurate to describe it in one word.

However, Zhang Xiang only frowned, and did not stop moving forward.

Because, he had experienced the harsher environment than here.

In a few seconds, Zhang Xiang walked to the pile of monster corpses.

After such a close distance, the purplish-red giant egg finally couldn't help it, and it began to tremble slightly again, making longing demands toward Zhang Xiang.

And Zhang Xiang did not let it down either.

In the next moment, Zhang Xiang put the giant egg on top of the monster's corpse pile.

In an instant, the corpse of the monster that came into contact with the purple-red dome began to wither away, and the entire corpse became fly ash in an instant.

Then, the corpses of the monsters below and the corpses of the surrounding monsters began to collapse.

It's like, the blood essence in their bodies, or other things, have been completely absorbed.

At the next moment, it was as if enough had been absorbed.

It was originally just the blue veins that appeared outside the purple-red dome, but it suddenly broke away from the dome with a ‘tear'.

Then, it turned into spikes, pierced into the pile of corpses of the monsters, and sank deeply into the corpses of some monsters.

Then, the corpse of the stabbed monster began to shrink quickly.

Visible to the naked eye, there was a wave of unknown energy or matter, squirming slightly in the green veins, and quickly transmitted to the dome.

Through the special contract between each other, Zhang Xiang could feel that the purple-red giant egg was exuding extreme joy.

However, at the next moment, Zhang Xiang stepped back a few steps.

Because, as the surface of the purple-red dome began to squirm, the speed of the green veins that flew out was getting faster and faster.

Moreover, he was not satisfied with stabbing a corpse alone, but as if he was scorched and burned through the corpses.

Then, multiple corpses began to be quickly absorbed.

And the frequency of those blood vessels moved faster, causing the giant egg to begin to grow bigger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But in the next instant, because the corpses at the bottom disappeared too quickly.

That pile of monster corpses, which was more than six meters high, collapsed.

However, this did not affect that purple dome enjoying this sumptuous meal.

Moreover, due to the collapse, the pile of monster corpses on this side was suddenly connected to the pile of other monster corpses next to it.

Feeling this, the Fuchsia Dome, which has no ability to move, is even more excited.

With hundreds of blue veins tumbling in the pile of monster corpses, the pile of monster corpses originally piled in front of Zhang Xiang began to disappear at a speed visible to the naked eye.

From six meters to five meters, from five meters to four meters... In the end, it was swallowed completely.

This whole process only took less than thirty seconds.

But above the ground on the spot, there appeared a giant egg about six meters high.

This, but a giant egg that has swallowed the corpse of at least two thousand monsters before finally forming.

And Zhang Xiang's goal is undoubtedly successful.

Because Zhang Xiang could feel a blast of demonic air from above the dome.

That is a wave, although it is still slightly insufficient in terms of quality, but in terms of quantity, it is already comparable to the big monster just now.

However, although Zhang Xiang was slightly surprised, this was also expected.

If it can't swallow the monster energy in the flesh and blood of those monsters, then the dragon that grows up will undoubtedly not possess the monster energy.

If it can swallow the monster energy in the flesh and blood of those monsters, then after it has swallowed up two thousand monster corpses, it would be a strange thing if it does not possess this amount of monster energy!

Although the big monster can be an enemy with a thousand, it is more than the amount of monster energy, but there is definitely not as many as a thousand monsters.

To die, is equivalent to the sum of hundreds of monsters.

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