Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 895: , The innocent young dragon

I saw the golden young dragon arched in Zhang Xiang's arms, and greeted Zhang Xiang affectionately.

It's just that if it's a greeting, it's also aimed at Zhang Xiang.

Because, maybe because I was just born, I didn't know how to control power.

Every time that golden young dragon moves, it uses some of its own power.

For the golden young dragon, it considers itself a small force, but for ordinary people, it is a great force. It is not necessary for some small wild boars to impact on it.

This can be seen from the fact that Zhang Xiang's body retreated slightly due to the arch of the golden young dragon, and the ground under his feet had two scratches.

However, even so.

The scene in front of me also surprised Kikyo very much, not only because it was just a fierce dragon reflected in the eggshell full of evil spirits and full of purple flesh. How could he become the golden young dragon full of cuteness in front of him.

It was even more because the ‘big monster’ in front of him wouldn’t attack Zhang Xiang, or even attack her.

You know, her body is brewing demon-breaking power, which is one of the most hated powers of monsters.

Even if you are a newly born monster, when encountering this kind of power, you should instinctively hate her.

And just when she was surprised, the cute golden young dragon looked in her direction with its big golden eyes full of curiosity.

"Come on, obediently, come and see my sister." Zhang Xiang held the golden dragon's body and walked in front of Kikyo with it.

Suddenly, a huge phantom enveloped her, and the golden young dragon, which was more than two meters high, had already walked in front of it.

Its big golden eyes were full of curious light, and he blinked his big eyes and looked at Kikyo, seeming to be curious about who it is.

"Come on, say hello to my sister" Zhang Xiang patted the golden young dragon's body not far away, and said to it in a gentle voice.

"Wait... Say hello?" The girl Kikyo showed a surprised expression on her face, swaying her hands to say something to Zhang Xiang.

However, it is too late at this time.

Because, under Zhang Xiang's sign, the young golden dragon, who was very curious about everything, had already obediently extended its'little head' to the front of Kikyo.

However, it is a small head.

In fact, the head of the young golden dragon is still very big, the size of a basketball.

However, it looked very cute at this time, and the big golden eyes looked at her watery.

At such a close distance, it was considered that Platycodon grandiflorum found that in the eyes of this golden young dragon, there was still a thin film that was difficult to see.

It is a thin film that allows the golden young dragon to see the surrounding environment clearly in the dark night, and can also block high-intensity brightness.

If an excessively strong light bursts in front of it, that layer of film will automatically cover up the excessively high light to protect the eyes of the golden young dragon.

Moreover, the golden young dragon also possesses facial features equivalent to humans.

In particular, the ears that Kikyo thought the dragon didn’t have were growing on both sides. It was just because it didn’t raise its eyes, and it looked a little small compared to its'big head'. Kikyo didn’t notice it just now. That's it.

Looking at the golden young dragon's innocent eyes full of curiosity in the new world, Kikyo didn't know why, but suddenly he had such a slight affection for the golden young dragon in front of him.

Her original alert for this ‘big monster’ disappeared completely after she actually saw the eyes of this golden young dragon.

Because the eyes are the windows of the soul.

Kikyo can definitely feel that the golden young dragon in front of him is not malicious to humans, and even to her witch.

However, this is also a natural thing.

After all, this golden dragon is not a monster in the first place. Its body is composed of a combination of powerful genes and the flesh and blood essence of a biochemical dragon with high combat power and vitality. egg.

Even if it is because the monster's flesh and blood contained in it contains a large amount of monster energy, its body's genes are automatically adjusted, and cells that can absorb and store monster energy have evolved.

However, this does not mean that it is a real monster.

A real monster is a monster, but not only the body is a monster, but also the soul. (The monsters in the world of Inuyasha are mostly derived from the hatred and chaos of humans, and they are a kind of souls produced in concepts. It can be said to be similar to those monsters in the world of ghost heads. However, in this world, It is also a big monster born by nature.——This is my understanding)

At this time, it might be because Kikyo hesitated for a long time and didn't touch it.

The young golden dragon's head lifted slightly again, and he stared at the girl Kikyo curiously with its big innocent eyes.

On the other side, the girl Kikyo was hesitating.

Because even if she had already admitted the golden young dragon in her heart, there was not much threat.

However, because girls are naturally afraid of large things.

Looking at the "big head" of the golden young dragon in front of her, and remembering the "playing" between the golden young dragon and Zhang Xiang just now, she was a little afraid that if she touched it, there would be any problems.

However, it is at this time.

She felt the big hand that had been warm, covering her right hand.

"Ah...? You, you want to..." Kikyo let out a surprised voice with confusion.

Because she could feel that the big warm hand belonged to Zhang Xiang.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang was standing beside her, holding her little hand with his right hand.

Zhang Xiang's body was also relatively close, and the faint masculine aura made her face blush.

"Don't be nervous, relax, it's okay..." Zhang Xiang's gentle voice sounded in Kikyo's ear.

The warm breath brushing her ears also made her feel her heartbeat speed up a lot.

But at the next moment.

Kikyo really calmed down. Under the leadership of Zhang Xiang's right hand, her little hand gently stroked the head of the young golden dragon.

Bingy, very smooth...

This is the first feeling of Kikyo.

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