Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 896: , The young dragon of nostalgia

However, when her little hand was pressed on the golden scales for a long time.

On the contrary, she was surprised to find that a faint warmth was flowing under the scales, giving a faint warm feeling.

However, at this time.

She felt the head of the young golden dragon on which her little hand was pressing and lifted it up, as if she wanted to make affection with her.

Kikyo was slightly surprised by the action of the golden young dragon, and he wanted to take a step back.

After all, with her small body, she wanted to bear the ‘Great Dragon’, who was more than two meters tall, acting like a baby, but she couldn’t bear it.

However, looking at the big innocent eyes full of intimacy in front of him.

Kikyo, however, didn't know why he stopped where he was, and stopped his retreat.

Because she can feel that if she retreats, she might hurt the heart of this ‘child’.

Yes, it is a child.

Although the golden young dragon has almost the power of a big monster since its birth, it still grows so tall, bigger than most monsters.

However, if it is from time.

Well, it is just a baby dragon baby just born.

In this sensitive period of time, the Golden Dragon is likely to regard her as the closest person, and may even regard her as a mother.

So, thinking of these platycodons, but not willing to hurt the young heart of the innocent young dragon in front of them.

Not to mention, Kikyo is very fond of children. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

Although the ‘child’ in front of him is a bit older, it also makes Kikyo unconsciously unwilling to hurt him.

But at the next moment, the head of the golden young dragon gradually approached her.

However, just when Kikyo was about to accept the attack of the Golden Dragon.

She felt a chill on her face and opened her eyes to see that it was the golden young dragon sticking out her pink tongue and licking her cheek.

In its golden eyes, there was a trace of deep attachment, and the innocent eyes were full of joy.

Seeing such a lovely golden young dragon in front of him, an indescribable emotion appeared in Kikyo's heart.

She stretched out her hands and gently embraced the head of the golden young dragon into her embrace.

Then, under the attack of the golden young dragon's face licking, a silver bell laughed.

And beside Kikyo, Zhang Xiang's face also showed a faint smile.

Not only the scene in front of him, it made him feel very warm.

More importantly, he has successfully achieved most of the goals he planned temporarily.

The reason why Kikyo was attacked by Naraku, and so many things would happen later, is that Kikyo’s strength is not strong enough, and the heart is too kind.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't have any way of speeding up spiritual power, and there was no way to make Kikyo's mind become cruel.

Perhaps Zhang Xiang can do the latter point.

But he was unwilling to do this. If the kind heart of Kikyo had changed, then she was not the same Kikyo that Zhang Xiang liked before? !

Therefore, after the above two methods fail.

Zhang Xiang has one thought, and that is to strengthen the external strength of Doraji.

Where does the external power come from?

After Zhang Xiang learned that Kikyo used the jade of the four souls, he began to think.

When he thought of the existence of such a giant egg in his own space bag, and this giant egg successfully absorbed a large number of corpses of monsters, when he was born, he had the strength equivalent to that of the monster. .

An idea flashed in Zhang Xiang's heart, if the dragon hatched from this dome was left beside Kikyo.

So, won't everything be resolved?

There is no need to worry about the strength, since the birth has already possessed the strength of the big monster, after a few years of training, the somewhat mixed monster power can be refined.

The strength it possesses, I am afraid it will catch up with Kikyo!

As for the question of ruthlessness, let alone.

For monsters, there is no difference between humans and monsters. They both kill as they want. It just depends on the mood.

Not to mention, the dragon in front of him has just been born, and his plasticity is still so strong.

As long as he guides it subconsciously, after the golden young dragon leaves, if Kikyo is threatened, it will be cruel without reservation.

Moreover, he can also give the golden young dragon an order.

That is, when it encounters the ghost spider, it must not show any mercy and kill the other party directly.

Then, there won't be so many things behind.

Because Zhang Xiang doesn't know when he will be able to do it again when he leaves this world.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't know that everything did not develop as he imagined.

When he came to this world again, the development of everything surprised him, and he was a little dumbfounded.

After playing with the golden young dragon for a while, Kikyo let go of the golden young dragon reluctantly.

However, when she saw Zhang Xiang next to her looking at her with a smile, her face turned red.

Because the way she was just now, she really looked like a child.

Then, she sorted out her emotions slightly, regained her light-hearted appearance, and wanted to say something.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang spoke up.

"Ahem...your clothes..." Zhang Xiangqing coughed twice and pointed to her witch costume.

In the play with the golden young dragon just now, her witch costume was a little messy under the arch of the golden young dragon.

Although it's not the extent of the spring light leaking out, but it also seems a little temptation.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Kikyo's face couldn't help but flush again, and he hurriedly arranged his clothes again.

However, this time the blush on her face has not disappeared.

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