Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 902: , Touch

However, even so. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Under the hard work of the golden young dragon, its body with more than two meals turned out to be half-floating.

However, after flying for a distance of one or two meters, its feet still need to touch the ground, and then slightly step on the ground to be able to fly again.

"Ah... this is it?" Sakura showed a surprised expression on her face, looking in the direction of the golden young dragon.

Because of the miasma just now and the reasons for her body later, she didn't find the golden young dragon'playing' not far from here.

It wasn't until this time that she had found each other.

However, looking at the image of the golden young dragon that resembled the cartoon and animation, and its cute appearance, Sakura's face showed a hint of surprise.

As for the other side, Xiao Feng, who had not seen the golden young dragon, although he felt that the golden young dragon was very cute at the beginning.

However, after thinking about the damage caused by monsters to the villagers and chasing themselves.

Xiao Feng hides behind Kikyo with a nervous look.

For Xiaofeng, who was only a few years old at this time, Kikyo is the most powerful person in her mind. Even ordinary children usually believe that their father and mother are the most powerful people.

The same is true for Xiaofeng, but because of the premature death of her parents, she regards her sister as an existence similar to her parents.

For Xiaofeng, platycodon is the existence of her mother and sister.

However, at this time.

Xiao Feng felt that Kikyo stretched out her right hand and calmed her smooth black hair a few times.

"It's okay Xiaofeng, it won't hurt you." Kikyo said comfortingly to Xiaofeng.

"But... But, isn't it a monster?" Xiao Feng said to Kikyo with suspicion and tension on his face.

Although in Xiao Feng's opinion, the golden young dragon is very cute and cute, and it seems that he has no malice towards her.

However, her past experience still made her unable to accept it so easily.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang also spoke to Sakura and others.

"Don’t worry, although it is a monster, it was hatched by me, and it signed a contract with me, which is equivalent to my contracted combat partner. Without my order or harm to it, it I won't shoot you. Moreover, it has only just hatched, and soon you can become friends with it. Don't you think it is cute?" Zhang Xiang explained to Xiao Sakura with a smile.

However, his gaze was in the direction of Xiao Feng, and his expression revealed a slight encouragement to her.

For Zhang Xiang, he hoped that Xiao Feng could break free from the shadow of the monster.

Not to mention, Zhang Xiang still intends to stay and protect their existence. If Xiao Feng can have a good relationship with her, it is undoubtedly the best.

"Really, really?" There was a hint of joy in Xiao Feng's eyes.

For her, something so cute as a golden young dragon, although its size is slightly larger, is very pleasing to Xiao Feng, who is only a few years old.

However, she only showed this intention, but she hid behind Kikyo and did not come out.

This made Zhang Xiang sigh a little. The psychological trauma that Xiao Feng suffered when he was a child, it is really impossible to heal it all at once.

However, at this time.

Kozakura struggled to get up.

This made Zhang Xiang feel a little nervous.

"Sakura, what do you want to do? If you have something to do, just tell me to do it. Although you rest for a while, the Kuro card stops asking you for magic power. However, you can't exercise right now." Zhang Xiang Persuading Sakura carefully.

"I want to stand up and touch it with my hands." Sakura continued trying hard to get up, and said to Zhang Xiang.

However, Zhang Xiang found that Xiao Ying's eyes were in Xiao Feng's direction, with a hint of encouragement in her eyes.

"It seems that Xiao Sakura knows Xiao Feng’s psychological trauma, and wants to use practical actions to let Xiao Feng gradually accept the Golden Dragon, and then relieve Xiao Feng’s psychological shadow..." This one flashed in Zhang Xiang’s heart idea.

However, he did not stop Sakura's actions, but helped her.

After all, Sakura hasn't even been able to stand still yet.

Not to mention, what she did was good, why did Zhang Xiang stop her?

Therefore, Zhang Xiang acted immediately after Sakura said these words.

"Okay, but let me help you." Zhang Xiang said softly to Sakura.

Immediately, Sakura was still puzzled in her eyes.

Zhang Xiang actually wrapped her hand around Sakura's neck, and her hand around her toes, and hugged her.

This sudden move made Sakura feel extremely surprised while also feeling shy.

After all, she is now held by Princess Zhang Xiang.

However, she also knew that she could only barely stand firm and couldn't even walk. How could she walk to the golden young dragon and touch it.

Moreover, if there is a man by her side, it will undoubtedly make her more at ease.

So, after she was picked up by Zhang Xiang, she just exclaimed.

Immediately, after she felt the breath of a man that she had never felt before, and a slight sense of suspension, she came to the golden young dragon.

Of course, in this process.

Because Sakura was a little flustered, she didn't have any memories of the process.

And looking at the golden young dragon who is close at hand, with a pair of big shiny eyes.

Although Kozakura was cheering for herself in her heart, she was still a little scared.

However, looking at those pure big eyes, and the cute golden young dragon staying in place, looking at himself.

In Kozakura's heart, there was a burst of courage.

Immediately, she stretched out her own money, and touched the golden young dragon.

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