Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 903: , Big shiny eyes

Facing the Sakura with her eyes closed slightly and extending her right hand, the young golden dragon first blinked her big shiny eyes. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

But immediately, it felt the faint sense of familiarity from Sakura's body.

That's because Sakura often comes into contact with Zhang Xiang in the past two days, and it gets the smell.

I felt it again, since I was born, what kind of sensation I have had since I was born, I felt that in Sakura’s heart, that kind of touch with a hint of tension, a hint of surprise, and a hint of hesitation, I want to be friends with myself.

Not long after he was just born, only Zhang Xiang, a ‘dad’, Kikyo’s a ‘mother’, and a golden young dragon who has no other friends, instantly felt extremely happy.

However, in the lesson Zhang Xiang just taught it.

It also knows its own body, for the body of an ordinary person, it looks a little huge, and its power is too big.

Therefore, it quickly stopped the flapping of its wings behind him, stopped in place, and obediently lowered its head.

In the next moment, Kozakura felt her right hand and touched a smooth scale.

In a moment of slippery, with a warm feeling, passed from the scales.

After moving along the smooth scales to one side, she felt the existence of a horn-shaped hard object.

Feeling this, Kozakura, who was still a little scared, not only opened her eyes curiously.

In the next instant, Kozakura opened her small mouth slightly in surprise.

Because, in front of her, the young golden dragon, which was more than two meters high, lowered his head slightly, and it was the head of the young golden dragon that he stroked with his right hand. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Moreover, at such a close distance.

Sakura was able to discover that the golden young dragon's big golden eyes were so pure, like babies.

There was a faint look in his eyes, looking in his direction.

Seeing these big eyes, Sakura was still a little surprised, but she calmed down for some reason.

"Come on, say hello to it" Zhang Xiang smiled and said with Sakura in his arms.

"Yes, okay?" Kozakura asked in a daze.

But immediately, she knew that she had asked a silly question, and her face flushed.

Then, she turned her head to look at the big eyes of the Golden Dragon.

When facing a pure child, looking directly at the other person's eyes and showing one's mood without reservation is the fastest way to make friends with the other person.

This is what her father said.

She trusts her father.

Therefore, she did so.

"I, my name is Kozakura, and I am glad to meet you." Kozakura took a breath and said her feelings.

At the same time, those brown eyes were sincerely looking at the direction of the young golden dragon.

And this point of her approach is indeed correct.

Feeling the kindness in Sakura's heart, the golden young dragon couldn't help but also greatly increased his affection for Sakura.

It closed its big eyes and moved closer to its head slightly, allowing Sakura to feel more relaxed.

At the same time, it also made its first sound since its birth.

"Woo" is like a newborn baby, and the voice is full of immaturity.

Moreover, perhaps because of its dragon clan, its voice is filled with a sense of majesty inexplicably.

Although, with its cute look and immature voice, it sounds like an inexplicable sense of joy.

However, everyone could still hear the joy and closeness in the voice of the young golden dragon.

Feeling this, everyone can't help but get a lot closer to the golden young dragon.

Even Xiao Feng, who had been hiding behind Kikyo in fear, showed his head timidly, and looked in the direction of the young golden dragon with a hint of doubt and a hint of fondness in his eyes.

At this time, the young golden dragon also found that someone was watching it secretly.

It turned its head slightly and looked in the direction of Xiao Feng.

However, it didn't expect that its own movement surprised Xiao Feng slightly, and showed a timid look of fear, and hid behind Kikyo.

Looking at this scene, although the golden young dragon has just hatched, it has a very high IQ, but it suddenly feels wronged.

It didn't understand why Xiao Feng was afraid of it, and he blinked his big eyes, and the eyes were wronged.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang spoke up.

"Xiao Feng, don't be afraid. It likes you very much and won't hurt you. Moreover, it is just a newborn baby. You see, you ignore it. It is already a little wronged. From now on, it will protect you and your sister from being attacked by monsters," Zhang Xiang softly followed Xiao Feng's persuasion.

His voice was full of magnetism, and the gentle words made Xiao Feng slightly relieved the fear in his heart.

In addition, she was also a little curious about how the golden young dragon was wronged.

So, in the next moment.

Xiao Feng opened a small slit slightly and secretly looked in the direction of the young golden dragon.

Then, she truly saw the aggrieved look of the Golden Dragon.

Looking at this scene, Xiao Feng's definition of monsters was completely overturned.

Because in her mind, the monsters are all blue-faced fangs, full of violence and cruel existence, how can they show aggrieved appearance?

Thinking of this, Xiao Feng couldn't help but pick the golden young dragon from the monsters defined at the beginning.

And as soon as she turned this thought in her heart, she not only felt a lot easier.

In addition, he really liked the golden young dragon in front of him.

As for Xiaofeng's changes, Kikyo, who has lived with Xiaofeng for so many years, is undoubtedly the clearest.

Feeling the change of Xiaofeng and the meaning of Zhang Xiang's words, Kikyo couldn't help but make a decision.

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