Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 906: , Shenwei? Long Wei?

And the result was not beyond Zhang Xiang's expectations. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Just ten seconds later, amidst the shouts of the golden young dragon, the evil spirit in the golden young dragon's body was completely washed away.

At that moment, everyone felt a trance.

A ferocious and dark dragon suddenly appeared outside the golden young dragon's body.

However, at the next moment.

This kind of sight has already disappeared completely, making everyone wonder if the sight just now is true.

However, others didn't know, but Zhang Xiang and Kikyo felt clearly.

That illusory image is real, because at the moment that illusory influence appeared, a tyrannical and wicked soaring demon aura instantly communicated with the world, and even the sky was dim for a moment. For a moment.

But at the next moment.

The dark tycoon full of tyranny and monsters suddenly disappeared. Even the tyrannical and monsters soaring to the sky disappeared cleanly, even as if they had never appeared.

This discovery made Zhang Xiang and Kikyo both look at each other.

However, Zhang Xiang quickly let go of the doubts in his heart.

Even if the golden young dragon became like it, just now Zhang Xiang accurately perceives through the contract, the golden young dragon's thoughts have not changed in the direction of that tyrannical and monster.

In this case, it will be fine.

Not to mention, under the **** of the contract, even if the golden young dragon became that kind, he was not afraid.

Because Zhang Xiang can forcefully stop the golden young dragon's actions through a contract when necessary.

This is a big killer.

Of course, Zhang Xiang would not do this kind of thing until the final situation.

However, the illusory dark dragon figure is not real, but another thing is real.

That is, the body of the golden young dragon has changed.

It grew up in the golden fire.

It was as if it had evolved, after the golden flames suddenly flocked to the golden young dragons and gushed upwards.

The golden young dragon seemed to have accumulated enough energy to evolve. Its body began to grow rapidly. Its claws flashed with cold light, and its sharp teeth could smash everything. The whole pair was 20 meters in size. His huge golden wings, the golden eyes full of majesty and anger and calm.

Everyone who was scanned by its golden eyes had a feeling that it was as if God was looking down upon the world.

However, this situation was only maintained until the golden flames soaring to the sky disappeared.

When the golden soaring fire pillars clustered around and landed on the hill where the violently burning monster corpses came back, its figure began to gradually recover to its original shape.

The claws that shone with cold light gradually sank, and the sharp teeth that could crush everything gradually flattened.

Of course, that pair of huge golden yellow wings that stretched out as much as 20 meters has shrunk a lot.

However, it has become less exaggerated.

Even when it is shrunk, it is eight meters in size.

Finally, those golden-yellow majestic eyes that looked like watching sentient beings gradually returned to their original shape, returning to the original big eyes full of innocence.

Then, it was in the air, watching its changes with some curiosity.

There are not many specific changes, but its body has changed from more than two meters to nearly three meters.

Moreover, its wings have become a lot bigger.

As for other places, there have not been many changes.

However, one thing needs to be said. I don't know why. When the golden flame receded from its body, a golden flame was still lit on its tail.

It was a very warm flame, about the size of two or three adult fists, just above the tip of its tail.

To be honest, it is similar to the fire-breathing dragon or the little fire-breathing dragon in "Pokemon" that Zhang Xiang had seen before.

It's just that this golden flame gives people a warm feeling.

Seeing the golden young dragon return to its original shape, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but relax.

But immediately, his eyes looked in the direction of the golden young dragon full of inquiry.

If he didn't feel wrong just now.

Then, when the golden young dragon became the golden dragon, and the majestic golden eyes that looked over the crowd appeared.

He felt a little breath, angelic, but it was a little different from angelic.

Because the breath of angels is not full of that kind of proud majesty.

On this point, he has seen three angels, but he has the most say.

‘It seems that the things that came out of the golden treasure chest are really not simple... Moreover, the things Kihara has studied a lot are definitely not only the memories I took out of his head, but only biochemical research. There are more things...’ Zhang Xiang raised his head and glanced at the golden young dragon, but he sighed.

What he said is actually not without basis.

Like Aleister's level of existence, wanting to modify the memory of an ordinary human, it couldn't be more ordinary.

"However, let's postpone all of this first, let's take care of the immediate things first..." Zhang Xiang whispered to himself.

Because, not far away, the young golden dragon that had just emerged from the golden flames had already descended gradually from the sky and flew towards Zhang Xiang.

However, in the next moment, something strange happened.

After landing, the young golden dragon seemed to have been wronged, and ran to Zhang Xiang with tears in his eyes, and was buried in Zhang Xiang's arms.

Pearl tears dripped from the corners of its big golden eyes full of grievances, and wet Zhang Xiang's clothes.

This sudden incident made Zhang Xiang a little dumbfounded...

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