Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 907: , Man, man?

"Woo, woo..." The golden young dragon's voice, not knowing whether it was a whimper or a grievance, came from the golden young dragon's mouth. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Regardless of Zhang Xiang, or Kikyo, they were all confused about the scene in front of them.

However, they couldn't bear to see the golden young dragon crying so sad.

Everyone came to comfort the young golden dragon.

The young golden dragon also raised his head again after rubbing his head aggrievedly in Zhang Xiang's arms.

At this moment, its big golden innocent eyes were full of aggrieved look.

Large drops of tears slid from the corners of its eyes and fell on the ground in front of Zhang Xiang, some of them ticked on Zhang Xiang's arms, making him feel a chill.

However, the tears of the golden young dragon did not have any special effects like the legend.

However, this is also normal.

After all, the golden young dragon in front of us is not the golden young dragon in the real mythology, but a mixture of the flesh and blood essence of Zhang Xiang's defeated dragon, and the golden young dragon born after devouring a large number of unknown monsters. Up.

However, what Zhang Xiang didn't find was.

It’s not that the tears of the Golden Dragon’s tears are useless, but because he has not completely swallowed the position of the “God’s Power Gabriel”, causing him to be filled with a strange and regular power. There is no gain.

And above the ground, what was visible to the naked eye, it was originally purified by Sakura's Yukuluo card, but there was still a little bit of demon pollution on the ground, and it was instantly purified.

Moreover, a little green sprout began to emerge.

Except at this time.

The golden young dragon turned his body a bit wronged, and his heavy right foot stepped on the wisp of green and accidentally pressed it.

On the other side, under the comfort of Zhang Xiang, Kikyo and others, the golden young dragon, who had been wronged, gradually recovered his calm.

And, began to talk about other grievances.

"Woo...oooo..." the golden young dragon was screaming, and the big golden eyes were full of grievances. When talking about the wrong place, those golden innocent big eyes In, tears began to brew again.

It was also a loss that Zhang Xiang, Kikyo and others were comforted in time.

Otherwise, there will be a flurry of jumps.

In the grievances of the golden young dragon, although Zhang Xiang did not understand the language of the golden young dragon, he relied on the close connection between the contracts and even guesses. The wronged facts were restored.

The reason why the golden young dragon felt wronged was because it had ‘evolved’ once.

Above its tail, there was a golden flame.

Because of this, it feels that it is no longer good-looking.

Therefore, I feel very wronged.

After clarifying this matter, Zhang Xiang couldn't help being a little speechless.

It was because of this incident that the young golden dragon felt wronged.

"It's because there is a flame above the tail that I feel wronged and crying?" Zhang Xiang held the head of the young golden dragon a little speechlessly, looking at its big aggrieved eyes and said.

And the young golden dragon also cooperated with a ‘woo woo’ and nodded.

Its big golden eyes were filled with grievances, and it showed a look of hope that Zhang Xiang would comfort him.

However, Zhang Xiang, who is not delicate in the supremacy of emotions, missed the look of hope of comfort from the golden young dragon because he covered his head speechlessly.

"Really, you are not a boy...No, are you a male Golden Dragon? How can you be wronged because of this incident?" Zhang Xiang tapped the young golden dragon on the head and said to it.

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's words.

In the golden young dragon's big golden eyes, there was another expression of grievance, tears oozing from the corners of the eyes, and the water was about to fill the golden mountain again.

However, at this time.

But Kikyo and the others came over angrily, squeezed Zhang Xiang away, and hugged the head of the young golden dragon.

"Hey, don't cry..."

"Yeah, yeah, don't pay attention to the big bad guy, big brother. Besides, there is a golden flame, isn't it also very beautiful?"

Kikyo and Sakura hugged one side, comforting the golden young dragon carefully.

And Xiao Feng also stood on tiptoes, touched the scales of the golden young dragon, and comforted her.

This makes Zhang Xiang somewhat inexplicable.

On the other side, under the comfort of Kikyo and Sakura, the young golden dragon gradually calmed down.

And, gradually accepted the fact of having a golden flame on his tail.

Seeing the scene calmed down, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but speak.

"Um...Is it that I said something wrong? Isn't it a boy, but a girl?" Zhang Xiang thought for a long time, as if he only had this place to say something wrong.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help adjusting the position, wanting to see the golden young dragon's body clearly.

However, he didn't expect this action of him, but it was let the golden young dragon see it.

It began to make an aggrieved sound and hid behind Kikyo and Sakura.

And watching Zhang Xiang's movements, whether it was Kikyo or Sakura, they suddenly understood something.

They couldn't help feeling shy and angry.

As a result, they opened their hands one after another and stood in front of the young golden dragon.

Coupled with the aggrieved look of the golden young dragon, it really seemed like Zhang Xiang was bullying the golden young dragon.

"Huh, I won't tell you."

"Brother, you are a big fool"


Even the bellflower gave Zhang Xiang a blank look, and nodded as if in agreement. This made Zhang Xiang more curious, and a little bit eager to cry.

Who did he provoke? !

However, at this moment, everyone's eyes were attracted by one place.

Because the golden flames burning on the hill of monster corpses had already burned to the end, and it was the most exuberant moment.

The golden flames soared into the sky, as if trying to pierce the sky.

But at the next moment.

As if it was prosperous and declining, and like a fairy scattered flowers, the golden flame suddenly shattered into countless golden color-changing light spots, drifting towards the earth...

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