Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 908: , The purple crystal group...

This gorgeous and ordinary scene immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"That's it?" Zhang Xiang let out a slightly surprised cry.

Beside him, whether it was Kikyo, Sakura and others, they all looked forward in surprise.

Because, during their conversation, the hill of stinking monster corpses had already undergone earth-shaking changes.

The hills of monster corpses that were stacked on top of each other, hideous and disgusting, had already disappeared cleanly, just like the golden fire burned cleanly, without a trace of residue.

Instead, there is a small jungle of purple crystals. The purple crystals that are buried deep in the ground broke free from the ground. Most of the crystals are four or five meters high, and the longest purple in the middle. The crystal turned out to be more than eight meters high.

And this purple crystal jungle occupies a small area, that is, the center area occupied by the pile of monster corpses, covering an area of ​​about 100 square meters.

However, this is not the point.

The point is that Zhang Xiang felt a powerful force circulating in these crystals.

If you feel it roughly, it is a very powerful and incomparable demon energy, but once you feel it, it doesn't look like it again.

"What is this thing?" Zhang Xiang looked at the purple crystal covering more than a hundred square meters, couldn't help but stretched out his right hand and placed it gently on the purple crystal.

Of course, his vigilance has also been raised to the highest level.

If something strange happened, no matter what it was, he would withdraw his right hand and violently back. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

But at the next moment.

His mouth opened slightly.

"This is natural energy?" Zhang Xiang was shocked to feel the energy circulating in the crystal, and couldn't help making a sound.

Of course, inside the purple crystal that he touched, there was still a lot of monster energy.

Even the outer shell of the purple crystal is completely composed of pure monster energy.

However, Zhang Xiang felt a natural force that was not weak in it.

Yes, it is a natural force, although that force is not worth mentioning compared to that powerful monster.

However, in Zhang Xiang's perception.

That natural force is growing vigorously.

It is absorbed from the ubiquitous natural energy floating in the air, absorbed from the lower end of the purple crystal inserted deep into the ground, and poured into the purple crystal.

"No wonder, I actually felt a monster aura just now, but I don't feel like it..." Zhang Xiang showed relief on his face.

But immediately, he was shocked again.

Because, he could feel that just the purple crystal in front of him was good, and the power contained in it was no less than the sum of the energy contained in his body at this time.

You know, even though Zhang Xiang took a serious shot in this battle, he still fought for a long time.

However, thanks to the benefits of ‘Shadow Demon Blade’ absorbing blood and back feeding himself, Zhang Xiang’s Chakra in his body at this time was still close to one third.

Not to mention the magic that he rarely uses, and his dual-line lv5 superpower.

Therefore, the power contained in his body is undoubtedly strong.

If it broke out in an instant, there would be no problem at all to destroy everything within a hundred meters.

And this purple crystal in front of him has such energy storage, how can this not shock him?

Not to mention, the purple crystals in front of you are still gradually absorbing natural energy, and the vacancies stored in them are more than enough!

Moreover, because the purple crystal in front of him is a pure energy crystal, the bursting power will undoubtedly be stronger than Zhang Xiang.

In front of Zhang Xiang, there was more than this purple crystal.

Looking around, there are dense purple crystals within a hundred meters.

If you walk in, you might have an illusion that you are in a sea of ​​purple crystals.

"If all the purple crystals in front of me burst out..." This thought suddenly flashed in Zhang Xiang's mind.

But immediately, he couldn't help feeling a little chill.

Because he can imagine the scene at that time.

At least within this five-kilometer radius, all creatures, no, hilltops or something, will be razed to the ground.

That might not be inferior to the explosion of a one million equivalent nuclear bomb.

From this, we can see how powerful the energy contained in these purple crystals is.

However, this is what Zhang Xiang thinks too much.

If it were to cause an explosion on that scale, the power contained in the purple crystals in front of him would undoubtedly explode in a bursting manner, releasing all its original power.

And this kind of thing, it is very difficult for such a situation to occur when no one is strong in guiding and controlling the conflict.

If it were its own explosion, at most it would collapse one or two hills.

Of course, it is more likely that it just shattered into dozens of pieces, and then nothing happened.

At this moment, I looked at Zhang Xiang's slightly shocked expression.

Kikyo couldn't help but stretched out his right hand and touched the purple crystal.

"This energy...much like the power in the jade of the four souls...but...but it's a little different..." Kikyo frowned slightly, looking at the purple crystals in front of her.

She didn't understand how these purple crystals came out.

Of course, the most likely possibility at the moment is that the saliva ‘dragon flame’ sprayed by the golden young dragon transforms the corpses of those monsters into this form.

Kikyo’s guess is not far from reality.

However, one thing is wrong.

That is the formation of these purple crystals. In fact, they are not composed of monster corpses, but by the remaining monster energy in their bodies. After being refined by the golden flames, they contact with each other with natural energy. Longdu did not anticipate the change.

Then, it is formed by those demons and natural energy.

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