Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 909: , The role of purple crystals

And watching Zhang Xiang and Kikyo stretch out their hands to touch them one after another, nothing happened.

Sakura also stretched out her little hand curiously and pressed it on the periphery of the purple crystal.

In an instant, a powerful energy was infused into her body from the little hands she touched.

"Ah..." Sakura exclaimed.

Its face turned pale, and it wanted to desperately block that energy.

However, at this time.

That unknown energy quickly transformed into a masterless magic power, which was quickly absorbed by her body.

On the other side, there was fear in listening to Sakura's exclaimed voice.

Zhang Xiang couldn't help but his face changed. The whole person instantly moved to Sakura's side and stretched out his right hand, trying to grab Sakura's right hand that was in contact with the purple crystal.

However, at this moment, Kikyo stopped Zhang Xiang's actions.

"Don't move her!" Kikyo's voice was very light, grabbing Zhang Xiang's extended right hand, and quickly followed Zhang Xiang.

At this time, Zhang Xiang also saw some clues.

Because, just after Sakura's exclaim, her face returned to normal, and a faintly surprised expression bloomed on her face.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xiang knew that there was nothing wrong with Sakura.

However, he still dare not take it lightly.

"Sakura, are you okay?" Zhang Xiang stood beside Sakura, asking with a trace of anxiety and concern in his tone. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

After listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Sakura also turned her head.

"It's okay, and my magic power is still recovering quickly" Sakura turned her head, with a surprised expression on her face, and said to Zhang Xiang in a cheerful tone.

"The magic is recovering?" Zhang Xiang's face was dumbfounded after hearing Sakura's words.

Because, according to his diagnosis, Kozakura’s body, which had been over-consuming her magic power, would need to start to recover her magic power again, at least until tomorrow.

However, it takes at least half a month to recover intact and leave no troubles.

And now only ten minutes have passed, how could Sakura recover so quickly.

In the next moment, Zhang Xiang suddenly looked in the direction of the purple crystal.

"Sakura, are you absorbing the energy in the purple crystal?" Zhang Xiang turned his head to Sakura and asked.

"Well, yes. I just touched my right hand just now. But, I don’t know why a powerful energy was injected into my body as soon as I touched it, and it scared me a lot. When I wanted to resist, the energy that had invaded my body suddenly turned into magic power and was absorbed by my body. It was my original magic power." Kozakura’s face was revealed. A cheerful expression.

After all, the feeling that the magic power was exhausted just now was really too uncomfortable.

But now, she seemed to be surrounded by warm water, and a warm and comfortable feeling continued to pass, making her instantly forget the uncomfortable just now.

And listening to Sakura's words, Zhang Xiang also understood.

If there is no accident, it is the natural energy contained in the purple crystal. After sensing the dry magic in Sakura's body, it adheres to the principle of natural energy flowing from a container with a high capacity to a container with a low capacity.

Those natural energies were infused into Sakura's body like flowing water.

Then, after entering Sakura's body.

Maybe it's because of Sakura's physique, or because natural energy will automatically transform when it leaves nature and enters the body.

The natural energy that was instilled into her body naturally turned into magic power and was absorbed by her body.

Moreover, because it is directly converted from natural energy, these converted non-attribute magic powers can be absorbed by Sakura so easily.

"It turned out to be like this..." Zhang Xiang's face showed the same expression.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang's eyes suddenly flashed a light.

‘Since these purple crystals will automatically replenish the missing energy in the human body, what if I take the initiative to absorb it? This crazy idea flashed through Zhang Xiang's mind.

However, it is crazy, but in fact the operability of this behavior is really good.

‘Also, if it succeeds, then I won’t have to plan carefully in the future, just throw away the big move. Zhang Xiang thought with a hint of joy.

Think about it this way, if the strength of oneself and the enemy is equal, or even inferior to the other.

However, when the opponent releases a small move, we use a big move. When the other party uses a big move, we also use a big move. When the other party is defending, we also use a big move.

So, what will the outcome be.

As the saying goes, the master is beaten to death.

If such an infinitely big move is really used, no matter how strong the opponent is, as long as the opponent does not kill Zhang Xiang with a single blow, then the opponent will undoubtedly be crushed to death by Zhang Xiang.

As long as he had consumed almost the power, he held a purple spar to restore energy.

Then, he will be able to live and live again soon.

As soon as he thought of it, Zhang Xiang quickly covered his right hand on the purple spar.

In an instant, although it was quite large, it was only a stream of natural energy for Zhang Xiang, and it was transmitted from the purple crystal.

Then, after that natural energy entered Zhang Xiang's body, it quickly differentiated into various energies, which diffused towards his whole body.

However, facing such a slow natural energy flow, Zhang Xiang certainly wouldn't feel satisfied.

However, he did not know how to speed up the flow of these natural energy.

However, at this time.

In Zhang Xiang's mind, a thought suddenly flashed through.

That is, what if he actively guides him with mental power?

But at the moment he made up his mind, his mental power spread towards his right hand, and instantly came to the periphery of the purple crystal, and he wanted to go inside.

Except at this time.

The purple crystal in front of Zhang Xiang suddenly flashed with a soft blue light, which scared everyone around.

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