Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 911: ,success? failure?

"Well, I'll stay and help you. Look, "If there is anything wrong with Maoxian, Chinese, Chinese, and the Internet, my enchantment technique can help you..." Kikyo's face was hesitant, facing Zhang Xiang said.

However, facing the kindness of Kikyo, Zhang Xiang smiled and shook his head.

"No, it's better to protect Sakura and the others. Moreover, you are so nervous that I almost think how dangerous my experiment is. Don't worry, the danger is not great. You have to believe me and With my strength, I want to leave in time when I am in danger. It is undoubtedly no problem. If I bring you, more time may be wasted. Moreover, it is not more important to protect Sakura and the others. Is it something?" Zhang Xiang said these words seemingly ruthless.

However, both Zhang Xiang and Kikyo knew.

Zhang Xiang is doing her good and doesn't want her to take risks.

Not knowing whether it was because of Zhang Xiang's words that touched her, or for other reasons, Kikyo nodded after hesitating slightly.

However, at this time.

However, Kikyo suddenly stretched his hands behind his neck, untied the ropes that fastened the jade of the four souls, and suddenly stood on his toes and brought it to Zhang Xiang's neck.

"I'll give you this first." Kikyo said blushing slightly.

Immediately, she trot in the direction of Xiao Ying and Xiao Feng, making Zhang Xiang unable to say anything.

But Zhang Xiang had to smile wryly, and took the jade of the four souls.

However, to be honest, the power of the jade of the four souls is undoubtedly the existence of the artifact in "Inuyasha".

When the jade of the four souls touched Zhang Xiang, at the moment the pink light rose slightly, Zhang Xiang felt the energy such as chakra and magic power in his body that was originally consumed. It recovered instantly.

Moreover, his fatigue disappeared in an instant.

Even his power, or the upper limit of Chakra, broke through quickly.

Let Zhang Xiang have an illusion, that is, even if he blasted a small hill with one punch, and displayed the'flaming roar' one after another, there would be no problem.

However, this is also an illusion that is not an illusion.

If you want to do it, you can do it.

However, that is to use the power of the jade of the four souls to do so with the help of the jade of the four souls.

Of course, if it is a small part of borrowing, with his rock-solid willpower, his soul will not be dressed.

However, he has a premonition, if he borrows too much power.

So, it was only a matter of time before he was sunk.

"It seems that I am not a person full of four souls..." Zhang Xiang laughed at himself, looking at the one hanging on his chest, although it still emits a pink light, but it has already emerged from it. There was a jade of four souls from the black light that was hard to detect with the naked eye.

Within the short time of leaving Kikyo, the jade of the four souls had already begun to be contaminated.

It can be seen from this point that Zhang Xiang is not as good as he has shown.

In the depths of his heart, there is also a powerful darkness.

Otherwise, this kind of situation would not happen.

However, these situations are only fleeting in Zhang Xiang's mind.

In the next moment, he converged his mind and began to prepare for the experiment.

He first hit a small part of his mental power on his right hand, and the fully recovered Chakra was under his precise control and distributed on the meridians, intending to cope with the possible impact. .

In the next instant, the mental power in Zhang Xiang's right hand that was in contact with the purple crystal began to form a whirlpool and began to spin.

A faint attraction lingered in the palm of his hand.

In the next instant, as Zhang Xiang didn't expect, the speed of natural energy transfer that originally circulated like a stream began to accelerate.

However, the magnitude of that enhancement was only twice as large, and it simply couldn't meet Zhang Xiang's requirement to quickly replenish energy.

As a result, Zhang Xiang began to gradually accelerate the rotation speed of the vortex.

And the absorption rate of natural energy also began to gradually increase.

Moreover, as Zhang Xiang gradually accelerated the speed and the amount of mental power, it continued to increase.

However, just when this process lasted halfway through.

Zhang Xiang suddenly discovered that the energy in his body had been completely restored.

The natural energy transmitted from the purple crystal became more and more difficult.

However, this is just a small difficulty.

In an instant, Zhang Xiang solved this problem.

"Kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes!" Zhang Xiang suddenly opened his kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, and the scarlet light flashed from his eyes.

In the next instant, the various powers that had originally filled Zhang Xiang's body were poured into his right eye.

Just like a flood, and like a huge mouth of gluttony, it was swallowed down.

It was only three or four seconds, and the energy in his body was already ‘consumed’ by one third.

Feeling this situation, he began to amplify a bit of courage and increased his mental energy investment.

Moreover, he did not increase slowly, but doubled in an instant.

I don't know if it is due to quantitative change or qualitative change, or what other reasons are there.

Just after Zhang Xiang's doubled mental power input, the vortex began to spin frantically, and the suction power instantly increased more than twice.

This is undoubtedly frightening Zhang Xiang.

Because, the natural energy madly pouring into his body has already caused some impact on his body.

If he hadn't been prepared to cover the chakra on the meridians, I am afraid that some of his meridians would be destroyed on the spot.

But fortunately, Zhang Xiang still gradually adapted.

However, at this time, an unexpected thing happened.

The spiritual power vortex gathered near the palm of his hand suddenly burst due to the acceleration too fast, and the powerful spiritual power turned into a sharp edge, exploding towards the surrounding...

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