Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 912: , Three pillars of light!

The splintered mental power vortex fragments flew away in all directions, cutting a lot of muscles in Zhang Xiang's palm.

But at this time.

The powerful chakra torrent suddenly rushed from all directions, suppressing the burst of mental power fragments, and reducing the damage to a minimum.

If it looked from the outside, it would be that Zhang Xiang's palm suddenly cracked with several scars, and traces of bright red blood leaked from the cracks.

However, in order not to worry Kikyo and the others, Zhang Xiang clenched his right hand into a fist and covered the wound.

But his face remained the same. If he was psychologically prepared, this level of pain would not be enough to change his expression.

And just when Zhang Xiang turned around and wanted to tell Kikyo that the experiment was over.

A dazzling golden light gleamed from the side, so Zhang Xiang almost didn't think it was the golden young dragon who had burned something by spitting.

However, at the next moment, Zhang Xiang felt that something was wrong.

Because what is contained in that golden light is not something else, but magic.

There was only one person in the field except that he would use magic.

‘Is it in danger? This thought suddenly flashed through Zhang Xiang's mind.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of Sakura.

At the same time, a dazzling purple-blue thunder light flashed on his right hand. If he attacked the enemy at close range, he would still use the technique of instantaneous body and the ninjutsu of Chidori. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

It's just when he wanted to flash past.

I saw Kozakura also looking around with confusion, holding a purple crystal in her hand, exuding purple light.

And under her feet, the golden magic circle with the sun in the middle and the moon on the left also brightened silently.

'wrong. The smallest piece of the purple crystal is four meters long. How could she have such a small piece in her hand? This thought suddenly flashed through Zhang Xiang's mind.

But immediately, he saw the golden young dragon next to Sakura with an anxious and regretful look.

At this moment, after the purple crystal pile was formed, the golden young dragon, who didn't know where he ran, appeared beside Sakura.

On the hands of Kikyo and Xiaofeng, they also own a purple crystal.

Looking at the end above those purple crystals, the bite marks can be seen faintly.

Zhang Xiang already understood something.

It should be the golden young dragon who didn't know which side of the purple crystal pile to go to, and then looked at the purple crystals as beautiful, and secretly wanted to store them.

However, because it had no tools, it used its own teeth to bite off the purple crystal.

In addition, he came to Kikyo and the others in an inviting way, and gave them the three purple crystals it collected.

However, what I didn't expect was that after Sakura took the purple crystal, an accident happened.

The seal key controlled by Sakura turned out to be activated autonomously, and it also activated the power in the purple crystal.

Thinking of this, the tension in Zhang Xiang's heart can't help but drop a little.

After all, there are still guarantees for things made by Kurorido.

And at the next moment, the seal key that had floated because of the inspiration of the magic circle suddenly changed.

The golden light surrounds that one, only on the sealed key the size of an ordinary key.

Then, at the next moment.

The golden light flourished, and the seal key began to grow rapidly, releasing its seal.

In an instant, it was as if the world was connected.

The golden light rose to the sky, and on the other side, a blood-red light was also excited from a distance and washed away into the sky.

And at the next moment, the eight Kuro cards that were originally in Sakura’s arms suddenly flew out, and even the Shu Kuro and Shu Kuro cards that Zhang Xiang placed in his pocket floated around. Fluttering around Kozakura.

Then, the last Kuro card flew out of Sakura's arms.

Zhang Xiang fixed his eyes and saw that it was an Elimination Kuro card that had almost consumed its magic power and was damaged to its origin.

The Elimination Kuro card flew in front of Sakura's hands, floated on the purple crystal, and began to emit a little green-gray light, which was connected to each other with the purple crystal.

And the ten Kuro cards that were originally only surrounding Sakura began to spin quickly, and the faint golden light wrapped them up, and radiated each other with the Kuro elimination card.

A powerful magic wave swept all around instantly.

Then, in the next moment.

The purple crystal actually floated up, turned into a ball of light, and sank into the Kuro card.


The golden magical power fluctuations, like the substance, swept all around in an instant, and even the purple crystal piles not far away seemed to reflect each other.

Purple rays of light rose up into the sky, rendering the sky into two colors of golden and purple.

However, at the next moment, it is as if he refuses to admit defeat.

Under the radiance of the two golden and purple beams of light, the blood-red beam of light that appeared a little dim suddenly burst out, completely rendering the sky into a three-color light.

However, these lights come quickly, and they go quickly.

First, the golden light disappeared, and then the blood-red light became depressed as if it were boring.

In the end, it was the purple light that slowly lowered, slowly returning to its original state.

Then, a cheer of surprise rang.

"Ah..." Kozakura cried.

This cry made Zhang Xiang and Kikyo couldn't help being surprised, and they hurriedly walked to Sakura's body.

"Are you okay?" Kikyo's face was full of worried expressions.

On the other side, even though Zhang Xiang was also very worried, he was still familiar with magic, but he felt that what had just happened, and it did no harm to Sakura.

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