Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 926: , Hundred eyes attention!

However, the result has already been decided.

Although the three great monks were able to stop the combined impact of the most powerful monsters of that era.

But they were still mortal flesh, and they couldn't stop the weapon without preparation.

Especially, when the attackers are their favorite, and the Dharma is even comparable to their little disciples, it is even more unstoppable.

Because they are so unsuspecting.

Zhang Xiang was watching with his own eyes how the little monk went from being an orphan little monk to the position of a little disciple of the three great monks step by step using various methods.

In this process, the seemingly innocent little monk has used it, including the use of superb Dharma, to privately use the monsters’ corpses as materials and the fuel of human bones to make medicines. If the monks are killed, they may be wiped out by other monks on their way.

Of course, Zhang Xiang also watched it with his own eyes.

How did this little monk be in the main hall, between talking to the three holy monks in front of all the monks, and between smiling, killing the three holy monks in front of him with the dagger in his hand?

But when the blood splashed not far from Zhang Xiang's feet, Zhang Xiang knew that the second mural was about to happen.

And the result was not unexpected. Under this sudden situation, all the monks were stunned.

But at the next moment, the little monk stepped on the blood-stained steps, walked to the throne of the Lord Buddha, and kicked the Buddha statue that was more than six meters high to the ground. He sat on the lotus throne.

And as if a miracle had come, countless Buddha's light radiated from the lotus throne, and after reaching the entire hall, everyone felt a kind of compassion in their hearts. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Even some monks are still imagining that the three holy monks did not actually die, but displayed the Dharma to sanction those who dare to be a teacher, or simply because the Lord of the Buddha came and wanted to sanction each other himself.

However, ideals are perfect and happiness is cruel.

Because, in the next moment.

They discovered the source of the Buddha's light, which was emitted from the body of the rebellious demon monk.

However, the power of the Buddha's light is so quintessential that people can't help but subconsciously think that the other party is a kind-hearted person.

This kind of contradictory feeling makes them feel uncomfortable.

However, at this time, someone finally reacted.

Some fighting on the front line, or the disciples of the three great holy monks, all rushed forward, planning to capture the little monk.

The faint light of the Buddha circulated on them, entrusting them like a Buddha, and even some monks with profound Dharma have phantom golden bodies of various Buddhas or Bodhisattvas appearing behind them.

Although it is a seemingly illusory golden body, it can actually launch an attack.

However, at the next moment.

They felt a burst of warmth.

Yes, it is warmth, not terror, but it is warmth that far exceeds terror.

Countless Buddha light once again radiated from the body of the little monk who was sitting on the lotus seat of the Buddha, and a golden body of the Buddha appeared on the lotus seat as if it were real.

The Buddha's hands each have two seals, one is the seal of wishing and the other is the seal of descending demons.

The function of the "Yu Wish Seal" is to soothe people's hearts and affect all living beings, while the "Devil Seal" is to sweep everything under the momentum of thunder.

The warmth is already felt, what about the attack?

Naturally proceeded next.

In the twinkling of the golden light, hundreds of thousands of golden arms stretched out behind the kindly Buddha.

Then, countless golden lights flashed up suddenly.

Those hundreds of thousands of golden arms transformed from extremely quiet to extremely dynamic in an instant, turned into a storm-like attack, and attacked all the monks in the hall.

Each golden light is actually an attack from the arm of a big Buddha.

Suddenly, countless golden lights completely covered the hall.

When the golden light dissipated, all that was left was the golden thousand-handed demon-like benevolent Buddha sitting on the lotus throne, smiling and looking down at the entire hall.

However, the floor of the hall was sprinkled with blood.

One by one the monks came to the ground with unwilling faces, and their heads were separated from their bodies.

Then, countless golden lights burst out once again, and countless figures flickered in it, splitting out from the big Buddha sitting on the lotus throne.

When the golden light disappeared, the bones of hundreds of monks on the ground had completely disappeared.

Instead, there were two rows of humans and monsters with Buddha's light, sitting on the phantom lotus throne that didn't know where it changed.

It's just like what was painted in the third mural.

On the left side of the golden Buddha, all faces are peaceful, but the body is a variety of strange and hideous monsters, some of them have three eyes, a mantis body, and some of them are monsters made up of hideous babies. , And others turned out to be human centipedes.

On the other side, the body is all human, but the face is full of hideous, blue-faced fangs, full of cruelty, bloodthirsty, greed, desire, etc., and it is even smelted by several expressions. The face made.

However, whether it is these weird monsters or those weird humans.

They all have one thing in common, that is, there is a layer of Buddha's light on their bodies, which represents the Buddha's light only when they have attained the position of Buddha or Bodhisattva.

What's different about the murals is that the faces of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas composed of these weird monsters and humans are constantly changing.

For a while, it was that strange and incomparable appearance, and then it changed into the appearance of hundreds of monks, which was unpredictable.

However, after two seconds.

When the Buddha's light in the main hall calmed down, the appearance of Buddha and Bodhisattva composed of hundreds of weird monsters and humans had already been fixed and changed to the appearance on the mural.

And at the next moment, whether it was the Buddha sitting in the center of the hall, or the Buddha and Bodhisattva composed of hundreds of weird monsters and humans, they suddenly looked at Zhang Xiang who had been watching things happen. ...

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