Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 927: , Double pupil kaleidoscope!

"Is it finally over?" Zhang Xiang looked at the hundreds of pairs of eyes that contained various differences, including greed, desire, murder, peace, compassion, coldness, etc., but they were not. There is no panic. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Because, in his eyes, the truly noteworthy existence is the giant Buddha in front of him.

More accurately, it is the body of this giant Buddha, that little monk.

Because everything else is illusory.

Or it should be said that in the past history, I don't know if it was because of the passage of time or something that I didn't know happened.

In short, the hundreds of Buddhas have already disappeared.

The only thing left is the most powerful Buddha, or the Lord of Demon Buddha, that little monk.

"However, even if it is an illusion, it is a real illusion, which is still very troublesome." Zhang Xiang whispered.

And at the moment he lowered his head slightly, the hundreds of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas had already launched an attack. Hundreds of them were either hideous faces or thousands of monsters and humans transformed into Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. , Under the shining light of the Buddha, impacted towards Zhang Xiang.

The slapped wooden sticks, the spearing spears, the sweeping claws, the gnawed sharp teeth...

All kinds of attacks were shrouded in the light of the Buddha, and bombarded Zhang Xiang.

It's like Zhang Xiang is the heinous demon.

But in fact, this is the opposite.

At the moment before the hundreds of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas attacked, Zhang Xiang's heart suddenly beat.


It was a very powerful sound, echoing in his body, as if he was trying to penetrate both the inside and outside of his body.

At the same time, an extremely cold pupil force was also under Zhang Xiang's control, instilled towards his pair of scarlet three-gou jade writing round eyes that he did not know when to display.

As a tingling and cold feeling came, Zhang Xiang felt like he had broken through a certain limit.

The world suddenly became gray and white, and everything was moving frame by frame.

In his field of vision, the hundreds of attacks that should have been like gusts of wind and showers turned into extremely slow movements.

Zhang Xiang can even see the expressions on their faces and every movement of them, just like he can avoid all attacks with just one movement.

And as the opponent's super slow speed progressed, Zhang Xiang's pair of scarlet three-gou jade writing wheels also changed a lot.

The three jet-black gou jade slowly sank into the jet-black spot in the center, a circle of jet-black lines began to emerge from the scarlet, the center spot of the pupil also spread out towards the outside, forming a handful A turning key.

And at the moment when the circle of black lines completely appeared, the embedded black lines of the pentagram also appeared, and the spinning key was circled, completely forming a double pupil kaleidoscope. Round eyes.

A huge figure of a giant slowly emerged from the void, and the extremely black flames were burning.

And in his hand is a long sword with a blazing red flame burning on it, the sword body is an extremely scarlet energy sword body, and the hilt also has three long swords with black jade patterns.

But at the next moment, the scarlet long sword burning with crimson flames in his hand swept away.

In less than one hundredth of a second, a blow that surrounded Zhang Xiang's body was cut.

In front of the scarlet long sword burning with scarlet flames, it was shining with Buddha's light that could block the impact of monsters, but there was no time to react, and it was crushed by that powerful force into golden light in the sky.

Then, the raging red flame swept the sky full of Buddha and Bodhisattva, and the sky was clear.

However, this seems to be of no use at all.

The golden light once again gathered around Zhang Xiang's body, and began to gradually return to its original form, as if it had not been attacked.

However, Zhang Xiang had anticipated this a long time ago.

In other words, the blow he just made was originally an illusory move, just to prepare for the next move.

Now he is out of the illusion in the illusion!

The outermost layer of illusion, because it was set up by the Buddha at his heyday, or simply connected with itself, Zhang Xiang unless he fights you to death, otherwise he is not. Want to break through that real illusion.

However, this doesn't mean that he can't break through another layer of illusion created by the opponent in the real illusion, or in the semi-real and semi-illusory small world.

"Deification!" Zhang Xiang said this sentence in a low voice.

As his words fell, his heart beat sharply again, and the pupils of his eyes shrank suddenly. The pentagram pattern seemed to shrink to a point, and the key-shaped pattern completely Fusion together in general.

And just in the depths of his right eye, a hole suddenly appeared, connecting that inexplicable space.

Suddenly, an inexplicable force descended on Zhang Xiang's body.

Strands of inexplicable pure white energy slowly appeared outside of Zhang Xiang's body, like flying feathers, fluttering down and flying around Zhang Xiang.

Behind him, the pure white energy slowly condensed together.

A pair of pure white angel wings slowly condensed out, as if an angel had descended on the earth, making him begin to become angelic.

But in stark contrast to the pure white angel wings is another inexplicable purple-black energy, quietly floating out of the void like a floating bubble, and hitting Zhang Xiang’s body. Covered his body surface.

Gradually, a purple-black armor full of tyrannical feelings gradually covered the outside of his body.

And his eyes were full of killing intent from the beginning, and turned into cold and merciless now.

His eyes are still the same as the kaleidoscope of pupils writing round eyes, and the pentagram and the key-shaped black pattern occupy nearly one-third of the space.

However, both of his eyes turned golden yellow, full of indifferent golden yellow.

The whites of his eyes became pale golden yellow, and the eyes were completely golden yellow.

It's like that falling angel...

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