Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 928: , Slaughter the Buddha!

In the next moment, the pure white wings behind Zhang Xiang flapped slightly. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

At the moment that the white feathers fell slightly, his whole person instantly turned into a purple-black and white line, like a light that refracted dozens of hundreds of times, and blasted wantonly in the hall.

The time in the entire hall seemed to have stopped temporarily.

Only the purple, black and white lines were left, glaring in it, jumping into the air from that, and flashing past the Buddha and Bodhisattva, whose whole body was in the light of Buddha.

In the next instant, it was as if time had returned to normal.

Zhang Xiang's figure once again appeared in place.

The ‘Shadow Demon Blade’ in his hand is still shining with scarlet light, and the scarlet meaning on the sword body is like blood that is extremely rich and about to drip.

It was as if he had never moved.

The only thing that can prove that he has moved just now is the tri-colored traces that are still in the air in mid-air.

The purple, black and white represent Zhang Xiang's body, and the scarlet line represents the traces of the "Shadow Demon Blade" in Zhang Xiang's hand that have passed through the air.

And the place that the scarlet line has gone through, in addition to the nothingness in the mid-air, is the hundreds of humans with hideous faces in the mid-air, as well as Buddhas and Bodhisattvas composed of evil monsters. Where it is.

At the next moment, the sound of ‘click’ suddenly rang.

After being in mid-air, after being bombarded and shattered by Zhang Xiang's'Suzonenghu', it has already returned to normal, and is facing the hundreds of hideous-faced humans that Zhang Xiang once again impacted. , There are also Buddhas and Bodhisattvas composed of evil monsters. The golden Buddha light on the outside of the body, which gives people a sense of comfort, suddenly shattered. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Countless golden lights flashed in the midair once again.

The bodies of Buddha and Bodhisattva, which consisted of hideous humans and evil monsters, were suddenly cut off with the golden light.

However, this time their bodies weren't what they used to be.

In the recondensation of the Buddha's light, they came together again.

You know, if you just want to kill the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, then even if you don't rely on this form or use the'Suzuo Nenghu', it is more than enough with his own power.

Of course, if he wants to get rid of the hundreds of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who are attacking at the same time when he doesn't use the kaleidoscope to write round eyes, it will be impossible if he is not injured.

But in general, it is not so easy to kill these Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

After all, these illusory Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are already very powerful with one-tenth of their original combat power.

What they are powerful, or annoying, is their immortality.

However, these were all shattered by Zhang Xiang's blow just now.

Because, Zhang Xiang's attack just now was not an ordinary attack, but from the concept, it really attacked their illusory origin.

As long as that drop of conceptual origin is broken, then these Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, composed of hideous humans and evil monsters, who want to be created again, need to consume the not far away. , The Lord Buddha sitting on the lotus throne, or the little monk in his body called "Zhenxin".

In the next instant, those Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, whose bodies were already cut in half in midair, suddenly shattered into a patch of fine dust, revealing a bit of pitch black in the dust.

Only in the next moment.

The pitch black was also suddenly broken, like a black water drop falling to the ground, broken into countless petals.

It's just that at the moment when the golden Buddha light gradually dissipated, the fine dust gradually fell to the ground.

However, Zhang Xiang slowly raised the "Shadow Demon Blade" with scarlet light in his hand.

"Kill!" Zhang Xiang said slowly.

He didn't have the murderous look he used to in his voice, but he just said it plainly.

His indifferent golden eyes were just staring at each other, and they didn't show any special emotions.

But I don't know why, this form of him gives people a convincing feeling.

It's like, what he said will definitely come true.

And this time, there is no extra nonsense.

Zhang Xiang directly rushed in the direction of the Buddha with a round of Buddha's light and a compassionate face.

The "Shadow Demon Blade" in his hand circulated a special scarlet light, as if he was excited about swallowing blood of sufficient quality. The scarlet light circulated endlessly on the short blade, like running water. .

Following the wave of the incomparable pure white wings behind him, the whole person once again turned into a remnant sword, pointing at the little monk under the shelter of the golden Buddha.

Except this time.

Since he appeared, he hadn't said any words, just turned out hundreds of demonized Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to attack Zhang Xiang's little monk, finally speaking for the first time.

"Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha on the ground." The little monk with red lips and white teeth closed his eyes slightly, his hands clasped together as if he was praying, his lips slightly opened, and these words were lightly spit out.

Suddenly, the Buddha's light flashed.

The round of Buddha light behind the big Buddha behind him suddenly emitted a dazzling golden Buddha light.

In an instant, Zhang Xiang's body seemed to have been blessed with a gravity curse, and his body was heavier dozens or hundreds of times in an instant.

Especially the'Shadow Demon Blade' with scarlet rays in his hand, the scarlet streamer on it is even more stagnant, but the whole sword seems to have become a magnet in an instant, and it is touching the ground. Attracted, wanting to take off Zhang Xiang's right hand.

But in the next moment, the ‘Shadow Demon Blade’ began to struggle violently.

The scarlet light burst out suddenly, like roaring after being angered, but following the power blessed on the'Shadow Demon Blade', they confronted each other.

Although the power of unknown origin is very powerful, due to the continuous supply of blood essence of the body, the "Shadow Demon Blade" is matched with that power.

However, Zhang Xiang couldn't wait for the ‘Shadow Demon Blade’ to exhaust that power with its solid accumulation!

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