Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 930: , Space cutting!

However, this time, with adequate preparation, Zhang Xiang would not be attacked so easily by the opponent. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

At that moment when the golden big hand bombarded.

Zhang Xiang's right foot slammed hard, and as the blue brick under his feet suddenly appeared a few cracks, shattered into dozens of pieces, his whole person flashed away quickly to one side.


Above the place where Zhang Xiang had traveled, the big golden hand hit the ground fiercely, and dozens of blue bricks suddenly shattered, forming a dense dust, which waved toward the surroundings.

According to Zhang Xiang's visual observation, the big golden hand was actually preparing the ground and bombarded it at a distance of nearly fifty centimeters.

You know, that is directly slapped down with the palm of the hand, not cut down vertically!

Under such a large contact area, it is possible to bombard such a huge seal, how big is the power needed.

I'm afraid, even if a solid iron ball is placed under it, it will be shot into a discus!

However, Zhang Xiang did not have time to bother about it.

His body was moving fast in the supersonic field, and the surrounding scenery looked a little blurred.

But under the gaze of his pair of kaleidoscope writing wheels, the golden giant Buddha in front of him, and the appearance of the little monk.

Zhang Xiang can see it clearly!

For the first time, Zhang Xiang came to the front of the golden Buddha with the scarlet light ‘Shadow Demon Blade’ in his hand. As long as he handed it forward, he could stab the golden Buddha’s body.

And Zhang Xiang did exactly that!

Within that thousandth of a second, he slashed towards the golden Buddha and towards the little monk.

A deep scarlet streamer diffused from the tip of the sword, and shot towards the little monk among the golden Buddha.

But at this time.

The little monk's lips opened slightly again.

"One thousand buried..." His zen-like voice, ignoring the distance between space and time, appeared in front of Zhang Xiang.

And just in the next moment, two golden palms carrying 10,000 tons of huge power, but like an attack not long ago, they traversed the distance of tens of meters and suddenly bombarded Zhang Xiang from both sides, as if to He cut into a biscuit.

At this time, the deep scarlet slash above Zhang Xiang's sword hadn't completely escaped from that sword.

If Zhang Xiang insisted on attacking again, he would probably be slapped by the two giant golden hands that came from the slap at the moment that the attack was shot, and they would be brought together.

However, at this moment, there was a sneer and determination at the corner of Zhang Xiang's mouth.

"Do you want to use offense instead of defense? But ah! You underestimate me!" A fierce flash flashed in Zhang Xiang's golden eyes.

His golden-yellow kaleidoscope of two-eyed pupils suddenly spun around quickly, locking the body of the little monk under the protection of the golden giant Buddha.

A cold pupil power suddenly emerged from his eyes.

"Space cutting!" Zhang Xiang snorted coldly, and activated one of the pupil techniques he had never used since he merged the two pairs of kaleidoscope writing round eyes.

That is, after he merged the pupil power of the two pairs of kaleidoscope writing round eyes, he changed the new pupil technique.

Space cutting, just like its name, is an attack involving space.

It's just that it is similar to the ninjutsu of Shenwei, which directly transfers things to another world, but it is related to his style and tears the space.

And just in the next instant, an unnamed spatial crack suddenly appeared on the body of the golden giant Buddha, cutting the body of the golden giant Buddha who did not know how hard it was, and the depth turned out to be sufficient. It is more than two meters deep.

Just a little bit, he could directly attack the little monk who was under the protection of the golden giant Buddha.

However, it does not matter.

Zhang Xiang's attack with this trick had no extravagant hope, and he could kill the opponent.

"Make me two halves!" Zhang Xiang's golden eyes looked directly at the other's closed eyes.

And just as soon as his words fell, the crimson moonblade had already escaped from the'Shadow Demon Blade', along the space crack that appeared, to the little monk under the protection of the golden Buddha Slash away.

However, at this time.

The two golden giant hands have also come to both sides of Zhang Xiang, only less than twenty centimeters away.

Then, there was a loud ‘bang’.

The sound of this sound shocked the beams above the hall to drop a cloud of dust.

A sound that even the human eye can see, waved around like ripples.

If an ordinary person was in the center of the sound wave, then in that instant, he would have died because his heart burst and his brain was shaken into a paste.

Let alone Zhang Xiang who was directly bombarded.

Only at this time.

Outside the closed golden hands, Zhang Xiang's figure suddenly appeared.

And he retreated quickly to the rear.

Because the sonic boom that burst out suddenly made him feel slightly uncomfortable.

Of course, there is no real harm.

If there was no attack close to the nuclear explosion, it would be very difficult to harm him now.

But after stopping, Zhang Xiang looked straight at the place where the big golden hands were closed.

Because, behind that, is the place where the little monk is.

However, his left hand was trembling slightly.

Just because of lack of preparation, the first wave of attacks was blocked by him.

Therefore, his hurried defensive left hand suffered some injuries.

At least, his left hand is now numb.

If he was just hit by the bombardment, he would really think his left hand was useless.

Because I lost consciousness.

However, now he gradually regained consciousness, with only minor injuries.

From this, it can be seen that Zhang Xiang's defense is strong at this time.

And all of this relies on the layer of armor on Zhang Xiang's body.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang's golden eyes glanced over his left arm, the hideous purple-black arm armor...

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