Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 931: , The power of law!

Only at this time. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

The pair of golden giant hands blocking Zhang Xiang's front had already slowly let go, revealing the scene behind them.

On the body of that golden Buddha, whether it was the spatial crack or the two-meter deep crack on the golden body of the Buddha, it did not disappear.

And in the crack in the golden body of the golden Buddha, the scarlet sword light was constantly competing with the inner body of the golden Buddha.

The golden brilliance and the scarlet brilliance each occupy one side, and the golden broken awns and the scarlet broken awns are also constantly splashing.

Both sides are consuming each other's energy vigorously.

It's just that, perhaps because of the existence of the space crack that hasn't disappeared, that deep scarlet sword light is moving forward step by step.

Although the speed was very slow, when the golden giant hands separated, the scarlet sword light had already arrived less than ten centimeters away from the little monk.

Although the deep scarlet sword light is also being rapidly consumed, as long as it persists for a second or two, the deep scarlet sword light must be able to completely break through the defense layer of the golden giant Buddha.

But at this moment, the little monk sighed like a compassionate man.

"All beings are suffering, Buddha saves all beings!" The little monk sighed lightly.

Then he opened his eyes slowly.

Suddenly, it was like a bright light blooming, and it was like a miracle coming.

Countless Buddha lights shot out from the golden Buddha, like the sound of hundreds of Buddhas chanting Buddhist scriptures together, echoing in the hall, blossoming golden lotus flowers blooming from unknown places, floating slowly In mid-air.

In his eyes, it seemed as if it contained infinite compassion, countless wisdom, and unmeasurable power, revealing a posture of overlooking sentient beings and leading the world.

Silently, the deep scarlet sword light that had already rushed in front of him slowly glowed with a layer of golden Buddha light, as if it had been purified.

A strong feeling of discomfort surrounded Zhang Xiang's body.

Especially the ‘Shadow Demon Blade’ with scarlet rays in his hand, revealed a gesture of hatred, just like the Buddha's light permeating the hall, threatening it.

It was just when the deep scarlet sword light was about to be completely replaced by the golden Buddha light.

Following the shaking of the "Shadow Demon Blade" in Zhang Xiang's hand, it was as if he was about to break free and stab the golden Buddha.

The scarlet sword light that was about to be completely purified into Buddha's light suddenly trembled and began to struggle violently.

And, in the next moment.

It was about to be completely enveloped by the Buddha's light, and its appearance was already a deep scarlet sword light that had turned into a golden Buddha's light, but it suddenly shattered and turned into a light of golden and scarlet fragments in the sky.

"Amitabha Buddha, why bother to come?" The little monk spoke again, his eyes seemed to have infinite compassion, looking at Zhang Xiang from a bird's-eye view.

It seemed that Zhang Xiang was the monkey that he held in the palm of his hand. No matter how he resisted, he couldn't get out of his palm.

With the sound of his "Amitabha Buddha", the golden Buddha light shone again.

The big golden Buddha's body was cracked by the space cracks and the cracks cut by the deep scarlet sword light, but it was slowly filled by the golden light.

However, at this time.

The golden Buddha's light was hindered. When the golden Buddha's light repaired the space cracks, it was hindered, and the progress of repairing was suddenly slowed down.

A lot of the Buddha's light that was close to the past was consumed by the space crack and didn't know where it was swallowed, or because of the conflict with the power of the space crack itself.

"Hmph, do you really think that my moves are so easy to eliminate?" Zhang Xiang sneered.

You know, his move is a pupil skill that belongs to the spatial level after fusing two pairs of kaleidoscope writing round eyes.

What's so great if it only has the ability to create space cracks?

Whether it is a "other god" that can unconsciously control the subject and permanently change its will, or it only takes a very short time to transform all unfavorable factors, including the injury or death of the operator For dreams, it turns favorable factors such as the attacker's attack into reality, freely controls the boundary between illusion and reality, and uses the ultimate illusion "Izanaki" on oneself.

Even Kakashi that can make people hide in the dimensional space, or simply absorb the opponent's attack, or create a ‘supernatural power’ similar to a space crack attack, wouldn’t it be better than Zhang Xiang’s move?

What Zhang Xiang's trick is really powerful is that the created space cracks can be fixed in this world in a nearly permanent way.

How could it be eliminated by the other party so easily?

Of course, Zhang Xiang's move is much more than that.

If you are proficient, you can even control the space, or control, or even transform the real space into a small world.

Of course, creation is always more difficult than destruction.

Zhang Xiang is still far from that level. The first time he used this trick, he could only rip a small hole in the space.

Just, in the next moment.

Zhang Xiang's self-confidence has suffered some blows.

"Amitabha, the world is illusory, and all beings are equal!" The little monk continued to chant the Buddha's name.

Then, in the place where the golden Buddha was wounded, a feeling of illusory transformation was suddenly passed on.

The energy that should have not been consumed cleanly, it should be an eternal space crack, but it was suddenly distorted, transformed into a phantom, and then disappeared without a trace.

‘Power of the law, this is impossible! This thought flashed through Zhang Xiang's heart.

However, above his surface, there was no change.

Those golden eyes still stared at each other indifferently, as if to show the other through.

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