Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 932: , The golden ocean!

The so-called power of law is what Zhang Xiang said in some vague information after swallowing the power of the'power of God Gabriel'. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

Remember that "God's Power Gabriel" once wanted to use the skill "Rocket Rain" to destroy most of the earth, right?

If calculated based on combat power, Zhang Xiang couldn't beat the ‘God’s Power Gabriel’ that could destroy most of the earth in one move.

However, in fact, the battle between "God Power Gabriel" and Zhang Xiang, although Zhang Xiang came to fight under pressure.

But there was no overwhelming victory.

Even, in the end, Zhang Xiang hadn't come back.

From this, it can be seen that, in fact, in terms of pure power,'God Power Gabriel' is not much higher than Zhang Xiang.

So, what is it that enables the ‘God’s Power Gabriel’ to display the ‘Rocket Rain’ skill that can destroy most of the earth?

In addition to using the power of the moon and the countless magic circles in the sky to gather magic power, what is more important is that the power she uses is a power above the concept and a power belonging to the law.

Don’t forget, what exactly is the attribute represented by the “Power of God Gabriel” in the Bible?

It is the angel of water and also represents a part of the moon (night) attribute.

And the place where Zhang Xiang fought with ‘God’s Power Gabriel’ was on the sea with the bright moon.

Therefore, Gabriel, the power of the gods, used the power of the concept to narrow the distance between himself and the moon and the connection with the sea before he could finally display such a trick. Look. Hair. Line. Chinese. Text. Net (ps: According to the information I have investigated, it is said that at this time, the "God Power Gabriel" actually affected the Sifang Heavenly Realm because of the "Angel Falling". It also contains fire attributes.)

This is the power that belongs to the law. It is something that exists in this world and needs to be observed.

It is everywhere and omnipotent.

Of course, these rules are only able to do things within the scope of their attributes.

Moreover, it also has great limitations.

After all, the rule represents the foundation of a world. If it can be modified at will, or even borrowed, then the whole world is not messy?

According to what Zhang Xiang has learned, even in the world of Dragon Ball, a planet can be destroyed at will, and even the super Saiyans who can destroy a galaxy in the later stage have not been able to touch the law. threshold.

In other words, it is touched, but it is only the threshold of the ‘law of power’.

Because of this, they will die so quickly, and if they lose their body after death, they will be restricted.

In the Dragon Ball world, the Kailin God, or the existence of the World King God, can rely on the help of certain laws.

Otherwise, how easily the realm king can make the hardest steel in the universe.

Or maybe it is Kailin God, how can he make a fairy bean that ignores the law of conservation of energy?

Of course, they are just borrowing at most, but they are also powerful enough.

From this, we can see how powerful the existence of the power of law is.

Although, having the power of the law does not mean that the person is very powerful in combat.

However, none of the people who can master the existence of the law is simple.

And this little monk in front of him is undoubtedly the most intractable existence. It not only holds the power of the law, but is also an extremely powerful existence.

And these thoughts just flashed past in Zhang Xiang's mind.

Because, the next battle has already begun.

Zhang Xiang couldn't wait for the opponent to fully recover before attacking again.

After all, using the power of the law would be a huge burden for the existence that does not belong to that class.

And Zhang Xiang was betting that the other party had not touched the threshold of "God".

So, in the next moment.

Zhang Xiang's figure once again turned into a three-color light, which suddenly impacted.

However, this time after the golden Buddha was almost breached, the little monk has undoubtedly begun to use his full strength.

"Amitabha Buddha, the world is suffering. To be my Buddha, to escape from the sea of ​​suffering is what you should do..." The little monk is like a compassionate man and wants to save Zhang Xiang through the "sea of ​​suffering".

It's just that this "sea of ​​bitterness" is different from the "sea of ​​bitterness" in the ordinary sense.

Zhang Xiang heard it out. The other party just wanted to treat him like those demonized Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, swallowed by him, and became part of his body. This is what the other party said is to escape from the ‘sea of ​​suffering’.

At the moment when the other party's voice just fell, another familiar golden Buddha light shone.

However, this time the scope of the Buddha's light shining is even larger and more violent.

The golden arms of that golden Buddha all began to wave slowly.

"Cut off three thousand red silks, and eventually become my Western Infinite Bliss Buddha!" ​​The loud voice like Hong Zhong suddenly came out of the little monk's mouth.

And just in the next moment, just like before, those golden arms traversed at least ten meters of space and came to Zhang Xiang.

Moreover, this time it was no longer what it was before, just wave after wave of attacks, but all attacked.

It was just a moment, hundreds of golden lights appeared in front of Zhang Xiang, bombarding his body.

It's just that it just looks like golden light.

But in fact, it was those pairs of golden arms that swung towards Zhang Xiang at a speed exceeding ten times the speed of sound.

The arms of the several golden Buddhas bombarded Zhang Xiang from several angles and in various ways.

The world in front of Zhang Xiang suddenly turned into a golden ocean, like the waves of the sea, slapped against him, about to drown him in it.

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