Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 933: , Was surrounded!

However, after experiencing the unsuitability not long ago, Zhang Xiang has gradually become familiar with the opponent's attack speed, and also gradually became familiar with his pair of pupils.

Although the opponent's attack was approaching the extreme, Zhang Xiang didn't have no room to dodge.

Not to mention, Zhang Xiang also discovered the reason why the opponent's attack was so fast.

The reason is that after the opponent's golden arm was swung out, the entire golden arm had already been transformed into an energy existence similar to light by some special method.

In the absence of an entity, those energies can move as fast as they want.

Even if it wants to reach the speed of light, it is not impossible, as long as it completely turns into light.

However, this idea is impossible in reality, at least with the current strength of the opponent.

Because, if the speed of those energies is to reach the speed of light, then the degree of activity of that energy must be very high.

And it is well known that, just like between atoms, atoms that are active with each other will be farther apart.

Let alone energy, let alone accelerate to the speed of light, even if it accelerates to one percent or one thousandth of the speed of light, the mass of energy will dissipate, forming real light and leap around. Away.

At that time, at most, it will create a flash of light, and it will not be able to produce how fast an attack.

But, even so.

Now under the control of the other party, the attacking speed of those golden arms, although not as exaggerated as the speed of light, is only a few times the speed of sound. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

However, this was enough to make the opponent's attack sway hundreds of thousands of attacks in that tenth of a second.

The golden light suddenly spread around Zhang Xiang.

It's just that in the next moment.

Zhang Xiang's pair of golden kaleidoscope writing round eyes suddenly shrank, and the dynamic vision captured by the double pupil kaleidoscope was brought to the extreme by him.

It was just a moment, the whole world seemed to be quiet for a while, and it seemed that nothing happened.

But the scenery in front of Zhang Xiang changed his eyes.

The whole world has a feeling of gray and white.

However, after seeing it clearly, Zhang Xiang finally saw the hundreds of attacks that came towards him.

The golden glitter disappeared one by one.

That was what Zhang Xiang had judged, the other side's feint under the rapid attack.

After all, relying on the opponent's current state, it is impossible to control the hundreds of thousands of attacks that can actually bombard Zhang Xiang's body.

Most of the attacks were just the rays of light from the few pairs of arms behind it waving out, not the actual bombardment towards Zhang Xiang.

Of course, if the real attack mixed in it hits Zhang Xiang's body.

Then, those hundreds of feint attacks will become real in an instant.

For the other party, it is not difficult to wave hundreds of real attacks in the same amount of time.

However, even most of the attacks are now feigned.

The remaining real attacks are not easy to escape.

Don't forget, the opponent's current attack speed is so fast that even the retina can barely catch it.

——Even if it is transformed from an energy state that is ten times the speed of sound into a physical state, the speed will not drop too far.

Although the speed dropped sharply with the distance, when the arm was transformed into a real state, the attack distance from Zhang Xiang was not far.

It's just that these still don't trouble Zhang Xiang.

Don't forget, if Zhang Xiang hadn't been burdened by Sakura before he was teleported in.

Then, relying on the speed of several times the speed of sound that he burst out in an instant, trying to escape from that wooden door is extremely simple.

But now, in this situation of using the angel's position to strengthen himself and having a pair of angel wings, how can Zhang Xiang's speed decrease?

So, just under that kind of bullet time.

Zhang Xiang's body also began to move.

He looked at the direction of a huge golden palm that was waving, and took a few steps towards the back.

His pace seemed so slow in the gray world of bullets.

Especially when compared to the giant hand waving, it seemed a bit slower, just like walking in space.

However, these are not to worry about.

Because Zhang Xiang had already calculated it. With the opponent's current speed, before attacking Zhang Xiang, he had successfully escaped the opponent's attack range.

Not to mention, if that golden arm wanted to attack Zhang Xiang, it would have to fall out of an energy state.

If once transformed, the speed will be slower again.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang does not need to worry at all.

From a distance, it was a three ray of light carrying purple-black, pure white, and scarlet, swaying in the ocean that turned into golden light, but it was not attacked anymore.

However, not all attacks were able to dodge Zhang Xiang.

After all, horses can stumble and people can stumble.

Not to mention, the opponent has several pairs of arms.

It is not an easy task to escape the attack if the attack comes from the front, back and forth.

And I don't know whether the opponent's blind cat encountered the dead mouse, or the opponent gradually adjusted during the attack.

In the next moment, it was really as Zhang Xiang thought.

The attack, which was originally like a gust of wind and rain, suddenly stopped, as if most of the golden barrage in front of him was missing.

But what followed was an even more fierce attack.

Zhang Xiang only felt a burst of illusion before him. The six huge golden arms had already surrounded Zhang Xiang from top to bottom, left to right, front to back.

However, is Zhang Xiang someone who is waiting to die?

No, no, he has never been such a person.

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