Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 934: , Scarlet Blood Blade!

‘Since you can’t hide, make a way out! In Zhang Xiang's heart, a sudden decision was made. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

His golden double pupil kaleidoscope wrote round eyes, and he quickly scanned the three pairs of golden palms that swept toward him.

It was three pairs of areas that were close to six or seven squares in size, all of which aimed at Zhang Xiang and either slapped or chopped off his palms.

The lines on the palm are clearly visible, and there is also a burst of golden Buddha light, showing its indestructibility.

It's just that, even if its encirclement is perfect, Zhang Xiang is planning to escape from there all the way.

But as long as there are actions, there will be holes.

This time, Zhang Xiang needed to actively create the flaw.

Of course, even if the opponent reveals a flaw, it is impossible for Zhang Xiang to use this flaw to escape the opponent's attack range.

The opponent's powerful existence has extremely rich combat experience.

The flaw created by Zhang Xiang, the other party must be able to make up in the shortest time, and make corresponding corresponding methods.

What Zhang Xiang had to do was to make the scope of that flaw bigger and wider, to the point where it was irreparable.

Do as you think, this is Zhang Xiang's action style.

After this thought flashed past, and it was verified that it was indeed feasible, Zhang Xiang's whole person rushed towards the golden Buddha.

I don't know if the opponent is convinced of his own strength, or because of inherent flaws, the opponent's encirclement attack, in those directions, turned out to be only in the direction of the golden Buddha in front, the easiest to create flaws. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

And as Zhang Xiang rushed forward as if the fish was about to die and the net broke, the several attacks that came towards Zhang Xiang's encirclement suddenly accelerated by a few points, changed the angle, and continued to bombard Zhang Xiang down. .

It's just that the slight flaw in the adjustment was caught by Zhang Xiang's golden double-pupil kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes.

"This is it!" A golden light flashed in Zhang Xiang's eyes.

Immediately, there was a sudden force under his feet.

Under the soles of his feet, the blue brick, six or seven centimeters thick, suddenly cracked.

And, in the next instant, it was crushed into fragments by a huge force, and bounced back by the powerful recoil, turning into countless flying fragments.

On the other side, Zhang Xiang relied on that powerful rebound.

The whole person turned into a existence that was difficult to detect even with the retina, like a teleport, suddenly appeared in front of the palm of the golden Buddha.

The scarlet light filled the ‘Shadow Demon Blade’ above Zhang Xiang’s right hand, like an extremely thin blade.

However, it gives people a sense of incomparable danger, as if things blocked in front of it will be cut off by it.

And that golden Buddha also seemed to have discovered something wrong. The golden palm that was bombarded towards Zhang Xiang suddenly turned into a golden light, once again energized, trying to prevent Zhang Xiang from launching an attack. Suppress him.

Five dazzling golden rays of light suddenly burst out and bombarded Zhang Xiang at a speed close to light.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang's mouth showed a wicked smile.

"It's late!" Zhang Xiang lightly opened his lips and said something to the other party with his lips.

At the same time, it was as if it had been charged up, the extremely small and thin blade suddenly disappeared from the blade of the'Shadow Demon Blade'.

It was like a thin blood-red line that could cut through space, and it was fleeting in front of Zhang Xiang.

The golden light that could block the blood-red slash from the "Shadow Demon Blade", in front of this thin blood-red line, was like tofu-like invulnerability, and was instantly cut off.

When the blood-red thin thread was fleeting, a blood-red thin seam suddenly appeared in the big golden hand that was pushed directly toward Zhang Xiang.

Then, the whole palm shattered into countless golden fragments.

Moreover, the blood-red line that was hard to see with the naked eye already cut through the space in the next instant, and directly penetrated through the body of the golden Buddha. Even the body of the little monk under the protection of the golden Buddha was also Directly through the past.

However, at this time.

Should have been chasing after the victory, he rushed directly into the past, tore the body of the little monk into pieces, and killed him with the'Shadow Demon Blade', but his feet suddenly trampled on the ground. Above, stopped the body rushing forward.

His strong impulse that stopped quickly was all trampled on the ground by his feet and passed to the ground.

There was a ‘bang’.

It was like a heavy object falling from a high altitude, but a big pit with a diameter of about three meters and a depth of about 20 centimeters suddenly appeared under Zhang Xiang's feet.

And behind him, the golden torrent that slammed at him also hit him.

However, because there was no rapid reduction from energy to entity, it did not harm Zhang Xiang, but only brought some shock to him.

But at the same time, less than twenty centimeters in front of Zhang Xiang.

An infinite golden light suddenly bombarded from the sky, piercing the magnificent roof, and slammed into the ground, as if bombarded from outer space.

The violent golden torrent, from the center of the bombardment, scattered towards the surroundings.

And Zhang Xiang, who was only twenty centimeters away from the golden torrent, could naturally feel that violent and mighty feeling.

"Amitabha Buddha, life is like illusion, illusion is like life." The little monk said another Buddha's name.

It's just that, at this time, his voice has become a bit old.

It was like an old monk who had experienced countless human relationships and had a clear vision of this world.

And with the sound of his Buddhist horn, that intense stream of golden light gradually disappeared, revealing the one with a diameter of about two meters, but with no clear depth, and penetrated through the pit on the roof of the main hall. At the same time, it revealed the golden Buddha behind the golden light, and the little monk.

However, at this time, they did not have anything, just like the tiny blood ray that penetrated their bodies just now, it did not exist.

But there is actually above.

This time, after a ‘click’, a smooth and neat crack suddenly appeared on the wall behind the golden Buddha.

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