Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 935: , The power of angels!

"First of all, when I attacked together, I pretended to reveal a gap that could create a flaw, tempting me to continue the attack. Then, when I launched an attack, I would count it, and at the same time I made my own illusion. , Send out the attack you have been brewing for a long time, a good strategy! It seems that when you were sealed here, you did not lose all your wisdom and strategy with the passage of time..." Zhang Xiang sneered With a cry, the other party's plan came out.

"It's just that you didn't expect that I have already seen everything through, right? And, after the attack just now, I also figured out one thing." Zhang Xiang's golden eyes looked directly at the opponent's body .

Then, he shifted his sight to the pothole not far away.

"The person in front of you is actually not the real body. Or it should be said that the you in front of you are indeed your real body, but only a part of your real body. Most of your real body is already following this The illusions are all merged together. If this illusion is shattered, your remaining soul will also be severely damaged, and you can’t continue to transfer your damage to this illusion with the power of the law you have learned. ......" Zhang Xiang smiled at the corner of his mouth, looking at the giant golden Buddha in front of him and the little monk under its protection.

At this time, the little monk finally spoke for the first time.

No, it should be said that for the first time, instead of starting with the Buddha number, I spoke directly.

"Really? That's exactly what you said. But how did you see it?" There was a strange smile on the little monk's face, no longer maintaining a calm appearance. .

And looking at the other party's little monk who spoke out his shortcomings, Zhang Xiang, in his heart, raised the warning level to the other party by one more level, almost reaching the highest level. Degree.

After all, people who are able to admit their own weaknesses frankly and show a smile.

Not a madman, or he has absolute self-confidence.

However, even though Zhang Xiang's heart was secretly vigilant, he did not show any special emotions.

"The pothole is connected to that village, and the damage I caused to you!" Zhang Xiang just said.

This sentence made the other party slightly stunned.

But in the next moment, the other party already understood.

Because, in the pothole bombarded by the opponent, I don't know what is connected to another illusion, which is the direction of the small village Zhang Xiang has been to.

If you look carefully through the pothole.

Then you will find that, I don't know when, in the middle of the village, a huge pothole appeared. It was the golden light that directly bombarded the inside of the village after it penetrated the ground of the main hall.

However, the point is not this one.

The point is that not far from the pothole, there is another pothole, or it should be said that a place similar to a sword mark is directly missing on the ground.

Among them, there is an energy that Zhang Xiang is familiar with.

That is the blood energy released by the "Shadow Demon Blade".

In order to cause such an attack, the thin **** thread Zhang Xiang just released couldn't do it.

In addition, the blood-red blood blade attacks released by Zhang Xiang were only a few times.

Most of the traces caused by the blood blade were in the hall, and the only blood blade slash that did not stay in the hall was the sword that slashed on the golden Buddha.

In addition, on the opposite side of the pothole, Zhang Xiang also felt the aura of the familiar space crack.

Everything goes without saying.

It's just that, when he learned about these things, the expression on the little monk's face was still that strange.

"So, even if you know it. Can you destroy this world?" A arrogant smile appeared on the face of the strange little monk, and there was disdain in those black eyes, looking at Zhang Xiang.

"As long as you can't destroy this world, then as long as this world is immortal, then I will never die. Also, as long as you can't kill me. Then you must stay here forever. As a human being How long can you last? One year, ten years?" A ray of golden light flashed in the black eyes of the monster little monk, and said to Zhang Xiang.

"Yes, with my current strength, I can't destroy this plausible little world. However, there are some things that I can still do." Zhang Xiang didn't flinch at all, staring into the opponent's eyes and said.

But at the moment when his voice fell, the pure white wings behind him were slightly stretched out.

It was like an angel spreading its wings, and strands of white feather-like energy flowed down from Zhang Xiang's spread wings.

In the next instant, Zhang Xiang's body slowly floated up, floating into the air.

In the mysterious space connected by his right eye, the triangular crystal that has been parsed by Zhang Xiang since it was swallowed by Zhang Xiang, is dripping in the air. Turning around, there were waves of unnamed waves outside.

It's just that this unnamed wave of fluctuations was two meters away, and was blocked by a special seal.

After all, in this space, there is also the existence of the three-headed purgatory dog ​​that uses the ATM standpoint and negative emotions.

If the two are brought into contact with each other, there will undoubtedly be a strong conflict.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang had to create such a seal.

It's just that when Zhang Xiang floated into the air, a hole suddenly appeared in the seal in silence.

At the same time, in the outside world.

A mysterious force, centered on him, waved in all directions.

That is the angel wave that Zhang Xiang transferred from the position of ‘God’s Power Gabriel’ to this world.

If Zhang Xiang didn’t guess wrong, this world should be just a space created by the little monk after his cultivation reached a certain level, using the power and faith of himself and those demonized Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Right.

But if it is the power of an angel constructed by faith from another world, what will happen in this space?

He is very curious!

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