Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 936: , The power of the sea!

It was the moment when the force of the day passed from Zhang Xiang.

Not surprisingly to Zhang Xiang's expectation, the face of the demon little monk who was originally sitting on the lotus throne suddenly changed.

And at the next moment, the angel wave released from Zhang Xiang already touched the building of the hall.

In an instant, a golden light burst out from above those buildings.

The whole hall shook directly, as if it had encountered an earthquake of magnitude 7 or 8. The whole hall was shaking violently, and a large amount of dust fell from the roof of the hall.

And outside the gate, the scenery that was originally like an ordinary scene also began to fluctuate sharply, as if a stone was thrown into the water, and countless ripples waved towards the surroundings. The things in the picture began to change drastically.

Then, it shattered suddenly, forming something like a black hole.

"Damn it, stop for me!" A look of pain flashed across the face of the strange little monk.

You know, he connected these few illusions that were only left after that great war, but it took him hundreds of years.

However, at that moment, he felt that the piece of fantasy that was originally connected, but suddenly lost contact with him.

If there were no accidents, it would be impossible for him to retrieve the lost illusion.

And every piece of illusion is part of his strength!

Therefore, it is no wonder that he will show a look of pain.

But at the moment his voice fell, the golden Buddha behind him made another move.

Amidst the twinkling of golden light, hundreds of attacks hit Zhang Xiang's body at the same time.

However, this time, outside of Zhang Xiang's body, a translucent energy shield suddenly appeared.

The attack that was bombarding Zhang Xiang was defended by the translucent energy shield.

With every attack, a golden light and pure white burst out.

That was the ‘God’s Power Gabriel’ position in that space. After sensing the power of the heathen, it broke out automatically, and began to smash with that power.

Moreover, temporarily accepting Zhang Xiang this one is already the control that controls the existence of nearly half of the grid power.

Therefore, that mask appeared.

And feeling the power transmitted from that alien dimension, Zhang Xiang felt that he suddenly understood something.

Originally in his perception, under the gaze of his pair of kaleidoscope writing wheels that could see through the illusion, it seemed like an empty hall, but suddenly there was something more.

Moreover, he instinctively hates those things a bit, and wants to destroy them.

This kind of feeling made him feel a little annoying, who kept himself sane.

However, in the end, he did not reject the impulse, but actually let it out.

Because, his original purpose was to destroy this hall illusion and let the opponent's strength drop drastically.

And it was at the next moment, after Zhang Xiang let go of his restraint on instinct.

A torrent of information is coming again.

It was a torrent of extremely complicated characters. Zhang Xiang couldn't understand any of those characters. Some characters still possess special magic power. Zhang Xiang who glanced at it could feel his own magic power and a sense of turbulence.

Irrigated by so much information, Zhang Xiang's head suddenly hurt.

But his face showed an expression of surprise.

Because, he could feel that it took him so long to master one-third of his position, but it surged to one-half in that instant.

Above this level, he can already borrow the power of the ‘God’s Power Gabriel’ position to a great extent.

There is even a chance to swallow it completely in the future and turn it into its own thing.

How can this make him not surprised?

Not to mention, this happened when he especially needed combat power.

However, the price was that his body was temporarily irrigated by the angel's power, and even his hair turned slightly blue like the sea because of his position.

Even the temperament is developing in an indifferent direction like an angel.

In the next moment, he raised his right hand.

"Projection!" Zhang Xiang said coldly.

The angel's power that waved out of his body suddenly turned into a water-blue appearance under a mysterious power, waved to the surroundings, and an illusory sea appeared behind him.

Although it is very illusory, it gives people a real feeling, and can even feel the sound of the sea waves.

Then, there was a sound of ‘click, click’.

Behind Zhang Xiang, there was a scene in the "Magic Forbidden Book Catalog", where Zhang Xiang and'God Power Gabriel' attacked each other on the beach.

From behind Zhang Xiang, a wing constructed only by the power of angels appeared.

Each one is more than ten meters above.

But at the next moment, those water wings attacked.

"Attack!" Zhang Xiang's lips lightly opened, and the power of the water blue angel was fleeting.

In the next moment, the Wings of Water that originally floated behind Zhang Xiang suddenly turned into a water blue afterimage, and bombarded Zhang Xiang in the direction of the golden Buddha that was still constantly attacking Zhang Xiang. Past.

Suddenly, the voice of ‘Rumbling...’ kept ringing.

The dozens of water-blue water wings swaying behind Zhang Xiang and the palm of the golden Buddha began to collide with each other.

In the beginning, due to the fact that those golden arms could be energized, the opponent's speed took a certain advantage.

However, after Zhang Xiang used the kaleidoscope to write the wheel to distinguish what the other party was an entity and when it was an energy body.

The Wings of Water behind Zhang Xiang completely gained the upper hand based on the number.

And, in the next moment.

The water-blue water wings behind Zhang Xiang hit the opponent for the first time...

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