Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 940: , The three holy monks!

The chain of golden and black rays of light pierced the void in an instant, shot into the invisible nothingness, I don't know where it went. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

But at the next moment, the feeling of an earthquake and mountain shaking suddenly passed over.

The whole hall is about to collapse, and the ground is about to break apart.

On the other side, the strange young monk turned into a cloud of black mist, which was also constantly expanding, occupying a small half of the hall.

However, Zhang Xiang did not make a move.

Because his original purpose was to force the other party to connect the rest of the illusion.

Two seconds later, there were several continuous ‘bangs’ sounds. After the collapse of the main hall, the void and dark space appeared outside, but suddenly many ripples appeared.

A burst of distorted illusory scenery actually appeared in that void space.

Zhang Xiang knew that it was the illusion that was drifting in the unknown space by the strange young monk, and wanted to forcibly splice it together.

And that burst of ‘booming’ sound, as well as the feeling of vibration, was the effect of those illusions hitting this illusion.

It's also a shame that the other party didn't want to destroy this hall, so he wanted Zhang Xiang to fall into a different dimension.

Otherwise, relying on the collision between these illusions, the space of this hall can be completely shattered and fall into the void space.

Of course, if the other party does this, the other party will also fall into the void.

However, due to the fact that the other party has chains connected to other fantasy worlds, on the way back, some things can be saved. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

Two seconds later, when there was only a slight tremor in the vibration, and the fluctuating illusory scenery around it gradually became real, those illusions had already been connected by the other party.

At this time, the scope of the entire illusion was almost ten times larger.

In the place behind Zhang Xiang that was originally the gate, a small village appeared. It was a village with about 30 wooden houses and a population of about 100.

On the left side of the original hall, it turned into a plain, a grassland full of tall weeds.

It's just that there are no living things on it, just simple plants.

On the right side of the main hall, it turned into a mountain range, a hill that suddenly appeared at an altitude of more than four hundred meters.

As for the back of the main hall, it became a cave.

Zhang Xiang recognized that it was the cave where the monks dragged the corpses of monsters and humans into the first scene.

But it was a pity that the great cauldron used to forge the monster pill, didn't know where it was, it just left ashes and some traces on the spot.

And when the shaking ceased, the black mist that filled the small half of the hall and shot out hundreds of chains from it also began to gradually solidify.

And those chains suddenly shattered into golden and black mist, dissipating in the hall.

An illusory figure of a young monk composed purely of black mist also appeared in the center of the black mist that gradually solidified.

"The guy who spent my hundreds of years of hard work in vain, let me die! Half a reincarnation, come out, the three holy monks!" The strange young monk composed of black mist, without a trace of nonsense, expressed him as soon as he came up. The determination to kill Zhang Xiang.

And in the next instant, a squirming sound was transmitted from the black mist.

Then, in the midst of the sound of'Peng', the black mist that filled the hall suddenly dispersed.

However, in the next instant, three figures appeared from the black mist.

It was in the third grade and was about fifty years old, with monks wearing robes all over them.

Moreover, Zhang Xiang happened to know these three people.

Because those three monks were exactly the three holy monks Zhang Xiang saw in the illusion of that last scene.

However, in the eyes of the three holy monks, there is not a trace of color, only infinitely deep pitch black, as if to swallow the human heart.

In the next moment, Zhang Xiang had no time to think about how these three holy monks who had been killed by the strange young monks appeared.

The other party launched an attack.

I saw the old man with white hair and beard standing in the middle, expressionless, holding a rusty Zen stick in front of him.

Then he took a stop to the ground.

Then, the color in the sky changed, and countless dazzling white lights suddenly gathered together, forming a white light Zen stick hundreds of meters long, but it hit Zhang Xiang directly in this direction.

"Not good!" Zhang Xiang's expression changed.

Because he could feel how powerful the power contained in that one hundred-meter-long white light Zen stick is.

What's more important is that the young monk who was originally demonized, how to display it will undoubtedly conflict with his body seriously, containing powerful purifying energy.

If the three white-haired holy monks that suddenly appeared, it wasn't his main body that differentiated.

So, where is his body?

This is all the things Zhang Xiang thought of in that instant.

However, there is no spare time for Zhang Xiang to think about these things.

As Zhang Xiang hurriedly flapped the pure white wings behind him, and as he retreated, a loud bang rang out.

The white light Zen stick, which was hundreds of meters long, hit the ground heavily and sank directly into the ground.

The blue bricks that were originally laid on the floor of the main hall were all shattered into powder.

From this, we can see how much power this blow contains.

I'm afraid that the white light Zen stick formed entirely of energy really has the same weight as its body.

However, the trouble is far more than that.

Originally, only one holy monk made a shot, but after that attack did not damage Zhang Xiang, the holy monk standing on the left also shot.

He stretched out his dry right hand, and a little light filled the index and middle fingers of his stretched right hand.

Afterwards, his right hand flickered a few times in the air.

However, Zhang Xiang felt an inexplicable crisis.

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