Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 941: , Enchantment!

It was too late to think about how the opponent's attack was launched. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Zhang Xiang followed his sixth sense, and his whole person shifted a few meters to one side.

In the next moment, Zhang Xiang understood what the opponent's attack was like.

In the midair, it was a virtual painting with a little light on the right index finger and **** of the opponent, but a square purple enchantment suddenly appeared.

But one of the wings of water behind Zhang Xiang was just half bound inside.

Just when the square purple enchantment was about five meters long and wrapped his water wing in it.

Zhang Xiang suddenly realized that he had lost control of the back half of that water wing.

Then, in the process of the two holy monks on the left slamming upwards.


In front of Zhang Xiang, the square purple enchantment suddenly shattered into countless pieces.

At the same time, the things in the purple enchantment, whether it was the remaining blue bricks or the half of Zhang Xiang's water wings, turned into countless fragments of light and dissipated.

"Directly face the attack of the collapse of the space?!" Zhang Xiang's golden eyes shrank, and he immediately recognized what the other party's attack was all about.

That is to create a space barrier to trap the enemy inside.

Then, in that instant, the enemy's barrier was transferred to the temporary alien space created by the space barrier.

Then, suddenly this alien space was shattered.

The amount of violent violence formed by the fragmentation of the space will undoubtedly crush all the living things and non-living things that are wrapped in this enchantment into fragments and swallow them into the torrent of space.

Zhang Xiang has never seen such a superb existence in playing enchantment art.

Moreover, in order to achieve such a result, the other party can't help but have an enchantment technique that can withstand the torrent of space overflowed by the space burst, and must have a very good understanding of space to achieve such a thing.

I am afraid that the other party has killed a lot of big monsters with this hand!

Without preparation, even if the big monster encounters this trick, it will be directly torn into pieces by the torrent of space.

After all, not all big monsters are good at defense or have special abilities.

The methods used by these two holy monks are already worthy of the name of the other holy monks.

This made Zhang Xiang pay more attention to the third holy monk.

After all, the unknown ability is undoubtedly the most difficult existence to deal with.

However, just as Zhang Xiang quickly relied on the fast speed, while evading the holy monk on the left, the holy monk's attacks from the enchantment technique that had been displayed continuously.

Zhang Xiang's golden-yellow kaleidoscope writing round eyes suddenly caught a shot.

That is, the third holy monk, without knowing when, was already sitting on the ground.

A wooden fish that looked about to be broken, but did not know when it had already appeared in front of him.

And the other party's hand, still holding a wooden mallet.

And just as Zhang Xiang scanned the opponent, the gavel in the opponent's hand gently knocked on the wooden fish that seemed about to be broken.

However, it was unexpected.

At the next moment, the clear and thorough sound of people's hearts rang out suddenly, turned into Buddha sounds that could wash people's hearts, and spread to the surroundings.

It's just that, along with the spread of the Buddha's sound, there are waves of golden ripples containing powerful mana.

"Sonic attack!" Zhang Xiang's expression changed.

Sonic attack is the most difficult attack to defend. Sonic attack is invisible and qualityless, and it is a 360-degree attack without dead ends.

As long as they are within the scope of the Buddhist sound, they are all subject to attack.

Not surprisingly to Zhang Xiang's expectations, after the golden sound wave ripples passed out.

It was still standing in the main hall, and it did not break apart with the ropes of the wicked young monk. The wooden pillars surrounded by several people slowly melted after the golden ripples passed. Made a pile of powder, and gradually dissipated.

Seeing such terrifying power, Zhang Xiang's expression would not change greatly, and his whole person quickly retreated to the rear.

It was just a moment, and Zhang Xiang had already escaped from the door of the main hall and entered the village behind him.

At this time, in the village, because there was no magical young monk cast a spell, there was nothing but the house.

However, Zhang Xiang still continued to retreat.

Because the sound of the Buddha's attack from the impact did not weaken as the distance spreads, but the speed became faster and faster.

It was just an instant, under the impact of the golden ripple that had expanded the attack range by a factor of ten.

All the houses in front of Zhang Xiang that were affected by the golden ripples turned into powders and slowly fell down.

Except at this time.

Because of this short moment of delay, Zhang Xiang had already figured out a way to block this wave of attacks.

During the rotation of his thoughts, the dozen or so water wings that were originally attached to him behind his fast moving movement suddenly moved and surrounded Zhang Xiang heavily.

Those dozens of water wings turned into dozens of layers of aqua blue water, completely separating him from the outside world.

In the next moment, the first wave of Sanskrit Buddhist sounds had already impacted Zhang Xiang.

The golden ripples, like unstoppable waves of the sea, hit the first layer of aqua blue water.

After layers of ripples suddenly appeared on the surface, the first layer of aqua-blue water layer turned into countless water droplets.

But what is strange is that the golden ripples suddenly stopped when they were about to hit the second layer of aqua blue water layer, and suddenly dimmed, before they finally hit the second layer of aqua blue water. In the water layer.

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