Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 950: , Xiaohuya

"That, Remilia?" Zhang Xiang raised his head and looked in Remilia's direction.

"What's the matter? Do you want to praise the great Remilia-sama? Don't do that, Remilia won't be happy for your praise." Remilia covered her face with her hands and revealed her face A happy shy expression comes.

I'm almost talking about it, you quickly praise me.

"Well, I want to ask, you just said that Xiaolong is the first friend you came to this world and made... In other words, you are not from this world anymore?" Zhang Xiang considered Said wordfully.

However, in Zhang Xiang's expectation, Remilia's slurredness, or other phenomena, did not appear.

"Yes, when Remilia was playing hide-and-seek with two friends, she accidentally got lost and came to this world. Now, Remilia has found one of her friends and is looking for another friend. The two of them are really hateful. They were afraid of being chased by Remilia, so they used the teleportation magic that crossed the boundary, and Remilia didn’t know which world she was in now!” Remilia Jue With a small fist, he said with some anger.

However, the words she said were somewhat different from what Zhang Xiang had learned.

Because, according to the news that Sakura got from the Kuro cards, there was a "crazy woman" who didn't know where she came from, was chasing those two Kuro cards.

Only when they were afraid that they would be caught, the two Kuro cards would take the risk and jointly activate a space transfer magic, hoping to avoid the tracking of that ‘crazy woman’.

But they didn't expect that when they activated this magic, they would also involve Zhang Xiang and Sakura.

In addition, the ‘crazy woman’ chased after him. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

He also used ill-conceived means to **** the "Yikuluo card" among them.

This is all the truth about what Zhang Xiang has learned.

However, now in Remilia's mouth, she is playing around with two friends.

Then, when two of her friends were about to be chased by her, they ‘lippi’ used space magic to escape her tracking.

Not convinced, she also followed the space magic launched by the other party and came to this world.

But he was separated from one of his friends and was looking for each other.

However, although the rhetoric used in these two stories is somewhat different, the process is still exactly the same.

That is, Remilia is the crazy woman in that Kro card.

Think of Remilia's character again, and what she thought was playing with the golden young dragon, but it made it cry.

Everything is already clear.

That is Remilia's self-centered character in her arrogance, which made her mistakenly think that the two Crow cards were playing hide-and-seek with her.

And those two Kuro cards thought Remilia wanted to capture them all.

As a result, the two sides launched a slightly weird chase.

In the end, those two Kuro cards were unskilled, and because they were in a hurry to unfold the passage to another world, Zhang Xiang and Sakura were also affected.

The whole thing is so simple to say.

After clarifying this matter, Zhang Xiang was a little bit dumbfounded.

It turned out that the reason why he and Sakura were brought into this world was all because of the actions of a wayward child Remilia.

He thought that before the system compass was activated, he had taken him to another world.

However, at this time.

There was a glimmer of light flashing in Zhang Xiang's mind.

"Since traveling in another world, so many people can do it. Even some skills and experience can be taught instantly. Plus, this time when I came to this world, I called I have tried the system several times, but I have not received a response. It can be judged whether this system may be completely different from what I imagined. It is not like in an infinite world or a supreme existence. It may only be produced by a strong man similar to Kuroriduo, or even the system is an excuse. Everything is pushed in secret by a hand..." The more Zhang Xiang thought about it, The more terrifying.

This doubt has been doubtful since long ago.

Because, even when he returned from another world after completing the task, some of his rewards for completing the task hadn't been sent yet.

When performing Conan's mission, his strength was suppressed, after he went back and forth to a world, he turned out to be so small.

In addition, it showed only a little ability, and it didn't add a little or other ability.


A light flashed in Zhang Xiang's eyes.

At the same time, he also made up a determination to figure this out as soon as possible!

However, at this time.

A dissatisfied Loli voice rang not far from Zhang Xiang's ear.

"Hey! Are you listening to Master Remilia's words!" Remilia put her hands in her waist, and her upper body moved closer to Zhang Xiang, her face facing Zhang with an angry expression. Xiang said.

At this time, Zhang Xiang was sober.

"Ah...I'm listening again. Besides, I understand two things. Thank you, Remilia!" Zhang Xiang smiled and said to the other party.

Can't help but stretched out his right hand and touched the opponent's head.

Unexpectedly, even through the pink and white lady's hat, he could feel the softness of Remilia's light purple-blue hair.

"This is a cute little girl" Zhang Xiang couldn't help thinking like this in his heart.

However, at this time.

His hand reaching out to touch Remilia was photographed by a small hand.

"You bastard, who gave you the right to touch the head of the great Remilia" Remilia is like a tiger who has been invaded by the domain, showing her little tiger teeth, some of them open. Said tiger claws.

However, she did not know.

Her appearance is much more cute, and people can't help but have an urge to continue touching her little head and let it continue like this.

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