Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 951: , Pinch cheek

However, looking at Remilia's crazy look, Zhang Xiang finally didn't touch it anymore. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

However, he did something more excessive.

"So, do you know that, because of you, I and Sakura were innocently involved in this world. When we encountered danger, we almost died?" Zhang Xiang stretched out his own two With one hand, she grabbed Remilia's cheek, and gently pulled her cheek.

"Ah...If you do this again, I'm going to bite your hand!...Huh?" Remilia threatened like a child, like an angry little wild cat Look like.

However, when she was halfway through her words, she suddenly understood what Zhang Xiang said.

"Eh, eh? You mean, you were affected by me?" Remilia pointed to herself somewhat naturally, and asked with curiosity and disbelief.

"Yeah! It's because you chased those two Kuro cards too tightly, which caused them to move instantaneously, and regardless of where they were, you opened a channel to this world directly, causing them to be there. The two of us nearby were also attracted to this world. Moreover, a space hole was opened from the sky and fell directly. If it weren't for me, the two of us would have been thrown to death! "Zhang Xiang said with resentment on his face, and his hands continued to pinch Remilia's cheeks irregularly.

" hurts! Let go!" Remilia looked at Zhang Xiang with bowing eyes.

However, after knowing that Zhang Xiang and Sakura were affected by her ‘childish’ behavior, she did not pat Zhang Xiang’s ‘claws’ with her hands.

It's just that at this moment, Kozakura realized what happened.

"Huh? Sister Remilia is from the same world as us. And, is it the ‘culprit’ that brought us into this world?" Kozakura’s face also had a surprised expression.

It's just that Zhang Xiang was also a little speechless looking at Sakura who was waking up from a big dream.

In his mind, although Sakura is not a reasoning expert, at least he is not so natural, OK?

Well, although in some directions, it is indeed somewhat natural to stay a bit.

"Don't you see it? The clothes she is wearing can be made in this chaotic Warring States period?" Zhang Xiang pointed to the pink lace dress on Remilia.

"But, but, what Xiao Lei said, isn't it a monster or a monster?" Sakura hesitated to see the pair of bat wings behind Remilia, worried that it would hurt Remilia's heart, and went quietly. When he reached Zhang Xiang's side, he asked.

Seeing Kozakura's tiptoe, she was hesitant and worried about hurting Remilia's heart, speaking in her ear.

Zhang Xiang couldn't help but smiled warmly.

You know, although Remilia’s strength Zhang Xiang is not clear, judging from the magical perception just now, it is definitely an existence that is not inferior to her. How can the other party not hear it at such a distance?

Zhang Xiang just smiled, but didn't say anything.

Because, Sakura's act of subconsciously protecting the other party obviously does not make the other party feel annoying.

At least, Zhang Xiang could clearly feel that although the other party looked like a child on the surface and was quite close to Sakura, in fact, the act of maintaining this distance gradually disappeared a lot. .

"Oh, Lord Lemilia is not a monster, but pure vampires are the last descendants of the great Tepez clan (the original form of Dracula (Dracula)). It's a smelly monster!" Remilia jumped angrily.

However, because her cheeks were still pinched by Zhang Xiang's hands, her voice seemed a little confused.

At Zhang Xiang's side, after hearing Remilia's voice, Sakura also became a little caught off guard.

She didn't expect Remilia to hear her voice.

In addition, she just said ‘bad things’ about her friend in front of Zhang Xiang, but it made Chun Zhen feel a little guilty.

"Well, that, I didn't mean to say you... I was just, just a little curious..." Kozakura's face was anxious and guilty, and she didn't know where to put her hands, she was facing Remilia. Apologizing.

However, before Remilia hadn't spoken, Zhang Xiang had already spoken.

"Sakura, there is no need to apologize. She pitted us first, and we were affected for no reason." Zhang Xiang continued to knead Remilia's tender face with his hands, with resentment on his face.

"Well, that, sister Remilia didn't mean it. Also, big brother, it's wrong to pinch the girl's face..." Kozakura was beside her, a little worried and hesitant.

"Really? Well, since you have said so, then I will let her go first." Zhang Xiang pretended to show a helpless smile and let go of his hands.

In the next moment, Zhang Xiang's right foot was hit hard.

——Accurately speaking, it is a foot step.

"Ah, my feet" Zhang Xiang let out a painful cry.

After getting rid of Zhang Xiang's face-squeezing attack, Remilia couldn't help but stepped on Zhang Xiang's right foot, and then quickly hid behind Sakura.

"Huh! Big bad guy, tell you to pinch my face!" Seeing Zhang Xiang holding her right foot, Remilia couldn't help but stick her head out from behind Sakura, rubbing her hand that was pinched by Zhang Xiang. With some red cheeks, he said in relief.

"Really? It's up to me to squeeze her face again!" Zhang Xiang stretched out his hands and made a look like he wanted to fly over and continue to squeeze her cheeks.

This move suddenly made Remilia, who was a little childish, an evasive move.

"Ah, Sister Sakura, help, there is a strange girl who wants to pinch my face." Remilia let out a mournful cry, covered her cheek with her hands, and hid behind Sakura.

"Weird scorpion..." Zhang Xiang raised his right fist, and a ‘Tac’ appeared on his forehead.

"Well, it's up to you to see if the blame will catch you!" Zhang Xiang pretended to be a little angry and said.

Then, he flew over.

Suddenly, the original faintly discordant atmosphere in the scene has disappeared, leaving only laughter...

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