Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 952: , Full of ‘majesty’

And the time for laughter is always short. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

In the end, Zhang Xiang successfully caught Remilia, and after a good kneading with her delicate face, she was separated by Sakura.

Then, Remilia and Sakura who were in the "uprising" jointly suppressed it.

Even at the end, even the golden young dragon found it interesting, and they all got in and played together.

In short, in the end, everyone has gotten closer.

Especially for Sakura and Remilia, the relationship is more like a long-time friend, and also like sisters who have reunited.

As for Zhang Xiang, it's probably just a friend.

This made Zhang Xiang couldn't help but sigh, the girl's feelings are just hard to understand.

In such a short period of time, you can kiss like sisters.

Of course, there is certainly Zhang Xiang deliberately creating an atmosphere, and Sakura's natural character that can get along well with children.

But more importantly, Sakura and Remilia did get along very well.

Don't you see, some girls can be mixed like sisters in a short period of time.

And some girls have been together for a few years, and they are just nodding acquaintances.

After pulling the relationship closer, everything is ready to talk.

After telling Remilia the truth about the facts they had learned, and after comforting them to know the truth, Remilia who looked a little wilted and had two tearful eyes. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Zhang Xiang asked Remilia how to return to the original world.

"That, the way back is, but, I haven't found another Kuro card..." Remilia's teary face showed hesitation.

However, listening to Remilia's words, Zhang Xiang glanced at Sakura.

"This is easy!" Zhang Xiang replied.

"That Kuro card is here for me." Kozakura reached out and looked for it in her skirt pocket, and took out which kind of ‘street card to eliminate the library’ and delivered it to Remilia.

"Eh eh?! How come you are here? I just sensed that two days ago, that Kuro card was more than a hundred kilometers ahead?" Remilia's face was puzzled. Emoji come.

"That beam of blood-red light came from you?" Zhang Xiang couldn't help being a little surprised.

Because he could perceive how tyrannical the power contained in that blood-red light beam was.

Even, there is a hint of other meaning in it.

No matter how you look at it, it's not like what a lovely girl with a trace of confusion can send out in front of me? !

It’s just that, after thinking about what kind of powerful magic oppression just passed from Remilia’s body, and her self-proclaimed identity (Dracula’s descendant), Zhang Xiang felt that it could be explained. Up.

Not to mention, Zhang Xiang still faintly felt that the young girl in front of her was actually not as childish as she appeared.

Although her original character is likely to be like this, she can't stand her being a vampire!

You know, vampires are longevity species.

To live long, even if they have maintained this kind of character, but the long-term life experience makes them mature automatically even if they don't want to.

Especially, what kind of mature posture will be displayed when it is important.

‘Maybe, Remilia in front of me is this kind of existence. Zhang Xiang glanced at Remilia, whose eyes were still teary, and this thought flashed in his heart.

"Ah? So, did you send out the two golden and purple magic beams of that day?" Remilia's face was also surprised.

"That, it should be." Zhang Xiang nodded silently.

He should have thought of it a long time ago, he had originally seemed to be advancing in the direction conveyed by that wave of magical power.

Because, in that torrent of magic power, he perceives the breath of the Kuro card.

And the girl in front of her owns the only lost Kulu card in this world.

Then, the other party must be the one that sent out such a powerful wave of magical power.

Not to mention, the other party has just shown his powerful magic power not long ago...

It's just that because he was immersed in the calculations of the system compass, he ignored this obvious thing.

At this moment, Sakura next to her also spoke.

"So, can we go back now?" Kozakura asked with a hint of surprise on her face, looking in Remilia's direction.

"Yes, I just need to analyze the magic that the two of them had displayed not long ago, and then I can return to that world based on the magic coordinates they displayed and the space coordinates I set in that world." Remy Leah also showed a happy expression.

After all, in this slightly primitive world, there is not her favorite black tea with blood type B.

There was no maid who listened to her, but a lot of smelly monsters.

You know, not long ago, a group of stinky monsters with short eyes flew past her, not only scraping off her beret hat, but also staining her clothes. Smelly smell.

Therefore, she was very angry.

Of course, it was a terrible thing to anger a vampire who was five hundred years old.

So, from that day on, that group of monsters completely disappeared from this world.

However, she still didn't know that her anger that day was to make a village survive from the endless monster attacks.

And that one village, unfortunately, is the village of a group of demon masters.

It's just that she doesn't know it yet.

However, even if she knew it, she, who is very childish and full of ‘majesty’ in character, would not care.

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