Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 956: , The curious knowledge of the world

"Also, big brother, what do you mean by ninjas under normal circumstances? Isn't it, what kind of ninjas specialize in assassination? And, in this world, there is really a hidden dark world , Do you have magicians, angels, demons, etc.?" Zhishi clasped his fists in front of his chest, and looked at the pair of angel wings behind Zhang Xiang with inquisitive and curious eyes. . See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

That look is as cute as it is.

Especially the way Zhi Shi usually reveals is a plain appearance.

Now it suddenly showed this kind of gossip girl characteristic, which really makes people feel a kind of contrast and cuteness.

In Zhishi's bright eyes, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but retreat a little.

He did not expect that a girl who usually looks so quiet will have a side that looks like a normal girl.

However, because of this, he was surprised that he had not accepted his identity so calmly by Zhishi, but because of the dark world in her mouth, he almost didn't choke on his saliva.

"Ahem...Well, is there any dark world in this world? I really dare not say whether there is or not. However, as far as I know now, there is really a magician. Existence, the others are not clear. As for the ninja profession in my mouth, it is a little different from what you think. How to say, which ninja profession I am talking about, although it is also an assassination, but more It's time to fight head-on..." Zhang Xiangqing coughed twice and said embarrassingly.

"But, big brother, aren't the wings behind you angel wings? Why don't you know of other existence? Also, where did you go just now? Why is Sakura wearing a witch costume? Is it the world of the devil?" Zhi Shi's thoughts jumped a little, turned his head and glanced at the clothes of Sakura next to him, then glanced at the wings behind Zhang Xiang, and couldn't help asking. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

In her mind, a lot of things may have been made up in her mind.

For example, Sakura was kidnapped by the devil, and Zhang Xiang, as an angel, desperately opened the space channel and went to the devil's world to rescue.

Or, Sakura changed from a magician to a witch or something.

"Ahem, that...what should I say..." Zhang Xiang's words hesitated.

After all, there are some things he cannot say, at least not now.

For example, he came from another world, and his angel power was obtained from another world.

However, at this moment, Remilia did a great favor to Zhang Xiang.

"Oh big bad guy, hurry up and take Remilia to the sports meeting. Remilia hasn't seen a human sports meeting yet" Remilia said to Zhang Xiang with a proud look.

"Ah, by the way, I haven't introduced this sister to you yet!" Zhang Xiang hurriedly walked two steps to one side, letting Remilia's figure in front.

Sure enough, Zhishi's attention was immediately diverted.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't notice you just now? By the way, my name is Daoji Zhishi, how about you?" Zhishi's face was panic and embarrassed, and apologized to Remilia next to him.

Then, with embarrassment, he asked Remilia.

She was too engrossed in exploring Zhang Xiang's angel wings just now, and she ignored the slowly descending Remilia in the sky.

After all, she didn't show it on the surface.

However, she was also slightly surprised that Zhang Xiang was not an ordinary person.

Therefore, such a thing will happen.

"Ah, Zhishi, I also forgot to introduce it to you. This is sister Remilia. She is very powerful." Sakura also started to follow Zhishi and introduced Remilia.

"Ah? You, hello. I am, wrong, my name is Remilia... I am very glad to meet you..." Remilia has probably not made friends for a long time, and there is a slight panic in the words. , I don’t know how to put my hands and feet.

"Hello, sister Remilia, we must be good friends." Daoji Zhishi smiled friendly and stretched out his right hand.

Her gentle smile, like a young lady, not only made people feel uncomfortable, but felt relieved.

Because anyone can see that Zhishi's smile is sincere.

"Well, good, good friend!" Remilia nodded, the trace of hostility in her eyes that had originally been toward Zhishi disappeared a lot.

I have to say that whether it is Sakura or Zhishi at Daoji Temple, it is the kind of existence that treats others with sincerity and makes it easy to make friends.

Moreover, this particular charm still exists in them.

Sakura's body is sunshine and friendliness, while Zhishi's body is quiet and sincere.

Otherwise, it can't be said that being a hatred towards human beings, but at least Remilia, who is also extremely low, would not be able to let go of them so quickly and become friends.

Perhaps this is the unique halo of the heroine and supporting actress?

"By the way, it's just that you just said that the game is about to start, so why did you come to see us? Didn't I disappear for a few days?" Kozakura finally recalled what Chihse had said. The loophole came, and asked with some surprise.

After all, for Sakura.

She has indeed traveled to another world, and has lived through a few days of life full of crises and strangeness.

However, from the words of Zhishi, she heard that she just disappeared not long ago, and even the next game she participated in has not yet started.

As expected, her father and brother knew that they were missing and were looking for them anxiously, but it did not happen.

This made her feel a bit of doubt while breathing a sigh of relief.

On the other side, Zhang Xiang didn't show any surprised expression.

Because, he had already guessed.

After all, the few worlds he traveled, from the time he traveled through the past to come back, time almost never passed.

It's just that he didn't know that this unsteady guess of his had caused a significant event to happen.

Of course, the impact of this matter has not yet been revealed...

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