Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 957: , The girl can't touch her head

"How many days? Kozakura, do you have any problems? Have you got a fever? It's only thirty minutes since you came here now?!" Zhishi's face stretched out with a worried expression. He touched Kozakura's forehead. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

"It's only thirty minutes?!" Sakura's face showed a surprised expression.

"But, but, I've been in another world for several days!" Sakura said in surprise with a trace of doubt.

Seeing Xiaoying's surprised face and Zhishi's puzzled face, Zhang Xiang had no choice but to speak out.

"That, there is a reason. You have to know that the flow rate of each world is different. Although the world is in the torrent of time. However, some worlds are floating in the torrent of time. The earth is fast, so the time in the world will be faster than other times. Well, it can’t be said to be fast. Fast is just the performance of our senses. How to describe it, it's like we stayed in that world A few days and a few years are better, but compared to that world, this world is only a few days or even a few hours. However, in those days and years, we are indeed experiencing, and will not follow We return to this world and become only a few days, or only a few hours. This is not different from the relative flow rate. How to say, do you understand?" Zhang Xiang paused, Then he asked Sakura and Zhishi.

It's just that, in front of Zhang Xiang, Sakura has become a circle.

Obviously, she was stunned by Zhang Xiang's series of words.

On the other side, Zhi Shi, showing a bit of understanding, nodded.

Seeing this look, Zhang Xiang had to sigh.

"Well, you only need to know that the time in that world is faster than ours. Look at the'hairy, thread, Chinese, Chinese, and net." Zhang Xiang stretched out two hands, some naturally in front of him. Only Loli touched her head.

However, he did not notice that the girl's head is not something that anyone can touch.

Usually, the only people who can touch a girl's head are the elders or very good friends.

"Ming, I understand." Zhi Shi blushed and lowered his head, and said to Zhang Xiang.

On the other side, Sakura, who has been living and dying with Zhang Xiang through many things these days, although she is already familiar with Zhang Xiang's touch.

However, there was still some blushing.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang suddenly felt a pain in his knee.

"Big villain, don't be busy bullying the girls, hurry up and take me to the student sports meeting!" Remilia put her hands on the pink and white lace dress, kicking her right foot with an angry expression on her face. Zhang Xiang's knee was kicked.

For Remilia's eight or nine-year-old appearance, kicking is really just where she can kick.

Unless she is flying, there is only one angle that is best to kick.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang was slightly taken aback.

"You, you seem to be a little taller?" Zhang Xiang looked at the seven or eight-year-old girl in front of him, and then imagined him in the world of Inuyasha, when he met her, that six or seven-year-old appearance , Obviously has grown up a lot.

However, at the moment of passing through the space tunnel, how could there be such a big change?

‘Could it be that the time we stayed in the world of Inuyasha is not a few days, but a few years. In Zhang Xiang's mind, this seemingly impossible thought suddenly flashed through.

However, in fact, it was just that he had been thinking too much.

For Remilia, the full moon is when she has the most strength, but at the same time she is the most ‘young’ in appearance... well, when she was young.

The identity of the vampire, while giving them the power of immortality, also bears a curse.

That is, their bodies will always be fixed at that moment.

And Remilia's six or seven-year-old appearance was the scene where she was frozen after she became a vampire.

At the full moon, her body will become petite due to her strength.

When Zhang Xiang met her in the world of Inuyasha, it happened to be a full moon.

Therefore, the Remilia he met would look ‘petite’.

After coming to this world, she will naturally become ‘bigger’ due to the loss of the full moon’s power.

"No, it's none of your business!" Remilia said to Zhang Xiang with a hint of blush on her face that seemed to be revealed by someone else.

In order to increase her persuasiveness, she also showed her little tiger teeth, with a cute'threatening' look on her face.

Well, it's a threatening look.

But in fact, it's more like selling cute.

However, she doesn't know it yet.

After Zhang Xiang’s reminder, Sakura quickly discovered this.

However, looking at Remilia's jumping appearance, she smiled and didn't ask about it anymore.

And it happened to be at this time.

There was also a voice from the broadcast of Na Tomoe Town Elementary School.

"Auditions, auditions... ahem, the swimming event of Tomoe Town Elementary School is about to begin. Students who participate in this event, please rush to the competition venue as soon as possible to participate in the competition. Repeat, repeat, please participate in the swimming competition as soon as possible Report to the competition venue and participate in the competition!" A voice that was slightly old, but full of breath, passed through the broadcast.

Zhang Xiang recognized that it was the voice of the headmaster of Tomoe Town Elementary School, a very kind old man.

However, at this moment, Zhishi's face also showed an anxious look.

"Sakura, come hurry up, I am looking for you because the swimming competition is about to start. We have to go hurry up, or you will be absent! By the way, big brother and sister Remilia, we Let's go first..." Zhishi's face was anxious, and she took Sakura's hand and ran towards the teaching building.

"Well, let's go there too." Zhang Xiang said to Remilia, who showed a very interested face.

"Yeah!" Remilia nodded happily.

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