Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 958: , I am not Tsundere!

After asking Remilia to hide the pair of bat wings behind her, and then disperse the pair of white angel wings behind her.

Zhang Xiang took Remilia and walked towards the place occupied by Xiaokong and the others.

"Brother, brother, here." Xiaokong stood up and waved to Zhang Xiang who was looking for Xiaokong and the others.

"Oh, Xiaokong, here comes." Zhang Xiang waved his hand in response to the other party.

After not seeing them for a few days, he already missed them very much.

And just as Zhang Xiang trot over, a petite figure trot over.

"Uncle, uncle, Sister Xiaoying's competition is about to begin" Xiao Chi trotting towards Zhang Xiang, with a flush of excitement on her face.

"Ah? Really?" Zhang Xiang stretched out his hands and hugged the little chick who trot over.

Her small face was full of happy smiles, and the waterfall-like black hair fell over Zhang Xiang's arms holding her body, making Zhang Xiang feel itchy.

However, he felt very happy when he felt the cute elf in his arms.

"Uncle, where did you go? Sister Meiyu, Sister Huahuo, and Sister Xiaoai are all looking for you." Xiaocu wrinkled her little nose and opened her big eyes, with a trace of nothing in her eyes. Said to Zhang Xiang with satisfaction.

"Oh, sorry, my little uncle just left for a while. So, forgive my little uncle, okay?" Zhang Xiang scratched his head and apologized to the young chick in his arms. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

"Well, I need Sister Xiaokong, Sister Meiyu, Sister Huahuo, Sister Xiaowei to forgive you." Xiao Xiao's eyes rolled, and said to Zhang Xiang with a funny smile in his eyes.

"Okay" Zhang Xiang said helplessly.

However, looking at Xiao Chi's cute look, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but smile.

This little chick is the cutest

"By the way, Xiaokong, make a call and ask Meiyu and the others to come back." Zhang Xiang said to Xiaokong.

"Well, I'll fight right away. Also, Xiao Chi, don't lean on your uncle, be careful to become a slacker." Xiao Kong nodded to Zhang Xiang, and touched Xiao Chi's hair with some dozing.

Then, she smiled at Remilia somewhat apologetically, and then called.

"Sister, Xiao Chi is not a lazy worm" Xiao Chi wrinkled her nose and said to Xiao Kong who was on the phone.

However, even though she said so, she still fell from Zhang Xiang's arms.

Because she likes her little sister the most. Well, there are also Sister Meiyu, Sister Huahuo, Sister Xiaoai...

After getting down from Zhang Xiang's arms, Xiao Chi found out that she was following Zhang Xiang, watching the sports scenes around her enthusiastically.

"Ah? Uncle, who is this young lady?" Xiao Chu pulled Zhang Xiang's pants, asked Zhang Xiang curiously on his face, stretched out his little finger, and pointed in Remilia's direction.

At this time, Xiao Kong finally finished the call and notified Meiyu and the others that Zhang Xiang had returned.

Moreover, she was also a little curious about Remilia's identity.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I haven't introduced you to it yet. This is Remilia, um, how can I say it, a tsundere who likes a little secondary disease, thinks of herself as a princess, and has a lot of bad temper. , But in fact, there are not many malicious girls coming." Zhang Xiang hesitated for a while, still did not truly introduce Remilia's identity like everyone else.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's introduction, Remilia also puffed up her chest, trying to show her majesty (selling cute) aura.

However, she did not expect Zhang Xiang to introduce her like this.

So, since Zhang Xiang’s left knee was injured, his right knee was also honorably injured.

"Ah, the idiot dared to introduce it like this, the great Remilia" Remilia yelled a little, and gave Zhang Xiang a right leg.

"Yeah, brother, how can you introduce girls like this!" Xiaokong also said to Zhang Xiang angrily.

By the way, Remilia who was kicking Zhang Xiang's right knee was also taken away.

Well, even though Zhang Xiang didn't feel much pain because of his small size and didn't use much effort, he still felt pain!

There is still a little pain in the knee kicks many times.

"Okay, sister Remilia, don't get angry. My brother is actually a good person, but he doesn't know how to cherish girls." At this point, Xiaokong was taken aback, and then, a little bit angry. He gave Zhang Xiang a glance.

After all, if Zhang Xiang doesn't know how to cherish girls, what's the matter with more and more girls in the family?

It's just that these are just a few moments in her mind.

When I thought that I was already Zhang Xiang's person, there was a blush on his face.

However, she still remembered what she was doing now.

"Okay, sister Remilia, it's nice to meet you. I am the eldest daughter of Xiaoniaoyoujia, called Xiaoniaoyoukong. You can call me sister empty or sister Xiaokong." Xiaokong He packed up the skirt, squatted down, and spoke softly to Remilia.

Xiaokong's smile was so gentle and self-healing that Remilia, who had not been in contact for a long time, also had a blush on her face.

"I know you very, very well, sister Xiao, Xiaokong...I, my name is Remilia, you, you can also call me Xiaolei..." Remilia said nervously.

On the other side, Xiao Chi also started to join in the fun.

"Sister Xiaokong, Sister Xiaokong, and Xiaoshu, Xiaoshu will also be introduced," Xiaoshu raised her little hand and said to Xiaokong excitedly.

And after Xiao Kong smiled and nodded, Xiao Chi also started to introduce herself.

"Sister Xiaolei, my name is Xiaochun, Xiaoniaoyoujia's young girl, she is three years old this year (It seems to be four years old? Because there is no New Year, it should be three years old, and four years old when it is false). "I’m already in kindergarten." The young girl of Xiaoniaoyoujia introduced herself full of vitality, so that people who saw this scene could not help but smile slightly and revealed a warm smile...

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