Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 969: , It's sister Xiaokong

And after talking to Zhang Xiang, the young chicks stood on their toes very excitedly, and greeted Meiyu who was on the starting line a dozen meters away. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

"Sister Meiyu, come on," Xiao Chi yelled to Mei Yu in that energetic voice.

"Well, it's okay, look at my sister!" Meiyu stretched out her right thumb, showing a smile that she was determined to win.

The situation is estimated to be not much different from what Miyu said.

Perhaps it is to let the children relax. Adults have chosen the more difficult level, that is, to find the things that need to be borrowed.

After all, those things that need to be borrowed may be found all over the playground.

And it didn't take long after Xiao Hina and Mi Yu finished greeting.

With a beep, everyone standing above the starting line ran towards the long table thirty meters away.

In different positions on the long table covered with white cloth, different papers were placed.

However, these papers are all combined, and do not show the true content.

Even if the player ran first, he couldn't open the contents to see it, but could just pick one at random and get it back.

This is also a change made to make the game more fair.

Otherwise, the advantage of the first person to run would be too great.

Not surprisingly to Zhang Xiang's surprise, even if there were sixth-grade children among the participants, there were also boys. Although Miyu did not have much upper hand at the beginning.

However, when she ran to more than 20 meters, she was already ahead of the echelon behind by about two meters. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

Don't think that the distance of two meters is very short, but this is calculated based on the actual situation.

The total running distance is only 30 meters, leading by two meters is already a remarkable result.

In the next moment, Miyu, who ran ahead, picked up a piece of paper from the tabletop and ran towards the return journey.

It's just that when running back, the people behind just rushed up.

Miyu was hit by a child who passed by and almost didn't fall.

And just when Zhang Xiang was taken aback and wanted to run over.

However, Miyu managed to stabilize her body and quickly ran towards this side again.

And, after more than ten seconds, he successfully handed the paper in his hand to the hand of the little chick standing on the long platform.

After receiving the note, Xiao Chi also quickly opened the note in his hand and started.

However, even if the text is written in katakana, it still seems a bit difficult for the three-year-old chick.

Therefore, her speed is a bit slow.

When the other players all ran back, and even two of them had already borrowed things they needed-the eraser and the cyan leaves, when they all said it, the young bird was considered to have finished reading what he was holding. Note.

But at the next moment, Xiao Chi's face showed a happy smile.

"Uncle, it's Sister Xiaokong, it's Sister Xiaokong" Xiao Chi's face showed a happy smile, as if she saw something that made her feel very happy.

However, Xiao Chi's words caused Zhang Xiang to be slightly taken aback.

Because, what is the matter with Sister Xiaokong that Xiaoxiao said.

Is it to bring Xiao Kong back, or the quest item is on Xiao Kong's body.

However, this doesn't allow Zhang Xiang to think about it. At a distance of ten meters away, someone is already on tiptoe, about to pick the green leaves on the low trees.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang didn't hesitate anymore, but he exerted a slight force under his feet.

The whole person's body was slightly lowered, and he'trot' in the direction of Xiaokong.

It’s just that for Zhang Xiang, it’s just a ‘trot’, but for others, it’s a very fast speed.

Everyone only saw Zhang Xiang stepping forward, and his figure was already flying to the side of the parents' auditorium.

To be precise, they ran to the place where Xiaokong and the others were.

Before Xiaokong and the others could react, Zhang Xiang had already stretched out his right hand towards Xiaokong.

"Xiaokong, come, hurry up!" Zhang Xiang said to Xiaokong anxiously.

"Me? Me?" Xiao Kong looked a little confused.

She didn't know what Zhang Xiang asked her to do.

However, at this moment, she felt that her little hand was suddenly caught.

Then, her body a little involuntarily stood up and threw into Zhang Xiang's arms.

The warm breath passed to her body, making her a little at a loss.

——She was dragged into her arms by Zhang Xiang.

‘What, what exactly is Zhang Xiang doing? How come he hugged me under the audience... Is he going to announce the relationship between us... "Shy thoughts flashed through her mind and made her cheeks appear A layer of blush.

Just, in the next moment.

She somewhat understood what Zhang Xiang meant.

"Come with me, Xiao Chi says your name..." Zhang Xiang grabbed Xiao Kong's right hand and ran towards Xiao Chi's direction with her.

With Xiaokong blushing, Zhang Xiang dragged her for a trot of more than 20 meters and came to the high platform.

Then, before he stopped, he picked up the chick quickly and ran towards the final destination.

At the same time, Miyu also started to run quickly.

Although, she was also a little puzzled why Xiao Xiao would pronounce Xiao Kong's name.

However, in this competition, there is rarely a situation where people need to be borrowed.

And in such thoughts, Miyu left behind the petite body that was holding Xiao Hina in one hand, holding Xiao Kong's delicate left hand with one hand, and slightly pulling Zhang Xiang, who was running forward, continued Ran forward.

Xiaokong's feet are constantly moving, but because he is not wearing sports shoes, but sandals, he is not running very fast.

She was running while observing Zhang Xiang's profile.

With that serious expression, she felt the warmth of holding her on her left hand, making her face even redder.

It's just that, at this moment, the voice of Xiao Chi rang...

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