Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 970: , Chong, Chong, Chong

"Uncle, hurry up, we are going to be overtaken. Watching'hair, thread, Chinese, text, net" Xiao Chi's tender and worried voice rang in Zhang Xiang's ear.

And when Zhang Xiang turned his head slightly, he also found that the father who was picking leaves was already holding his son and ran to a short distance next to Zhang Xiang, and was about to surpass Zhang Xiang.

Except at this time.

However, Zhang Xiang turned his mind and came up with a way.

"Okay, no problem. But, you have to hug the chicks a little later," Zhang Xiang said to the chicks in his arms.

"Well, Xiao Chi will do!" Xiao Chi nodded heavily.

Although she didn't know Zhang Xiang's plan, she trusted her little uncle very much.

Because what Zhang Xiang promised her, there is still nothing impossible to do.

But after Xiao Chi agreed, Zhang Xiang turned his head to look in the direction of Mei Yu beside him.

"Miyu, after I hold Xiaokong up, I will stop for a short period of time. You have to take advantage of that short period of time, jump on my back and hug me! Then I will Leading you to the finish line." Zhang Xiang quickly said to Mei Yu beside him.

After hearing Zhang Xiang's words, although Meiyu was a little confused and hesitant, she nodded firmly after thinking about it for a while.

"Then, let's start!" Zhang Xiang said to everyone beside him.

"Eh eh? Brother, what were you talking about just now?" Xiaokong listened to Zhang Xiang's words, and couldn't help showing a surprised face. He covered his mouth with his little hand, and couldn't believe what he heard.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't discuss anything with Xiaokong. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Because, with Xiaokong's character that puts family first in everything, she would never allow Zhang Xiang to take such risks.

But what she didn't know was that even if the weight he carried was more than ten times, or even dozens of times, there would be no problem.

Moreover, based on Zhang Xiang's reaction nerves, it is impossible for him to let Xiao Chi and the others fall.

However, there is no time to discuss this at this time.

So, at the next moment.

In the enthusiastic expression of the young youngster, Zhang Xiang hugged the young youngster on his neck and asked the young youngster to hug his head tightly.

Then, with his right hand, he pulled Xiaokong's body slightly in front of him.

Before Xiaokong could react, he leaned down slightly, wrapped his left hand around Xiaokong's foot in the dress, and hugged her.

At this time, Xiao Kong's face still showed the surprised face just now.

"Stop, stop..." Xiaokong's face showed surprise, and said quickly towards Zhang Xiang with a trace of anxiety.

She was a little worried that the little chick sitting on Zhang Xiang's neck and holding Zhang Xiang's head would be dangerous.

However, Zhang Xiang did not stop.

"Don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with the young chicks. Also, don't move, wait for everyone to fall down, that's not good." Zhang Xiang smiled and said to Xiao Kong in his arms With.

At the same time, his body also stopped and looked in the direction behind him.

Without the slightest hesitation, Meiyu had already jumped up with a smile, and threw herself on Zhang Xiang's back without the slightest mistake, her hands wrapped around Zhang Xiang's shoulders, and her feet were clamped on Zhang Xiang's waist.

At the next moment, Zhang Xiang ran again.

Moreover, his speed didn't slow down the slightest, but accelerated even more.

Moreover, his movements are still not deformed at all, so that no matter whether it is the little chick sitting on Zhang Xiang’s neck, the little sky held by Zhang Xiang, or the beauty on Zhang Xiang’s back, they don’t feel the slightest. The bumps.

It's just that only Miyu can feel this.

The young bird was in joy, and laughed like a silver bell, seeming to regard it as a horse riding game.

As for Xiao Kong, he was already staring at Xiao Hina nervously, afraid of any signs of her sitting unsteady.

Within two seconds, Zhang Xiang had already rushed to the two fathers and sons who had surpassed Zhang Xiang by several gods, and surpassed them in the next instant.

At that critical moment, he crossed the finish line first.

"Yeah! The little chick won." The little chick who straddled Zhang Xiang's neck let out a cheering sound.

At the same time, Xiao Kong couldn't help but put his hands in front of his chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Zhang Xiang put down Xiao Kong's body and let her feet touch the ground.

Behind Zhang Xiang, while Zhang Xiang lowered his body slightly, Mei Yu also jumped from Zhang Xiang's back.

"Brother, you just ran so fast!" Meiyu ran to Zhang Xiang with a look of excitement, and said to Zhang Xiang.

And the young chick who was still resting on Zhang Xiang's shoulder also nodded in agreement.

"Well, my little uncle is the fastest, whoosh, whoosh, my little uncle crossed the finish line, so fast" Xiao Chi also waved with her little hand, and said happily in a tender voice.

"Thank you for your compliment," Zhang Xiang agreed with some joy.

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Xiao Kong couldn't help but snorted.

"Brother, if you continue to mess around like this in the future, I will ignore you. And Miyu, don't make a fuss, what if you accidentally fell down just now?!" Xiaokong said angrily.

"But, didn't things happen?" Mei Yu muttered.

"Meiyu!" Xiaokong stared angrily.

"Okay, okay, I'll listen to my sister in the future" Meiyu surrendered with both hands, and said to Xiaokong.

For Miyu, a little joke is fine, but it is not able to provoke her sister.

It was not because she was afraid of her, but because Miyu knew that her sister was really worried about them, that was why she would act like this.

At this time, Zhang Xiang also took the initiative to'attract firepower' and mud.

"Okay, okay, it's all my fault. I promise that I won't mess up in the future." Zhang Xiang stretched out the three fingers of his right hand, swearing, and said to Xiao Kong.

"Hmph, it's good to know, then I'll let you go this time" Xiao Kong said arrogantly though.

However, everyone who knew her knew that her anger had disappeared.

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